The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 12

In Aelwolf forest a youth can be seen fighting a demon wolf. the youth has neat clothes without a speck of dusk but the wolf has multiple of injuries. Beside them, there was another 5 dead wolfs.

"don"t hate me, I am doing this to level up and get stronger," the youth said and the crimson fire started to generate from the sword.

The youth was Lloyd. He was in the forest for a week and killing wolf whenever he sees it.

Seeing the crimson flame, the wolf body shivered.

Lloyd slashed towards the wolf, the sharp crimson arch generated from the sword traveled towards the wolf. it cut the wolf from head to waist.


-congratulation for killing middle rank 1 beast-

-25 EXP gained-


-level up-

-achieved origin 5th stage-

-displaying new status-


Name- Lloyd Fenix

Status- healthy

Cultivation- origin 5st stage

Bloodline- purple phoenix

EXP- 0/500

Skills-Phoenix rebirth (bloodline)

basic sword art (95%)

basic fist art (90%)

shadow steps (75%) (rank 1)


For the past few days, he was hunting and leveled up to origin 5th stage. Because of battles, his martial skills of sword art and fist art reached peak completion and shadow steps reached major completion.

He learned to control fire and ice to easily. Now he can integrate it with his skill to make them even stronger like he did crimson sword flash earlier.

Now the majority of beasts in the area was killed by him. He can"t even find any beasts. During his search for beasts, he found the demon wolf"s den.

It was at the bottom of a mountain situated at the center of the forest. Demon wolf present there are more than 100. Majority of them are early rank 1, which are nothing in front of him.

After a short rest, he started towards wolf"s den. As he reached towards the den he could hear the howls of wolfs. Before he reached near the mountain, he meets another group of wolfs. He killed the in few breaths.


-congratulation for killing early rank 1 beast-

-15 EXP gained-



-congratulation for killing middle rank 1 beast-

-25 EXP gained-




-congratulation for killing middle rank 1 beast-

-40 EXP gained-


He then rushed towards the valley. It was filled with wolfs. Because of last few days, his mental strength increased otherwise he could have peed his pants.

He then rushed towards the center of the pack without any notice.

Seeing a human appear in between the pack without their attention. All the wolfs altered and howled to gather the pack.

Hearing the howl, he placed hands behind his back with an evil smile and waited for all wolfs to gather around him.

Lloyd released his killing intent.

Wolfs surrounded Lloyd but none of them advanced towards. They all waited for another wolf to rush towards the human to test his strength.

"This is boring. Since none of you are coming. I shall finish it fast" saying this Lloyd brought a crimson flame in the shape of the ring above his finger.

He released it. The flame ring expanded and rushed to all direction and burning anything in its path.


-congratulation for killing early rank 1 beast-

-25 EXP gained-



-congratulation for killing early rank 1 beast-

-25 EXP gained-




-congratulation for killing early rank 1 beast-

-25 EXP gained-


-level up-

He felt very happy that he leveled up but when he looked towards the wolf the was confused to find more are still alive.

Among them, only a few are gravely injured and most of them only have minor injuries.

When he looked up their ranks he shocked and finally understood. According to Intel he got, there was only one peak rank 1 demon wolf but here there were more than 50 peak rank 1 beasts.

All early rank 1 was killed during the flames and middle rank 1 was gravely injured and can"t move.

More than 50 peak rank 1 wolf was standing with light injured. Seeing their fellow wolfs get killed, they were very angry and veins appeared in their eyes looked towards the human.

Seeing their anger, Lloyd didn"t care. He lifted his right leg and gathered qi in it. It shined with a dark blue glow.

He stamped the leg into the ground. Cracking sound could be heard as the ground started to cover with a layer of ice.

Ice covered the entire valley. Its temperature dropped rapidly and started freezing.

He wanted to freeze the ground because it will decrease the agility of the wolfs.

Drawing his sword, he turned towards the wolfs and said loudly, "COME ON"