The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 5

After browsing through. He even recorded a book about magical beats and herbs and went towards the first floor.

The first floor was like the ground floor but smaller. It contained books about the tempered body.

There were also books of previous generation"s experiences and their tips about the tempered stage.

Since qi is only generated in origin stage, all martial arts of tempered body consist purely on physical conditions. So, all martial arts are like basic fist art, basic sword art, basic spear art which creates a foundation for rank 1 martial art learned with consist of qi.

After thinking for some time Lloyd decided to select sword art, fist art and shadow step which is a movement skill. It also has rank 1 manual edition which completes it, in which one can move fast so that the will only see a shadow.

-obtained basic sword art-

-obtained basic fist art-

-obtained shadow step (incomplete)-

After leaving the library he went to his mom esvele to get ice phoenix art.

Even though his parent is powerful cultivators they didn"t find him being tempered body 9th stage since it is just tempering the body like exercise didn"t use qi which can be sensed and another reason is they know their son couldn"t cultivate. They tried many methods and pills for him to cultivate since his childhood which all resulted in failure. They thought that their son is just interested in cultivation technique.

After he reached home he called for the system

"system, a.n.a.lysis both phoenix art and create an appropriate phoenix art for me"

-starting a.n.a.lysis-

-estimating completion-

-estimated to be 10 days-

"so, it will take ten days" he thought.

Seeing the condition of his room he was annoyed. He was too lazy to clean the room.

"now I started cultivation it will be too troublesome to manage home himself. I should have a maid ...…. But with all maid in the clan, if he asked his parent they will arrange him one but he has secrets. Mainly about his purple phoenix bloodline. He the progenitor of this bloodline and third phoenix bloodline in the country. He doesn"t want others to know about it until he was strong."

"um..... what to do? ...….. that"s it! why don"t I buy a slave"

A slave is branded with a slave contract with their master. It makes them listen to every command of the master.

After check in his money pouch, he found 2000 gold coin which was his savings. As a young master of the Phoenix clan, he gets 500 gold coin a month as allowance.

In this world, currency is the copper coin, silver coin, gold coin and royal coin. 1 copper coin equal to 1 dollar on earth.

1 silver coin is equal to 100 copper coins.

1 gold coin is equal to 100 silver coins.

1 royal coin is equal to 100 gold coins.

10 silver coin will be enough of a middle-cla.s.s mortal family to live a month.

After he left the clan toward slave market. Unlike his brothers who are famous for being the future heir of the clan, he was not known to others outside the clan. A lot of people know about the second young master of the Phoenix clan but hardly anyone saw him.

The previous Lloyd didn"t like to socialize. He was always in his room training. hardly ever left.

Slave shop was another end of the city. He walked slowly while enjoying scenes of the city.

There was horse carriage pa.s.sing by from time to time. One partial carriage got his attention because it was a high-end carriage like one used by clan. It was pulled by ma.s.sive horses twice the size of a normal one.

"system, what type of horse are they?"

- "they are wind horse, a rank 1 magical beasts. They are normally used by rich people. They travel 20,000 KM per day. Using wind qi as boost, they can travel faster than any other horses known"-

"amazing!!.... those crest on its side which he doesn"t know."

"which clan are they?" he thought

"From the direction, they are going they will reach Phoenix clan. Maybe some big shot clan came to meet father"

After he reached the slave market. He was greeted by middle age fatty. He introduced the prices of slaves.

Prices depend on age, s.e.x, and cultivation.

For a mortal slave, price ranges from 50 silver coin to 50 gold coins.

For the tempered body, slave price ranges from 100 gold coin to 1000 gold coin.

"Oh!... I could like tempered body slave, better be a female with a good look" Lloyd said.

"of course, sir we have 197 slaves on the tempered body. Among the 78 are females. With few exceptions, all are beauties" the fatty grinned. Since higher the sale higher commission he gets.

After he took Lloyd to slave area. All of them in prison. He followed fatty for sometimes.

"these are all mortal slave. Tempered body slaves are kept up ahead with stronger prison due to their strength" fatty said,

"how does one become a slave?" Lloyd said.

"one status is reduced as a slave when one commits a great crime or one gets sold as a slave. Sometimes parents sell their children as a slave for money. Sometimes due to debt one will be sold as a slave" fatty said while thinking.

"Ohh!... I would like a non-crime slave. I don"t want any trouble caused by her and she should able to do household works" Lloyd said while thinking

"okay" fatty said

After we reached tempered body slave area

"you over there, a.s.semble all female non-crime slaves with household skills" fatty order a man who was looking after the slaves.

After a while, 5 female slaves were a.s.sembled in a line. All of them was a beauty.

But their eyes were dark, head held down like there was no hope left in life. Who would have hope if one becomes a slave?

"Sir, all of them are tempered body 2nd stage except this one she is tempered body 1st stage" saying it he pointed out.

"if you want higher cultivation level they will be crime based slave" fatty said

Lloyd looked towards them

"system scan them"

-scanning initiated-

-scan completed-


-Slave 1

Name- ?????

Status- malnourished

Cultivation-tempered body 2nd stage

Bloodline- None –


-Slave 2

Name- ?????

Status- malnourished

Cultivation-tempered body 2nd stage

Bloodline- None –


-Slave 3

Name- ?????

Status- malnourished

Cultivation-tempered body 1st stage

Bloodline- None –


-slave 4

Name- ?????

Status- malnourished

Cultivation-tempered body 2nd stage

Bloodline- phoenix(fire) (50%)–


-Slave 5

Name- ?????

Status- malnourished

Cultivation-tempered body 2nd stage

Bloodline- None -


Lloyd saw all the status.

"huh" When he one of them has phoenix bloodline he was surprised.

He looked at her and decided and pointed towards her and said, "I will take her"

"Okay sir, It will cost 250 gold coins," fatty said

Lloyd took 250 gold coins from the punch and gave to him.

"thank you for your purchase sir. If you drop one drop of blood on the slave crest in between her chest. She will be yours" fatty said excitedly while weighing the coins.

Lloyd cut his finger and let a drop a blood on the crest. After it glowed which indicated slave contract completion.

"follow me," Lloyd said to her and left slave market with her.