The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 3

After lunch, Lloyd went to his father and got the pa.s.s

"what got into you?!. Asking for a pa.s.s which you had no interest till now" his father asked him surprised after giving him the pa.s.s

"just nothing, just want to flip through some book. I am bored recently and decided to go to the library" Lloyd said and just as he wants to head to the library he thought of something

[ Is phoenix art in the library?]

"Dad, can I find phoenix art in the library"

"No," he said while looking his son while thinking

[Why is suddenly asking about Phoenix art. since has no phoenix bloodline he can"t use it. So why? Is someone forcing him to find about it]

"Lloyd, ..... is someone forcing you for phoenix art?" he asked his son seriously

Seeing his father full commando mode and ready to beat someone. He was startled.

[Does he not have trust in me. Why would someone force me] while thinking Lloyd said "dad, no one forcing me I was just asking so I could look through it"

"it"s all right if no one behind you. We can"t let someone outside the clan get phoenix art and the most important thing is if your mother finds out you are mingling with the wrong crowd...…. I can"t even think, what she will do?"

"if it"s about Phoenix art, it is not written but transferred from one generation to other orally. If you want to learn it as a father I am the one who should teach you" saying he pulled out two chairs made Lloyd sat down and with a wave of his hand a red barrier appeared. It will block others from listening in.

"listen carefully and memorize" saying that he started to recite phoenix art

Lloyd listened but he couldn"t understand a major part of it. After a while, his dad finishes reciting.


-Fire Phoenix art obtained-

-wish to learn it-


Who would say no?. he said yes telepathically to the system.

Next sec a large amount of information appeared in his was phoenix art. He closed his eyes to browse through it.

Alder looked towards his son whose eyes are closed but moved time to time

[ did he memorize all of it. I had my father recite me 28 times till it got it] he was surprised by his son"s actions

-Fire Phoenix art learned-

Still, Lloyd didn"t open his eyes and trying to communicate.

"system, why do I all phoenix art in my mind. What do you mean by obtaining phoenix art"

- "host, the system is connected to every part of host even anything seen, heard, sense by the host will be recorded and important data extracted like phoenix art and help host memorize faster"-

"so, and I can memorize anything once seen like photographic memory"

- "yes"-

- "host, the system can also a.n.a.lyze any type of data"-

Lloyd was surprised and happy that he got the system

Alder saw his son open his eyes. He said, "have you memorized it?"

"yes," Lloyd said still feeling happy and light slime on his face

Alder was surprised but was happy that his son was smart but put on the normal face without any expression

"then dad, I will see you later" Lloyd got up left

Seeing the leading figure of his son, Alder got an idea

"since he has super memory I should try to make him a scholar" he knows his son couldn"t cultivate so being a scholar is a not a bad thing and with his memory, he could make name for himself.

"Esvele will be surprised when she hears about it"

Lloyd went straight to the library since he has two reasons to come here. One was to obtain martial skills since even though he was tempered body 9th stage he knows nothing. he was like muscle brute without knowing how to use any of muscles. since phoenix art can only be cultivated after one reached origin stage. Another reason is he wants to learn more about the world.

After a while, he reached the library. It looked majestic three-floor mansion. Guards can be seen patrolling at regular interval. Rows of steps are at entrance towards upper levels. By the entrance, an old man can be seen sitting at the table. He has a long white beard. From what he knows that old man is one of clan elder and librarian.

"good afternoon elder" he greeted the old man

"Ohh!! ... is it young master Lloyd. What brought you here" Old-man was surprised. From what he knows Lloyd never entered the library

"I am just here to browse some book," Lloyd said

"okay you are permitted to enter ground floor and first floor. To enter the second floor, one must be the origin stage to pa.s.s through barrier placed on the stairway to the second floor and be earth stage to enter the third floor"

Hearing it he thanked the elder and entered the library.