The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 8

On a sunny day, a youth can be seen practicing with a sword. He swings it so beautifully. He was moving back to fro and side to side. His legs can"t be some by normal eyes.

If one saw him right now one will be mesmerized. He was Lloyd. He was practicing basic sword art and shadow steps for last 15 days. He already completed all basic body tempering exercised a few days ago.

Now he could control his body efficiently and move in the way he wants.

Martial skill takes time to practice and a lot of effort. So mastering a skill is divided into stages

When one master a skill 25%, it is called minor completion

When it is 60% it is called major completion. When one master it to 90% it is called peak completion. If one completely masters the skill it is called perfect stage.

Mostly every cultivation will have minor completion in all his skills. Only after one practice to minor completion then only one can use the skill in battles. Otherwise too many flaws will appear which enemy will take advantage of it. which may even cause death.

-mission completed (learn any attack skill)-

-mission completed (learn any movement skill)-

He finished practicing and went for a bath. As he laid in the tub he thought about all the thing happened for past few days. Half a month ago, he was back on earth studying for college, watching anime, reading novels and enjoying the prime of his life with his friends.

On his last day, he got drunk. His girlfriend just left him. That day was raining. He left bar was heading home when a thunderstruck him. Then he woke up here.

He sighed and said, "system, bring up my stats"


Name- Lloyd Fenix

Status- healthy

Cultivation- peak tempered body 9th stage

Bloodline- purple phoenix

EXP- 30/50

Skills- basic sword art (25%)

basic fist art (20%)

shadow steps (25%)


Lloyd saw his mastery of the skill. He reached minor completion for basic sword art and shadow step. But his basic fist art stopped at 20%. He need actual combat for more practice.

He got up and went out of the bath. Taenya prepared his change of clothes. At first when she heard him say he was second young master of Phoenix clan Lloyd Fenix when froze for few moments.

After showing her his house. He later mentioned her to his parents. Taenya finally settled in his home after few days of maid lessons from his mother"s personal maid.

Unlike on a day, he met her in the slave market now she was cheerful. She was 21 this year. She was a mature beauty.

He taught her body tempering exercises. He can see her practicing during her free time.

"Taenya, later I am going for close cultivation. So later go to my mother and say that I am tired and tell her, "I will not attend dinner tonight" " he said to her.

He went to his room sat cross-legged on his bed and started his new Phoenix art. He wants to break to the origin stage.

Clan meet is will held 3 months later. There will be a martial art tournament among the younger generation. He wants to remove his trash from his name.

Since he is already peak tempered body 9th stage, he body foundation is fully built for gathering qi in his dantian and break to origin stage.

Qi started gathering from the surrounding towards his dantian.

-mission completed (cultivation of purple phoenix art)-

-level up-

The purple glow started from his dantian and run across his body. His body starting shaking. He heard a sharp screech of Phoenix in his head. His bloodline awakened.

-scanning host-

-refreshing stats-


Name- Lloyd Fenix

Status- healthy

Cultivation- origin 1st stage

Bloodline- purple phoenix

EXP- 0/100

Skills- basic sword art (25%)

basic fist art (20%)

shadow steps (25%)


He continued to cultivate till morning to stabilize his cultivation. He eyed opened his eyes excited but next moment he smelled a nasty smell.

He looked down and found black gluey material all over his body. He knows this was impurities extracted from his body after reached origin stage. He held his nose to block off the smell and headed for a bath immediately

At that moment, Lloyd didn"t know because of his advancement and awaking of bloodline, a huge commotion was caused all around the world.

When he woke his bloodline yesterday, every bloodline cultivator in the world felt a tremor of bloodline indicating new bloodline has emerged.