The Ruler Of All

Chapter 4

Zhu Long saw his grandfather"s expression and checked his body. When he looked at his body, he was also suprised.

The mark was unexpectedly glowing with a Crimson colour. This was the first time that it had glowed in his life.
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"Grandfather! What is happening? Why is the mark glowi...." Right as he was asking several questions to his grandfather, Zhu Long got an even bigger shock. The mark was expanding! That also in an alarming rate. It looked like it would never stop.

It wouldn"t be a surprise if the mark was growing a little bit since Zhu Long had experienced this phenomenon before. But this time, it was expanding and slowly the body of the dragon was being revealed and to add more, it was glowing very brightly in crimson!

Zhu Yong furrowed his brows, It seemed like he was thinking of something.

"Long, Try to meditate without trying to absorb qi, just calm your mind and feel the changes in your body. There is no need to be worried when I am with you." Zhu Yong said in a serious expression

After seeing his grandfather"s serious expression, Zhu Long immediately sat down and started to calm his mind and trying to ignore everything of the outside world, he could get into the meditative state easily, What a genius!

"It seems like this brat was be able to cultivate but this body of his is the problem and doesn"t let him absorb qi but it itself absorbs all qi not leaving even an ounce of qi on Long"s body and surroundings, I might need to send him there when the situation calls for it." Zhu Yong Thought as he watched Zhu Long meditating. His expression was a bit weird when he thought of that place, there might be some backstory to it.


Fire City, Dragon empire, The capital city of the empire.

Fire City was bustling as always. Many different people were on the streets, some shopping in the market, some looking for weapons and some performing street dances.

The city is always the main hot spot for tourists. This is mostly due to the history of the Empire. This history is related deeply to the origin and how the empire rose to power being one of the strongest Empire in the continent regardless of it being at the border.

In a narrow pa.s.sage, a tall slim man was chasing after a woman. The man had a hideous face filled with scars. He had a lecherous look on his face while chasing after the woman.She had a beautiful face and a figure that one could die for but at this moment, her beautiful face was deadly pale due to fear. The woman seemed to be running for a long time as she had nearly lost all the strength in her legs and would soon faint due to fatigue.

"Ohhhhh darling~ Come here, I"ve got a suprise for you~" The man crazily said as he was slowly walking after the girl. He could do so as the girl was extremely slow due to fatigue.

"Please! Just please leave me alone! I don"t want to go with you. Just how much do you want to take away from me?! You killed my brothers and raped my sisters! You monster! As long as I"m alive i will never let you live!" The woman"s face was ghastly pale but her eyes had determination, no matter what she had to live. Then she could search for a senior to help her take revenge.

"Ohhh I love my women when they get feisty, come here and sit on my la.."Thwump! Just as the freaky man was talking, He dropped on the ground.

Dead. He was dead. When the woman saw that he died, she was relieved. She was looking around her surroundings for her savior. "Senior I...I cannot say how happy i am that you.." Thwump! Just as she was expressing her grat.i.tude, Her head got cut clean off. Blood was spewing everywhere without end.

"HAHA! FOOLISH HUMANS! SHE THOUGHT THAT I WOULD SAVE HER. TRULY FUNNY!" A very deep and hoa.r.s.e voice laughed madly at the scene.

"But her taste was not that bad, such thick essence. If she truly cultivated with great mind and soul, She could have been even more tasty." The voice sounded disappointed.

Just at that time the origin of the voice seemed to noticed something, "Tsk, they don"t even let me have fun. It seems i need to go" he thought as he disappeared into the dark.

"Found you! 01 you go on top of the buildings and don"t let him escape, I"ll look on the ground. Be careful and find that Thing before we get anymore casualties" Another voice came from the back. It sounded dignified and n.o.ble. Just as he said that, a person appeared for a split second then disappeared going towards the top of the building. Both of them looked very powerful.


5 hours later.

In a small cave around the peak of the Zhu Mountain, a black clad boy was meditating. There was sweat all over his body and on his bare chest, one could see a glowing figure of a Crimson dragon. The figure looked extremely real and gave off an overwhelming aura around it.

The elder figure had both of his hands on the boy"s back and was providing qi to the body to the boy but all the qi would get diverted from its direction and go towards the dragon mark.

The boy was precisely Zhu Long and the elder nearby was his Grandfather Zhu Yong. It seemed like Zhu Long was completely unaware of his surroundings and had concentrated solely on meditative, it was quite impressive since many people couldn"t meditate without being distracted within 10 seconds.

Zhu Yong was quietly providing qi to his grandson. He was aware that the mark was sucking the qi like an endless hole but he still provided qi to it. It seemed like he was experimenting something.

"If i provide enough qi to complete the mark then would Long be able to absorb the remaining qi and finally cultivate. If that is true the I will have to force Long to go to that place" His eyes showed hope thinking that his grandson whom he loved the most would finally be able to cultivate and not be bullied again but his face also showed a hint of distress when he thought of the place.

As time slowly pa.s.sed by , it was already turning dark outside. The mark on Zhu Long"s body started to slow down expanding and it looked as though it would be completed soon.

A few more hours pa.s.sed. During midnight. " I will beat the living c.r.a.p out of this brat! He is sucking me dry of qi. Humph, when he can cultivate, he will get a good beating." Thought Zhu Yong looking frustrated. He had been providing qi to Zhu long Until now. Even if he was a Supreme Saint, there were still limitations to his qi.

Suddenly, Zhu Long"s body glowed gold. It was such a bright colour that the entire peak of the mountain was glowing....