The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 34

The first round of the tournament was finally finished as the sunset. Many didn"t understand how Lloyd won. there were many discussion about Lloyd.

Currently, Lloyd was resting. After coming to ice phoenix clan, Lloyd felt as a fish returned to the water. The coldness of the surroundings was soothing.

Currently, Lloyd was thinking of something. Just as he entered the mountain region to come to ice phoenix clan, he felt an eye looking at him. At first, he thought it was just cold messing with his senses. This feeling increased as time pa.s.sed.

Like today for some reason, he felt strongest as someone is watching right behind him. He just can"t shake that feeling.

He sat to mediate to get his mind straight. He started using his Phoenix art and cultivated.

Just then he felt eyes behind him rushing towards him and enter his body.

His mind felt disarranged as an image appeared in his mind. It was an image of a mountain peak filled with snow and storm blowing.

He could see a bear-like creature with ice scales on his back roaming around. They were crystal bear.

Just then the image change towards a cave above. It looked like a normal cave but for some reason crystal bears avoided it.

The image changed as he felt like zooming into the cave. Inside the cave was pitch black and he couldn"t see anything.

Lloyd looked around to find out what is inside. Just then he felt the same eyes on him. He looked towards the deepest part of the cave and saw two deep blue glowing eyes staring at him. As he saw that, the image in his mind disappeared and he woke up. He was still in his room.



-new mission available-


Search the source of your vision

Rewards-2500 EXP


Seeing that new mission appeared after a long time, Lloyd was excited.

As he leveled up, EXP gained from beasts at a lower level almost got negligible.

"system, show my present stats"

-displaying status-


Name- Lloyd Fenix

Status- healthy

Cultivation- earth 4th stage

Bloodline- purple phoenix

Physique- none

EXP- 1850/4000

Skills-Phoenix rebirth (bloodline)

Summon spirit (bloodline)

Sword intent (27%)

Fist intent (26%)

shadow steps (92%) (rank 1)


If he completed this mission, then he could level up and reach earth 5th stage. he was also curious for what was that thing in that cave looking at him for sometimes.

He left his cabin and search for the information about his vision and find that mountain peak.

After sometimes, he found out that the peak he saw was the highest mountain peak in the region filled with crystal bears.

Crystal bears are territory beasts. Normal crystal bears are rank 2 beasts. From his vision, he saw many crystal bears. From the looks of it, there may be rank 3 crystal bears. So, he must be careful not to alert it.

He secretly left the clan during the middle of the night. From his cultivation, only few could detect him. So, he left without anyone knowing.

He took a map as he followed in the direction towards the peak. The path was different from the normal path, it was filled with snow more than 2 meters in depth. he could be buried if he was not careful.

His eyesight was clear even in the dark. He saw various beast roaming like a white fox with two tails called tailed fox. Its rank could be found by looking at its tails. Since it has two tails it was a rank 1 beast. A newborn tailed fox has 1 tail. Its fur perfectly matching the surroundings as it wouldn"t be detected if one didn"t look carefully.

Lloyd ignored it was continued his way as he reached the base of the mountain. He immediately used spirits to turn invisible and erase his presence as he climbed the mountain.


Just then he heard a sound as he looked he saw a crystal bear which was at early rank 2.

He wanted to kill it for EXP. Then he remembered bears had a keen sense of smell. If he killed, it may alert other bears and it may lead to a group attack against him.

A group of rank 2 crystal can even kill peak earth stage cultivator. They have solid ice armor protecting them. so, killed them will be a headache.

Lloyd went around crystal bear as he continued his way.