The Ruler Of All

Chapter 66

"Then I guess that we should continue on our path to the demon-human choke point." Ku w.a.n.g said as he turned around and started to sneak towards the Demonic army camp. He seemed to be going towards the camp but then would make turns that would let the two pa.s.s by easily without being detected. Zhu Long quietly followed Ku w.a.n.g, keeping his guards up and listening to the demons in the camp. "You! Where are the prisoners?" A harsh and deep voice came into Zhu Long"s ears, as Zhu Long walked, he started to pay attention to the voices, trying to understand what they were saying. "Sir! They are currently in the cells, being fed. But a few have refused to eat. It seems like one is a cultivator at the 3rd Stage of Soul Foundation, the rest seem to be mere mortals, most likely villagers." Another voice replied, his voice seemed to have some fear in it, as if he was afraid of the man before him. "Argh! What do you mean? Those hostages are useless. Keep the cultivator, kill the rest, we don"t have any use for them. And bring me the p.r.i.c.k that brought these useless humans! I"ll skin him alive with those useless villagers! I told all of you to only take the cultivators, we have no use for the weak ones!" The harsh voice seemed very angry and annoyed. "Yes Sir! I will take the villagers to the execution field. But sir.. I do have a question…" The other voice replied slowly. "What is it!?" The man asked, showing more annoyance. "Well, Why do we require this much human cultiva…" Swoos.h.!.+ 


That was the last thing that Zhu Long could hear. He had already walked far enough to the point of not being able to hear the conversation. "From that last sound, I can guess what happened.." Zhu Long had already guessed that the man had been killed by the superior demon, it was obvious by the fact that his voice had already shown some annoyance and also his harsh manner. Zhu Long sighed and shook his head, there was a small feeling of guilt radiating inside of him. "I promised Brother Ku that I wouldn"t get involved at all, no matter the circ.u.mstances.. I guess that he had already guessed that this would happen and knew that I would want to get involved. Well, although it does feel guilty, I have to keep my word.." Zhu Long said to himself as he looked back at the camp. At this time, the two of them had already crossed the army camp and were once more on their way through the forest. A thought came into Zhu Long"s mind as he followed Ku w.a.n.g, "Brother Ku, I"m sure that you heard that Demon"s words, What do you think are the demons going to do with those human cultivators, I don"t think that they would want to exchange the hostages for something.." Ku w.a.n.g looked towards Zhu Long and sighed when he heard Zhu Long"s question. "Brother Lin, I was hoping that you wouldn"t ask me that question… Well those demons were only of lower cla.s.s, I"m sure that the angry guy himself didn"t know what they were going to do with the humans. He was probably following orders from the higher ups. If I had to make an a.s.sumption, I would say, concocting a devil pill or to improve a demon"s talent.." Ku w.a.n.g didn"t try to beat around the bush and answered Zhu Long"s question truthfully, he knew that there was no point in keeping that a secret but he did try to not make it as huge of a deal and said that it was an a.s.sumption. Zhu Long"s face went dark, he didn"t know that the reasons for gathering up cultivators was something as harsh as that. But he sighed as he knew that at this moment, he couldn"t do anything. "How does that work?" Ku w.a.n.g was curious about how the cultivators were being made into devilish pills or being used to improve the demon"s talents. "Well, even I Don"t know that. I"ve never researched that topic as I could never handle something as vile and disgusting as that but what I do know is that it contains mutilation…" Ku w.a.n.g said with a disgusted face, it seemed like he hated this topic completely.

"This.." Zhu Long also felt somewhat disgusted by the thought of using human organs as a cultivation resource. "If this is being done among the demons, I"m sure that similar things are being done by humans to some demons, this is a war after all and everything in war is fair.." Zhu Long let out a long sigh. He couldn"t do anything but feel helpless at the condition of the world. "Brother Lin, we are approaching another camp, after this one, it"s a direct route to the choke point, so let"s quickly sneak by this camp as well and just rush towards the city." Ku w.a.n.g said in haste. It seemed like he couldn"t wait to get to the choke point. Zhu Long nodded and followed Ku w.a.n.g. "Brother Ku, have you ever been to the choke point?" Ku w.a.n.g shook his head when he heard Zhu Long"s question, "No, I"ve never been to the choke point. From what I"ve heard, if we ignore the bad and immoral activities there, it is like a dream city, filled with different traditions and cultures, all coming from demons as well as humans. You can find Human-Demon couples, living in the choke point, making it their home." Zhu Long seemed very surprised by Ku w.a.n.g"s answer, "Brother Lin, I thought that we were going to some choke point, but this.. It sounds like you are taking me to a city like the capital of some continent.." It was true, from Ku w.a.n.g"s wordings, Zhu Long had imagined a capital city of a continent, large in size, filled with many things to buy, many places to roam around and explore. "Well Brother Lin, there are only a few choke points between the demon continent and the human continent, well 7 to be exact, which go all around the human continents, reaching every place possible… Each of them are cities of dreams, filled with everything that one might need. We were just lucky as the choke point was relatively close to it…" Ku w.a.n.g answered Zhu Long"s question.

Zhu Long was even more surprised by Ku w.a.n.g"s words, "I expected the choke points to be some small trade area where people can come, trade goods, maybe sleep for a few nights in an inn and go back but it was a bigger deal than I had imagined, Now I feel like seeing the choke point for myself. But it feels weird calling it just a choke point, I need to ask if the city has a name.." Zhu Long found it weird calling the palace a choke point so he asked Ku w.a.n.g, "Brother Ku, I"m sure that the city has a proper name.. It feels weird just calling it a choke point so can you tell me it"s name?" Ku w.a.n.g nodded and answered, " The one were are going to is the City of Pride.."


"Well, I was near the Olive Dressings restro in my car when a sudden thump sound came into my ears, it was a woman who seemed to be asking for help. At first I thought that I would one one of those fake cases but after I saw that fear in her eyes, I couldn"t ignore her. I let the woman in my car to take her to the police station but as soon as I got into the car, I heard voices of some rich p.r.i.c.ks, who seemed to be searching for a woman that ran away, which I a.s.sume was the woman who i saved. As soon as I turned my car on, they shot towards it, even breaking my back window. But after I got out of the alley way, I was in the clear. I drove up to the police station and the woman walked in and I don"t know what happened to her afterwards as I left as soon as I took her to the police station." I did want to make a fake story but I"m sure as h.e.l.l that this devilish woman could find out my lies in seconds so I had to tell the truth.

"What! Why did you even think of saving that girl? What if she was just a really good actor? What If the gun had hit you? You nearly jeopardize the mission. Wait, your back window is broken, I"m sure that those italian mobsters would get weary of you if you bring that car and park at their Restro, just part a few blocks away and go to the restro in a cab. That will not arouse any suspicions.." Mrs Kane seemed to be very angry yet concerned with me. At least she stopped screaming in her phone and thought about me for once, this might be a once in a lifetime thing, I met with a beautiful woman and then, Mrs Kane isn"t that harsh with her words as well, even to the point of telling me to be careful, she had never done that before, it was always Sophie, Her secretary that said goodbye with a be careful attached to it.