The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 4

After entering the library, rows of shelves of books appeared before his eyes. He can see books as far as he could see. Cultivators keep knowledge above everything. Knowledge is power. One can"t train in a skill without knowing full details above them. Skill is created by the senior martial artist after years of tempering. But those super cultivators can"t come and teach every signal person. Cultivators need resources so they sometimes sell martial arts they created. Various clans and sects collect them by exchanging resources. Which they learn or teach to their juniors.

After asking around from fellow junior clan members who in the library he learned that in the ground floor all technical skills books like an animal(ordinary), plants, various species of magical beats…. etc. They also have doc.u.mented history.

From the first floor onwards manual for cultivation and martial skills.

While browsing for books on the ground floor, a book caught his attention because of its name "How to start cultivation for dummies: part 1"

Seeing t.i.tle, he kind of interested in it. He took the book and opened it. It was a thin book with a few pages.

"if you are reading this you are interested in cultivation. Before starting there are some things to keep in mind. Cultivation is a long and lonely path. You may physically and mentally be damaged. Sometimes you may go mad. So, those without a very strong will and endurance, close this book and live a mortal life"

After these words rest of the pages where bank. He turned the page.

"so, you will want to be it. I will introduce about cultivation world and basic knowledge"

"normally human is mortal without a power. Cultivation is going against the will of heavens. So, the first stage is the foundation stage known as tempered body stage. Foundation is everything so without solid foundation one will never reach higher level"

"tempered blood stage refers to tempering body ready for future stages. It strengthens the skin, muscles, bones, and organs."

"during the first two stages, it strengthens skins. Third to fifth stages strengthens muscles. Sixth to seventh stages strengthens bones and eighth to nine stages strengthen organs"

After which he saw the various diagram for human exercise to strengthen the various path of the body

"after one reaches peak tempered body stage one can start the cultivation technique"

"human has 3 dantian. Lower dantian below naval. Middle dantian in between chest. Upper dantian in between eyebrows"

"when a reaches origin stage qi started to form in lower stages. That"s when one truly starts cultivation. Ways to form qi is taught in your respective cultivation manual"

"one can"t be called true cultivator if one doesn"t master the martial art. It helps to bring full power and potential to play during battle. There are several types of martial arts like attack type, defense type, movement type"

"cultivation technique is of two types they are qi cultivation and body cultivation"

"martial art and cultivation manual are ranked serval stages with respect of power, ability and the minimum requirement for their learning"

"rank 0, rank 1, rank 2,...…. Respectively and further divided into 3 types like early rank 0, middle rank 0, peak rank 0."

"rank 0 manual"s minimum requirement is tempered body stage, rank 1 manual"s requirement is the origin stage. Every increase of one rank increases requirement by one major realm".

These were last pages of the book. He closed it, placed it back.

"system have you recorded everything"


"upload everything to my mind" he said to the system.

He just read it and didn"t remember it but he has a cheat system so why care.

After receiving a data, he continued his search. He went through some books, from which he got to know a lot about this world.

The name of the country in which he lives was called Agrausa. it was surrounded by vast snowy mountains in the North. Desert on the west. Ma.s.sive forest towards the east and sea on the south. It was totally isolated country.

The city he lived was called Harle which was at the center of the country closer to the capital of the kingdom.

The kingdom exists for 10,000 years. His clan was one of top 10 clans in the kingdom.

It is said that king was sky middle stage cultivator and guarded by heaven stage cultivator.

From what he knows his father was genius of the previous generation was only early sky stage. While his mother was peak earth stage.