The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 16

Lloyd tried many times but couldn"t enter the chamber. Every time, he stepped into the chamber he will feel heavy pressure and system would shut down always.

He searched the hall of any clue but couldn"t. at last, he gave up.

To find what in that coffin, he has two options.

One is to get stronger then come back and try again.

Other is to get help from his father. But he didn"t want to do that. Because it may lead to the discovery of the purple phoenix bloodline within him.

He left the forest and headed home. He completed his training and another reason is all strong beasts are killed by him.

As he walking a city appeared by the horizon. It was the city of Harle, his home.

The first thing appeared when one sees Harle from outside is its city walls. They are 25 feet in height. It was made by large stone boulders infused by defense formation.

It circles around the city. It protects citizens from magical beasts outside.

The city was ruled by fire phoenix clan. From history books, it is said that the city was built because of the Phoenix Clan. They protected mortals from beasts. So, mortals built a city around the Phoenix Clan.

In Harle, Fire Phoenix clan is the only clan. They would allow any other clan from entering and occupying their city. Other clans didn"t question their authority.

Among the top 10 clans in the country. Fire Phoenix clan is positioned at 2nd place, just below the imperial dragon clan.

Ice Phoenix clan is ranked 3rd in place. They ranked third because of the position of their clan. Which was situated at the north, among the snow-covered mountains otherwise both phoenix clan would have tied in their position.

The imperial Dragon clan are the rulers of the country. They are dragon bloodline cultivators.

Unlike the Phoenix clan, dragon bloodline cultivator"s abilities change from person to person.

Even father and son have different abilities. According to what he knows, dragon bloodline user"s cultivation art was called Dragon transformation art. They train their body which ultimately reaches near to a dragon"s body. Which in turn strengthen their abilities.

The major business in Harle is owned by the Phoenix Clan. They maintain private guards to rule of the city.

Fire Phoenix clan was positioned at the center of the city. The clan and the city are separated by another wall reaching 35 feet and greater defense formation.

Currently, Lloyd"s clothes were torn. His chest piece had four cuts caused by claws and an entire piece from shoulder to his arms were missing. he looked like a beggar.

To enter the city, one must go through four entrances in four directions. Each entry point was divided into two gates.

Common gate and VIP gate. All mortals, tempered body stage cultivators, and origin stage cultivator must use the common gate.

VIP gate can be used if one is a member of the Phoenix clan or a cultivator at earth stage or above.

The common gate will always be crowded. Business vehicles can be seen waiting for entry.

Lloyd directly went to VIP gate and just as he was going to enter.

"Hold it" a guard posted at the gate came forward and stopped Lloyd.

"What is it?" he looked the guard with an anger in his eyes. His mood was already very bad since the tomb at the top of the mountain.

"don"t you know only phoenix clan members can use his gate?" the guard said while blocking his path.

"don"t block the gate here. Get out my sight before I beat the s.h.i.t out you" the guard said

"I am a member of Phoenix clan," Lloyd said

Hearing this young man from the Phoenix clan, the guard agitated. He knows that he can"t mess with Phoenix clan members. He can"t figure out if the young man before him is really Phoenix clan member.

"what going on here?" just then, a young man came. He was riding a horse. He saw the commotion at the gate and came.

This young man was Bernie Fenix. He was the grandson of the third elder of phoenix clan. He was Lloyd"s cousin. He had a deep brown hair with bushy eyebrows. He was short and skinny. He was currently at 15 years. He wore crimson color clothes.

"younger master Bernie" the guard greeted and moved towards him and explained the situation.

After listening to the guard, Bernie turned and looked at looked at Lloyd. His face turned and gave an evil smile and said, "who the h.e.l.l are you? Trying to disguise as phoenix clan member. Guards beat him up"

Seeing his smile Lloyd understood that Bernie recognized him. Bernie was the side which opposed his parent"s marriage the greatest. Bernie was currently at origin 2nd stage. He always bullied previous Lloyd.

Hearing Bernie, the guards stationed at the gate rushed towards Lloyd. The guards were all at later stages of the tempered body.

Lloyd beat him instantly and looked towards Bernie. He rushed towards him using shadow steps and kicked him in his face.

Bernie flew from the horse and crashed on the street.

"you!!...…. how did you get his strong?" Bernie said while trying to stop the blood coming from his nose.

Lloyd ignored him and went towards Bernie and kicked his stomach.

Bernie held his stomach and cried in pain. He vomited some blood.

The guards saw this and were shocked. Some attacked phoenix clan member in board daylight.

Lloyd stomped his face on Bernie"s face and asked, "WHO AM I?"

Bernie didn"t say anything. He still can"t believe that the trash he always bullied was now beating the s.h.i.t out of him.

"I asked you a question, WHO AM I? now say it" saying that Lloyd released his cultivation.

Felling the pressure, Bernie got scared and said, "YOU ARE THE SECOND YOUNG MASTER OF PHOENIX CLAN, LLOYD FENIX"

"heard that" Lloyd turned toward the guard who stopped him.

"yes…yes… young master Lloyd" the guard said with fear in its voice.

Lloyd lifted his feet and kicked Bernie in his face and left.

"now you can rest in peace. I fulfilled your revenge" Lloyd thought as he was saying to previous Lloyd.

Just as he said it. He felt like a weight lifted from his shoulders. He felt free.

Lloyd reached home without any incident. Just as he opened the door and looked inside, he was shocked.