The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 26

A few moments earlier,

"Captain, did you feel NO-5 was different than usual?" one of the men said.

"what do you mean?" the captain asked.

"normally when NO-5 sees us, he will be scared and will lower his head. But he directed looked into our eyes now"



Just as they were discussing, their heard sounds of sword clashing. They rushed towards the sound.

When they reached the source, the saw a middle-aged man releasing a purple sword arc towards their companion. They watched in horror as their companion burned by purple flames.

"how dare you?" the captain shouted while looking at the middle-aged man

He trained his men himself. he was not angry because he lost someone but because of the waste of resources used in training them.

As Lloyd heard his voice and looked at the captain and 8 men behind him and said with a smile, "just feeling bored recently. Just then I saw the kidnapping and thought, "should I try to become a hero"".

"you guys stay here. This man is powerful even with its low cultivation. I will handle it" the captain said to his men.

He doesn"t want to sacrifice any more of his men.

"you will pay for what you have done" saying that the captain withdrew his saber from his back and advanced to Lloyd.

Seeing the captain advancing towards him, Lloyd positioned his sword.

Captain sliced his sword towards Lloyd and kill him with a single shot. Lloyd defended with his sword. He was pushed back to a few steps and he almost lost his balance.

Lloyd could battle with other stronger than him but the difference between him and the captain is too much.




Lloyd was pushed back further and further. he vomited a mouthful of blood.

"I can"t continue to go on like this" he thought.

"you made me do this" Lloyd said.

"Whatever you do, today you will fall for what you have done," the captain said.

Lloyd started to circulate his bloodline and activate his new Phoenix art. His body started to glitter with a purple glow.


Phoenix state activated


"what"s going on?" the captain asked. He could feel huge presence trying to emergence from the man before him.

He heard a scream of a bird and a huge bird appeared before him. The middle age man before him vanished.

"is that a phoenix. He must be someone from phoenix clan...…wait...….what the h.e.l.l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...what type of Phoenix is that?" captain thought.

"WHO h.e.l.l ARE YOU?" he asked while feeling scared inside.

The one appeared before him was looked like Phoenix but it was in purple color. He could feel his gut telling him to run.

When purple phoenix appeared, the entire mansion lit up in purple color. Purple flames could be seen burning on the wings of the Phoenix.


The Phoenix released another cry and it flapped his wing and flew into the sky. It released purple flames to the captain and his men.

Captain dogged in time but his entire squad got burned by the flames and disappeared.

-congratulations for killing earth 4th stage cultivation-

-400 EXP-

-congratulations for killing earth 5th stage cultivation-

-500 EXP-

-congratulations for killing earth 5th stage cultivation-

-500 EXP-

-congratulations for killing earth 5th stage cultivation-

-500 EXP-

-congratulations for killing earth 4th stage cultivation-

-400 EXP-

-congratulations for killing earth 6th stage cultivation-

-600 EXP-

-congratulations for killing origin 6th stage cultivation-

-600 EXP-

-congratulations for killing earth 6th stage cultivation-

-600 EXP-

-level up condition reached-

-leveling up-

-leveling up-

-refreshing stats-

-displaying new status-


Name- Lloyd Fenix

Status- healthy

Cultivation- earth 4th stage

Bloodline- purple phoenix

Physique- none

EXP- 350/4000

Skills-Phoenix rebirth (bloodline)

Summon spirit (bloodline)

basic sword art (96%)

basic fist art (93%)

shadow steps (80%) (rank 1)


Seeing his team disappeared, he didn"t know what to say. The rushed out of the mansion to escape. Lloyd followed him from the sky.

On the day, people in the capital saw a purple bird rising and chasing after a man. Some of them found that this bird resembled phoenix. But this was the first time they saw a purple phoenix.

The captain ran out of the city and rushed to the forest but he could see Phoenix right behind him.

Seeing that he was outside the city, Lloyd didn"t hold back anymore and unleashed his fury.

The captain saw purple flame descend from the sky and surrounded him. He knows the horror of this flames. In a moment, he was surrounded by flame.


He was fully consumed by the flame.

-congratulations for killing earth 9th stage cultivation-

-1500 EXP-

Seeing that his enemy was defeated he changed back to human form. Just as he changed back he got a notification from the system.


Weakened state

Due to using phoenix state without reaching the sky, causing the body to be weakened for 3 days.


-refreshing stats-

-displaying new status-


Name- Lloyd Fenix

Status- weakened

Cultivation- earth 4th stage (weakened to peak origin state)

Bloodline- purple phoenix

Physique- none

EXP- 1850/4000

Skills-Phoenix rebirth (bloodline)

Summon spirit (bloodline)

basic sword art (96%)

basic fist art (93%)

shadow steps (80%) (rank 1)


Lloyd could felt like someone has placed a heavy weight on his body and he couldn"t walk properly. He slowly walked back to the inn. n.o.body noticed him because they were busy discussing the Phoenix appeared above the city.