The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 36

Lloyd looked at Eira as he was still shocked at what"s happening in front of him. An actual phoenix is standing in front of him.

"my... Name... is ...…. Lloyd" Lloyd introduced himself but his voice was weak and cracked.

"don"t be afraid of me, kid," Eira said.

As he heard Eira, Lloyd nodded his head.

"I just called you to ask something, that"s all," Eira said.

"what"s that" Lloyd replied as he was confused about what is a phoenix want from him.

"what are you? You are not a phoenix but your blood purity is little greater than mine" Eira asked.

Eira"s face came forwards to Lloyd to look at Lloyd. She was interested in Lloyd as soon felt him and she wanted to hear all details about Lloyd.

Lloyd was surprised as he heard his blood purity is even greater than Eira. The one before him was a phoenix and it is saying that his blood is purer than Phoenix"s. He was confused but his face didn"t show it.

"system, what did Eira mean by my bloodline purity" Lloyd asked system.

Since the system was the one who helped him to get purple phoenix bloodline, he knows that system has answers he asked.

-During bloodline fusing, the system also purified bloodline as an introductory bonus offer-

Lloyd didn"t know what to think. System purified his bloodline and didn"t tell him. Wasn"t that the main thing.

Lloyd sighed internally and asked, "what"s my blood purity"

-estimated at 99.8%-

"kid, what are you thinking about?" Eira as she saw Lloyd was zoned out.

Hearing Eira, Lloyd raised his head and looked at her as pondering about something.

"what"s Eira"s blood purity" he asked system.

-scan initiated-

-scan completed-

-Eira"s blood purity estimated between 75% - 81%-

"what the h.e.l.l? You call that little greater. ...huh..... that"s the difference between heaven and earth" Lloyd thought.

Lloyd knows that increasing bloodline purity even by 0.001% will be like climbing to the heaven.

The one before him was a true phoenix but still, its purity only reached 81%. While his purity is rocking at 99.8%.

What the h.e.l.l of the logic is that.

As he was shouting and scolding at the system for not informing about purity before, he saw Eira still looking at him.

"I must come up with something. I can"t say that a mysterious system was the source of my bloodline. She may dissect me to find system within me. What ….. to ...…do?" Lloyd thought.

As he thought of a logical excuse. It hit him.

"I...… my... bloodline was gained by me when I touch a rock. It was said to be from out of this world" Lloyd said while acting sacred.

"meteorite, you say. Where is it?" Eira looked at him and asked seriously.

Eira wanted to find it. If it can purity her bloodline then she can become stronger.

"it is in a city called Harle, My home. It was in the middle of a lake. I found it when I went for a dive" Lloyd said while looking like he was telling the truth.

Hearing Lloyd, Eira thought for a while and said, "then I will check out that lake later. If I didn"t find anything I will come back for you. You can"t hide away from me, Lloyd"

Seeing Eira believed him, Lloyd was laughing inside. If by any chance she finds that meteorite, with her cultivation she can find that meteorite is not from this world. If she comes and finds him for the reason, the meteorite is not working. he may say that its power may be used by him. It"s a perfect plan.

As he said this, Lloyd looked at Eira and felt confused. If she wants, she could have checked it within mins with her cultivation. But she said that she will check it out later.

"something"s wrong" Lloyd thought.

He looked at Eira carefully and then he saw something. it was with her cultivation rank. At first, he didn"t notice it as he busy processing about her rank 7 cultivation.

It read "Rank 7 (weaken to peak rank 3)"

Lloyd was confused as he looked at Eira and asked, "Eira, are you injured?"

Hearing Lloyd, Eira was surprised as she looked at Lloyd in astonishment.

"how did you know about my injuries," Eira asked.

Eira was confused. Only being equal or stronger than her can see that she was injured. But now a kid with weak cultivation could see her injuries. She was confused as she looked at Lloyd.