The Ruler Of All

Chapter 180

"Sect Leader Zhu, can... Can I try?" 

A girl around the age of 10 came forwards, she had a small figure and a very cute appearance, her clothes were torn in some parts. Zhu Long put on a cold face and said, "Of course, you coming to me already shows that you have something special about you, now tell me, do you have confidence in your talent?" 

The girl shook her head, she seemed scared of Zhu Long but something seemed to keep her from running off. Zhu Long had already noticed that about the girl and was curious why she seemed a bit desperate. 

"Then tell me Little one, what is the most qualifying feature that would make me want to accept you as a disciple in the sect." Zhu Long didn"t look as cold anymore, a small smile appeared on his face but only so for a small amount of time, only the girl and Han Qiang noticed the smile.

After seeing Zhu Long"s smile, Han Qiang shook her head, "He really has a good heart. From what I can see, it seems like the girl is desperate, maybe a domestic problem. My sect would have just pushed her away but knowing Brother Zhu, he will do something that will surprise me." She said to her self.

"Umm… I don"t really have much talent and my cultivation is only at the 2nd qi gathering stage… But I can work hard, I"ll even do the cleaning jobs if you need me to!" The girl said as she looked towards Zhu Long with sad eyes.

This time a true smile came upon Zhu Long"s face, he kneeled down to get to the girl"s level and said, "Well, it seems like you have more talent than I do. By the age of 15, I still got my a.s.s handed to me by a 1st qi gathering stage cultivator." 

The girl looked confused when Zhu Long said that. She didn"t know how to reply. At this moment, a familiar voice entered Zhu Long"s mind, "Kid, this little girl may be useful… She has a special body, a bit similar to yours but also vastly different. Her meridians were blocked off. I will teach you the method to fix that. If you train her well, I can confirm one thing, her talents will be one to combat you la.s.s." Hearing this, Zhu Long smiled once more. He looked towards Han Qiang who had already understood what he would say and had already told one of the vagrant workers to all old King "Already done." She replied before Zhu Long could have said anything.

A few moments later, Old King walked towards Zhu Long and said, "What would master like me to do?"

Zhu Long looked towards old King and said, "Dress this little one up in proper clothing and tell one of the females to wash her up. I like this one, she has a certain thing that many here lack." Old King nodded and brought the little girl to one of the females to wash her up.

Zhu Long shook his head when he looked towards the horde of people who also stared back at him, they were in complete surprise at what had happened. The intimidating figure, Zhu Long just accepted a little girl into the sect, but his partner, Han Qiang had rejected even some skilled ones because of their personality. They began to think that Zhu Long was a lot looser and would accept more easily.

A long line started to form in front of Zhu Long. 

Zhu Long only smiled when he saw the line, he knew their intentions and their thoughts. "Everyone in front of me, you all have been rejected. Come back next time." 

Zhu Long said as he walked towards his residence, he had one thing in mind, fixing that girl"s meridians. 

"Old Yang, how do I fix her meridians?" Zhu Long asked as he sat down on the floor on his residence.

Old Yang replied, "Kid, it is something that I haven"t taught you yet. It"s the physical manifestation of your aura, you did something like this before but at that moment you were unconscious. You made a sword out of your aura when we were training in your spiritual world. The way you can help that child is my creating aura pins, a scared method of medication of your ancestors. As I teach you this method, I will also tell you a bit more about your body as well as your ancestors."

Zhu Long nodded when he heard Old Yang, he was a bit excited to know more about his ancestors as knowing about them is how he will be able to understand his own body more. He would also be able to control his power with greater accuracy and become more powerful.

Zhu Long was transferred to his spirit world where Old Yang taught him about how he could manifest his aura into physical objects. He also though Zhu Long about his body as well as his ancestors.

Zhu Long"s body type was a very rare one but it belonged to one very special tribe, a tribe that is nearly extinct in this day and age. They were all killed due to how fearsome their powers could have been. They were a special Human-Demon hybrid, who couldn"t use qi conventionally so they developed a way to use qi that is created by their own body. Normal cultivators could only use the qi from their surroundings. Hence, giving that tribe a lot more control over their qi use and hence were more effective in battle, but they also found a nonviolent use of that power, healing. Aura pins were very effective for acupuncture, it could even heal damaged detains! Zhu Long was also about to learn the same technique, a simpler version of it, which was effective enough to help heal that girl but also not strong enough to heal major injuries, it was only effective in healing detains.

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