The Ruler Of All

Chapter 118


As soon as Xiang Yue said that the First Elder of the Sword Sect would arrive soon, Zhu Long noticed something different about the environment, everything seemed to feel a lot heavier, Ku w.a.n.g and Zhao Chuntao seemed to also feel the same. For some reason, the three seemed to feel like something was pressing on them and this something was gradually pressing harder and harder, Zhao Chuntao had already started to lose control of her breath, she looked like she was having a hard time breathing properly. As this pressure increased, Ku w.a.n.g had also started to feel difficulties, he also felt similarly to how Zhao Chuntao was feeling. Zhu Long also started to feel the pressure building up on him but it wasn"t enough for him to feel difficult. Xiang Yue, however, looked unfazed by the pressure, Zhu Long looked surprised by Xiang Yue"s expression, "He must at least be at the Void stage… this pressure is something that only those above the void stage can resist, I can barely hang on, and by the looks of it, Brother Ku and Sister Zhao are feeling difficulties… this must be some type of test by the looks of Brother Yue… It must be the first elder of the sword sect who is conducting this test... But I wonder why he is doing this... Whatever it will take a lot more pressure to put me down, I"m ready for more!" Zhu Long felt fired up, his body started to be covered with a demonic pressure, it seemed like the pressure on him had lessened by the presence of the demonic aura. Zhu Long felt a lot more

"Impressive." A low voice reverberated in the room. Xiang You smiled wryly when he heard the voice, "Elder, you didn"t need to perform the test, I"m sure that among everyone in the sect, You are the most knowledgeable about Brother Lin"s strength…" A man suddenly appeared in front of everyone in the room, seemingly out of thin air, surprising everyone in the room except Xiang Yue, who seemed to have expected it. "I guess so but I couldn"t help but test him… There was also another reason for me to perform this test, it is a way for me to test my disciple and Little Brother Lin"s friend"s strength, If I remember properly, You must be Little Brother Ku.." The First elder looked very handsome, he didn"t even look much like an elder, but a middle-aged man. But no one can trust the looks of a cultivator, as they can alter their appearance into different age groups. The First Elder stood tall, but his physique wasn"t that built. It was leaner than what Zhu Long had expected but that didn"t fool Zhu Long, even though it was only a small amount, the aura emanating from the First Elder"s body was something that Zhu Long knew he couldn"t even contend with. "It seems like the more powerful they are, the less aura I can sense from their body… I guess this could explain why I could never feel oldie"s aura, no matter how much I tried to sense it.

Ku w.a.n.g looked towards the First Elder and smiled wryly, "Elder is correct, My name is, in fact, Ku w.a.n.g… And I presume elder to be Sister Zhao"s master, the First Elder of the sect. But I want to ask something…" the elder nodded when he heard Ku w.a.n.g"s words, "You are correct, I am the First elder of the Sword Sect, also Little Zhao"s master… You can ask me anything, I shall answer if it is within my knowledge.." He humbly answered, there was no arrogance in his words. Ku w.a.n.g smiled when he heard the first elder, "Elder, were you watching us from the beginning?" The First Elder"s smile froze when he heard Ku w.a.n.g"s words, He then thought for a bit and then continued to smile. "Haha, Smart lad! You are in fact correct, I was watching you two since the moment you entered the sect premises. But I wasn"t watching you like the way you thought, I was just keeping an eye on our guests just in case if something were to happen, I was in deep meditation so you could call it subconscious…" The First Elder replied without truthfully, he didn"t have a reason to lie as he didn"t have any malicious intent, in fact, he was watching over Ku w.a.n.g and Zhu Long and was ready if something bad were to happen to them…"But I didn"t need to worry too much, Arena Elder was looking after you two so I stopped watching over you two…" The First elder continued to say as he smiled. From the way the Frist Elder spoke, Zhu Long had a sudden thought, "From his way of phrasing, it seems like the arena elder is someone that even the First Elder respects… That given, now that I remember it, I didn"t even feel any type of aura emanating from him… Something that only happens to stronger cultivators… Wait, Is the arena elder more powerful than the First Elder? But why would he be a normal arena supervisor if is that powerful… I‌ need to ask this question.." Zhu Long felt perplexed when this thought came in his mind. "The first elder, If you don"t mind me asking, from the way that you phrased it, does it mean that the Arena elder is someone who is as powerful or even more powerful than you?" Zhu Long was straightforward with his question.

The First elder was surprised by Zhu Long"s straight forward question but he laughed, "I like this lad! It"s always better to be straightforward than go around the topic." He looked towards Zhao Chuntao, seeming to say something telepathically. Zhao Chuntao smiled and nodded and proceeded to head out of the room. The FIrst Elder then smiled mysteriously, "From what I"ve heard from 7th Elder, Little brother Lin probably has a special body, a body that lets oneself detect something that they like to call "aura" from other"s bodies… I"ve read about the type of body a long time ago and was quite surprised when I heard that someone in this generation has this type of body… I‌ had doubted this but from the way that Little Brother Lin speaks, it seems like this might be true but who knows, I might have been confused and brother Lin might not even be who I think he is, and might even be a demi-Ox Demon who has appearances of a human. There are many possibilities for a person of mystery like you… But what I can say right now is that Little Brother Lin, from the way you spoke, it seems like my first guess is the best possible, meaning that you might have already known the answer and are just asking for confirmation.." Zhu Long felt very surprised by the First Elder"s words, he seemed to be rambling at first but had guessed his abilities correctly, Zhu Long could feel people"s aura. But Zhu Long was also confused, he had never heard this special body before.

"First elder knows a lot more than me. I"ve never heard of this body that elder spoke of, this is something that I"ve been able to be since I was young, but it wasn"t since I was young, So I think first elder is confused… But elder is correct about the first guess, I did feel that the arena elder was as strong as you or even stronger! But it doesn"t make sense, someone that powerful should be higher ranked elder but being an arena elder is not something expected…" The First Elder was confused by Zhu Long"s words, he felt like his guess was 90 percent correct but it seemed like he was wrong, "Well, I can"t be correct at everything, plus, it was a very far stretch, that race had been wiped out long before I was born, during the ages of the Demon King… but this lad has abilities similar to that race… this world is truly mysterious, especially this lad." He smiled and looked towards Zhu Long, "Little Brother Lin is in fact correct, the arena elder is someone who even I fear to battle, due to special circ.u.mstances, his position is the arena elder but the circ.u.mstance is something that even I don"t know, it is only known by the Sect Leader and by the elder himself…" Zhu Long nodded when he heard the First Elder"s words, he seemed satisfied by the answer. Ku w.a.n.g listened quietly to the series of exchanges between Zhu Long and the First Elder. He kept smiling as he knew that he had no use in interfering between the conversation. But now, it seemed as if the conversation ended so Ku w.a.n.g promptly asked the First Elder, "Elder, I also have a question…" The First Elder smiled and replied, I wonder what little brother Ku would like to ask.."‌ Ku w.a.n.g smiled back, he liked the Friedly nature of the First Elder, many people at his cultivation layer would be arrogant and not even reply properly but this First Elder seemed very kind and friendly to not only him but Zhu Long and everyone. Ku w.a.n.g looked towards Zhu Long and said, "I wanted to ask the reason for us being called out of nowhere from that arena, It"s still a mystery to us, so, it would be great if elder would answer our question…"