The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 28

Lloyd returned home a week ago. The side effect using phoenix stage was gone. He returned to his full power. Currently, he was thinking of his next stage of training.

"System, bring up my stats"

-displaying status-


Name- Lloyd Fenix

Status- healthy

Cultivation- earth 4th stage

Bloodline- purple phoenix

Physique- none

EXP- 1850/4000

Skills-Phoenix rebirth (bloodline)

Summon spirit (bloodline)

basic sword art (96%)

basic fist art (93%)

shadow steps (80%) (rank 1)


The incident at the capital was forgotten like it never happened. All the higher-ups acted like it never happened. You could only hear about it from local folks.

Lloyd originally thought that there will be a huge trouble caused by the appearance of the purple phoenix but it was swept under the rug. He asked his father about this.

"Don"t ask about this anymore?" Alder said with a serious look.

His father won"t talk anything about it. Today Lloyd could see elders came from ice phoenix clan and meet his father.

At the clan"s main meeting.

2 old man and a middle age man could be seen with alder. They are from an ice phoenix clan. The middle age man is Rodney Felix. He was the brother of Esvele. He was current clan master of ice phoenix clan.

He has deep blue eyes. He had a well-trimmed face with a small chin. His body was thin with thin arms and legs.

Ice elemental normally causes one to have a lean body and fair skin like a lady. Sometimes one may mistake a man for a woman.

"did you find anything about him," they asked Alder.

"no, after that incident he disappeared," Alder said.

There was a moment of silence between them and the Rodney looked at Alder and said, "brother-in-law, I know he is your friend but you must remember that you are the clan master. You must keep the clan before anything else. Last time he appeared he almost destroyed both clans. You mustn"t forget that"

Hearing him, Alder"s face changed.

"what do you mean almost destroyed the clans. You people are the one who first attacked him and he was just helping me and Esvele" Alder said with visible anger in his face. He almost rushed and beat the h.e.l.l out this fellow.

Alvin was his friend and he helped him many times. Alder knows that many of the elders of both clans will till try to kill him if they had a chance.

"maybe you want revenge, last time he beat you to a pulp" with a small smile on his face Alder teased as recounted Rodney"s past.

"YOUUU!" Rodney shouted as black lines appeared on his face and his face changed red due to anger.

"both of you, that"s enough," the elder said.

After a while, Alder and calmed down.

"from what we know, Alvin was peak sky stage 15 years ago. When he attacked, both of the previous clan masters fought him but still lost. We had to compromise. After that, both clan masters was injured and pa.s.sed on the position to both of you. If Alvin returned he may have advanced to heaven stage and if he attacks again, we will be finished" the elder said while sighing and thinking about the future.

"elder, I don"t think he will attack. If he wanted to, he may have already done it" Alder said while nodding his head.

"I also wish that"s true. Because of him, we are already weak and he did come, the only option is to be destroyed"the elder said while looking sad.

"let"s forget about him, we should discuss the clan tournament," Alder said while trying to divert the topic.

"now you said it, my son will defeat your sons and win the tournament," Rodney said while his face changes happier.

"in your dreams, my son will win it" Alder didn"t hold back and said.

"then let"s have a bet shall we," Rodney said with a smile.

"what bet?" Alder asked in confusion.

Rodney thought for a while and said, "if my son win, they will hand over your sword"

Rodney knows that Alder treasures his sword and if he got it, he could showcase in his clan and torment Alder whenever he came.

"YOU!!....." Alder couldn"t believe this rascal really planned to sham him.

Alder thought for a while as him a smile like a devil appeared on his face and said, "then if my son wins, then I want your daughter"

Hearing Alder, everyone"s mouth almost dropped.

Seeing everyone look at him in a weird way, Alder was confused.

"What happened? Why are you all like that?" Alder asked in confusion.

"YOU….YOU…YOU…..pervert. I didn"t know you had that side. I must tell sister about this" Rodney couldn"t believe Alder said that. He stood up to go back to ice phoenix clan and tell his sister.

"What?" Alder asked them with a confused face and thought about what happened.

As he thought he faces changed to deathly pale. He rushed towards Rodney and said, "Stop…Stop…. Don"t get me wrong. I am talking about Lloyd, not me."

If esvele heard about it. She may come and kill him.

Hearing him, elders and Rodney sighed in relief. The thought Alder turned to the dark side.

Normally bloodline clan will marry members within the clan to maintain purity. After Alder and Esvele got married and had children. both clans found that their bloodline purity increased. so, Alder proposed marriage for Lloyd with Rodney"s daughter.