The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 20

In the country of Agrausa, the capital city was called Hielle. It was located at the center of the country. It was closer to Harle.

Hielle is surrounded by walls just like Harle. At the center of the city, there was a mountain. Above it was the castle of the imperial dragon clan.

Hielle was twice the size of Harle and its population reaches 5 times. Majority of n.o.bles live in Hielle.

In the castle, a lady can be seen sitting and drinking evening tea.

She looked like a young maiden at prime. She had a blond braided hair. He wore neat white clothes with a hint of the blue by the side. Her skin was smooth and she had a fair complexion. She had pale yellow colored eyes. She had a curvy body. She was a world-cla.s.s beauty. But if one look carefully one can see cold eyes that scare anyone. She was the second most powerful person in the country. The Empress of Agrausa. Her name was Lucia Dragoon.

Just then two shadows dropped in front of her and kneeled. They are covered in black clothes, only visible are their eyes.

"did you find anything?" Lucia asked without looking at them.

"no, your majesty. We have searched for 15 years and couldn"t find Alvin nor his hometown. All over the country there was never an Alvin match his description. It is as if he appeared out of thin air" one of the black clothes person replied.

"LEAVE" she shouted.

Hearing her shout. Both left immediately. She couldn"t believe, even with the network of the country, she couldn"t find Alvin.

The one called Alvin was her beloved. She met him 15 years ago. They fell in love shortly after. But suddenly he disappeared one day.

She searched for him but couldn"t. she fought and won the crown and wanted to search for him using kingdom"s spy network.

But for 15 years, she couldn"t find anything. She couldn"t even find where he was from.he was like a ghost who never existed. She continued her search even now.

"I will definitely find you," she said as consoling herself and looked at the city view down from the mountain and disappeared from her location.


At the same time, In the famous tavern in the capital. Lloyd was sitting by the window and enjoying the view.

"This capital is bigger than I expected," Lloyd said and looked down.

He could see Derek and Kalea leaving together by holding hands. They looked amazing together. His father said that both of them are a match made in heaven.

While seeing them Lloyd got jealous. He was dumped in his last life. He still had feelings for her. She was never close to him like Derek and Kalea.

He shook his head trying to forget about her. He got and left the tavern. He wanted to find something to distract him.

The capital city was crowded and you can see people from all over the country. Today, the people were more than normal because of the auction.

He b.u.mped into people a few times. He was irritated and left the city.

He left for the famous frozen lake appeared mysteriously outside the capital 15 years ago. He wanted to see it when he heard his father mentioned it before leaving.

As it was evening. The cold of the frozen lake reaches maximum so hardly anyone will be there. Cold wouldn"t trouble him because of his bloodline.

He reached after walking for half an hour. He saw a huge lake reaching 800 meters in diameter which was completely frozen.

The temperature here is freezing. Even early earth stage cultivator will be frozen to death in this climate.

As the sun set, its rays got reflected by the ice and created beautiful shades of light before him.

Just as he was enjoying he heard a voice

"I love you more in that I believe you had liked me for my own sake and nothing else"

Lloyd followed the direction the voice came and found a lady looking at the lake and in her own world and didn"t notice him.

The lady was Lucia dragoon, the Empress.

"that was amazing," he said to her.

"who?" Lucia was startled hearing Lloyd. She didn"t think anyone could be here now.

"sorry for surprising you. I just thought that the words you said were amazing" Lloyd said.

Lloyd just then saw that the lady in front of him was at peak of sky stage. He was shocked. She was far stronger than his father and his grandfather.

"how can you be here?" Lucia asked. She knows that because of her cultivation she can stay here without freezing. But the youngster before he was only at peak origin stage. he was fine in this cold.

Lloyd know what she is asking about he said, "my bloodline resist the cold. So, I am fine here"

Hearing this her curiosity over Lloyd increased.

"have you lost your loved one?" Lloyd asked her.

"why do you say that?" Lucia asked Lloyd in a surprised tone.

"otherwise you wouldn"t say those words here," he said.

Hearing him, Lucia"s heart healed a little and she smiled a little.

"yes, I miss him," she said and looked towards Lloyd and said, "kid, you are interesting. if fate holds it. Let"s meet again"

Without waiting for his reply, she disappeared.

Lloyd was still mesmerized by her smile and didn"t hear her words.

"in the end, who is she?" he thought.

After leaving the frozen lake, Lucia directly went to the castle.

"why do that kid feels familiar" Lucia thought