The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 47

Derek thought back the brought he a book from a street vendor at the capital. Normally he wouldn"t even notice it but somehow it caught his eye and immediately brought it because of the t.i.tle of the book.

It read "Understanding and How to mingle with Women".

It contained many things explaining about women and one of the chapters were explaining about fear to talk or express your feeling to your loved woman.

"I just changed few words and removed all about women and added cultivation and this b.a.s.t.a.r.d brought it.


I am a genius" Derek thought to himself which brought a small smile to his face.

Darrin"s got rid of other feeling and seeing Derek"s smile he got ready to fight. he wanted to prove to himself that he was not afraid anymore.

Seeing his opponent was going to fight, Derek was feeling happy inside as he thought, "I should go easy on him otherwise it may destroy his self-confidence he gained now and he may once again quit"

Derek was itching to fight for some time and finally got a chance. So, he was going to enjoy it to the fullest.

"Are you going to fight or not?" Elder Wade asked as he felt that the partic.i.p.ants are taking too long and was only talking instead of fighting.

"yes," Darrin said as he moved and attack Derek with his fist.

Derek crossed his arms and welcomed the attacked.


A sound was heard as the attack landed on Derek.

Derek didn"t move nor flinched as he received it.

"Not bad," Derek said while looking at Darrin and continued, "but you have to put more force into it"

Darrin wasn"t surprised when he saw that his attack was not effective. He knows that he was too weak now, but he will get stronger if he somehow managed to overcome his fear.

"I can"t give up now" Darrin thought as he could feel that he could break-thought at any moment if he continued to fight.

Darrin once moved towards Derek and this time as his life depended on it. He put his entire strength, even overusing his qi and attacked Derek.

Derek"s face changed when he saw what Darrin was doing to himself.

"did I break him" Derek thought.

The attack landed on Derek and it resounds as it had much larger force.

"wow… that was some attack" one of the audience said.

By now everyone was enchanted by Derek"s speech and they unconsciously started to worship him.

Just as he received the attack, Derek couldn"t believe it as he could steady himself and moved back up to 3 feet before he could regain his balance.

Seeing that he finally pushed Derek backward, Darrin"s face had a smile as he fell.

"I did it" Darrin thought as he felt pain from all over his body and couldn"t move an inch.

"I was pushed backward" Derek thought as he couldn"t believe it as he looked at the fallen Darrin.

"Do my words have so much power to overpower a week fellow like him?" Derek thought.

Just then a fluctuation in qi appeared.

"how happening"

Everyone was confused by it and try to locate its source.

"it"s coming from Darrin," an elder said as he looked at Darrin. Everyone"s attention attracted to Darrin.

Qi started to circulate faster in Darrin"s body without his involvement.

"what going on and where did this qi come from?" Darrin who was laying there was confusion. He knows that he fully emptied his reveres in the last attack.

Qi started to collect around the area with Darrin as the center and it started to slowly got absorbed by Darrin.

As qi entered his body, his dantian got refilled and started to expand.

"don"t tell me that I am breaking through" Darrin thought as he knows that when someone breakthrough, their dantian will expand to acc.u.mulate more qi.

Just then the strange qi fluctuation stopped.

"what just happened," someone said but n.o.body replied as they were focused on Darrin.

Darrin who was feeling excited when he heard a sound in his mind as he broke through. Qi which was running wildly inside his body previously calmed down and returned to normal as nothing happened. The only difference was that the pressure of Darrin increased.

"he broke through"

"that amazing"

The audience saw this was surprised.