The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 14

Lloyd can feel his eyes lose focus. He knows that if he waits any longer, he will die of blood loss.

"system, is there a way to escape?" he asked the system

-a.n.a.lyzing situation-


Option 1-Make a run for it

Survival rate-0%

Option 2- fight

Survival rate- 30%


"How can I fight this thing. my abilities can"t even scratch it"

-the host can only survive with bloodline power-

"bloodline power"

Lloyd was confused. He knows that his bloodline is the purple phoenix. But he can"t use it.

-yes, the host can force bloodline to combine fire and ice. It will create a powerful attack which may kill even earth stage-

-the host is advised that this ability can be used once a day.if this ability is used continuously, the host may lose his bloodline and cultivation, as it uses the blood of host as the source. If host want to use it freely, you must find elemental cultivation technique of both fire and ice-

Lloyd tried to feel his bloodline and tried to use it as system instructed. He knows that it is one time shot and wanted to do right away but he can"t follow Grax"s movement.

If he missed, he will be finished. He tried to think a way for it to work.

He thought of one method but it was risky. He tried to find other method but couldn"t.

"let"s risk it" he comforted himself and turned Grax.

"Hey, doggy," Lloyd said with a smile and waving his right hand towards Grax as meeting a friend.

"who are calling doggy" Grax was enraged.

"this puny human dared to call him doggy. He is mighty rank 3 beast" Grax thought.

"Do you really want to know who killed your pack?" Lloyd said with a mocking smile.

"Who? Did you say dragons did it earlier?" Grax said while looking at Lloyd.

"do you really think dragon will come here? You idiot. I am the one who killed them. Ha…Ha….Ha" saying that Lloyd laughed.

"YOU!!" Grax shouted and rushed towards Lloyd.

Seeing Grax coming to kill him. Lloyd didn"t panic and leaned towards the right and showing his undefended left side towards Grax.

Grax bit on Lloyd"s left shoulder, wanting to end Lloyd"s life. Grax stared directly into Lloyd"s eyes see his soul leaving his body and die.

This was the moment Lloyd was waiting for. He started to gather qi in his right hand.

A red qi appeared and after blue qi appeared. A cut appeared in the middle of his hand as blood started to collect along with both of qi.

After blood mixed, both qi started to mix together and a purple qi appeared. It danced like a flame.

As Grax was focused on his eyes, he didn"t see Lloyd"s action. Lloyd used fist art and hit on the head of Grax.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" as the flame hit him, Grax cried.

"what is it? Itssssssssssssss burning" Grax said while rolling on the ground to put out the flame.

It was no ordinary flame. Grax couldn"t put out the flame. it covered his entire head.

"shessssssssssssssssssssssssss" a sound appeared as Grax"s head got devoured by purple flame.


-congratulation for killing peak rank 2 beast-

-250 EXP gained-


Lloyd looked towards Grax and found that his body was still burning after his death. After a while, his body disappeared with the flames.

-condition to level up achieved-

-level up-

-reached the earth stage-

-mission completed (reach earth stage)-

- new bloodline skill gained-

-refreshing stats-

-displaying new status-


Name- Lloyd Fenix

Status- wounded, blood-loss, near death

Cultivation- earth 1st stage

Bloodline- purple phoenix

EXP- 70/1000

Skills-Phoenix rebirth (bloodline)

Summon spirit (bloodline)

basic sword art (96%)

basic fist art (93%)

shadow steps (80%) (rank 1)


Lloyd just saw his stats and suddenly his eyes lost focus and he could fell his life ending. He couldn"t do anything. He can"t move anymore.

"So, this is where I die" Lloyd said to himself. he started to recollect all things happened in this life and past life.

Just as he was about to die, he felt a warmth from his dantian and traveled all over his body.

-Phoenix rebirth activated-

Lloyd"s body started to burn in purple flame. He injuries started to heal. Flame traveled to his left arm.

Lloyd got itchy on his left arm as new left hand grew back.

-Cultivation decreasing-

-locking bloodline skill (Summon spirits)-

-refreshing stats-

-displaying new status-


Name- Lloyd Fenix

Status- healthy

Cultivation- peak origin stage

Bloodline- purple phoenix

EXP- 70/1000

Skills-Phoenix rebirth (bloodline)

basic sword art (96%)

basic fist art (93%)

shadow steps (80%) (rank 1)


Lloyd sat up looked towards his newly grown left hand and thrilled as his life got saved.

he was feeling lucky that he got purple bloodline. Just then he saw new notification and new stats.

"system, why have I decreased my cultivation" he asked.

-the side effect of bloodline skills-

-information updated about Phoenix rebirth-


Phoenix Rebirth

An ability processed by Phoenix. It can heal phoenix if single breath left in it.

Side effect- because of the energy used in rebirth. Cultivation will decrease a minor realm
