The Ruler Of All

Chapter 42

Ku w.a.n.g was surprised to see the scene unfold before him. It seemed like the lightning strike had deviated from its path towards the Bull by a slight angle and struck towards Zhu Long."How...How did the tribulation lightning just change paths towards Brother Lin. No that isn"t the question I should be asking now, Brother Lin just got hit by lightning! Is he going to be okay? I"m not sure that I can survive that strike… I hope he will be alright." There was only worry within Ku w.a.n.g"s eyes. 

Even Though he had met ZHu Long only  for a day, Ku w.a.n.g felt close to Zhu Long. Like they were long lost siblings and couldn"t help but worry when he saw ZHu Long getting struck by that scarlet lightning.

But unfortunately, Ku w.a.n.g could do nothing at the moment as the Lightning strike hadn"t ended yet. It would have been suicidal for Ku w.a.n.g to rush towards Zhu Long as he would have also been struck by the lightning, which Ku w.a.n.g was sure he couldn"t not survive.

At the moment, Zhu Long had been experiencing excruciating pain all over his body. It felt like his body had started to get burnt off one cell at a time. "It feels like my entire body will be disintegrated If this continues. The pain…" Zhu Long couldn"t even think properly due to the pain. 

"How long have I been in this?….eterni" Slowly, Zhu Long"s had started to give in to the pain. He felt like his body had been in the lightning for years already but the fact was that Only 2 seconds had gone by.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Zhu Long"s body slowly started to turn into dust, beginning from his head, slowly towards his toes, Every part of his body had been burnt to ashes and blown by the wind. 

Ku w.a.n.g watched helplessly towards Zhu Long"s body from afar. At this moment, he didn"t even know what to say or do. Zhu Long had just been turned into dust and got blown away by the wind."I… What do I do..How di…" His mind was all jumbled up, filled with a mixture of emotions, from anger in not being able to do anything to sadness and grief. Ku w.a.n.g couldn"t process what had happened.


A sudden roar caused Ku w.a.n.g to jump backwards from fear. That roar was verocious and had engulfed any being close by with only fear. The small amount of beats that were nearby Ku w.a.n.g stopped whatever they were doing and looked towards the source of the sound.

Ku w.a.n.g was surprised by what she had seen next. Out nowhere, All the beasts started to kneel towards the source of the roar. "How…. What is happening?" Ku w.a.n.g was in a complete trance by the things that had happened within the last few seconds. Zhu Long had been disintegrated by the Scarlet lightning, A random but powerful and scary roar came from the direction of the lightning and not, all the beasts who had heard the powerful roar stopped whatever they were doing and kneeled towards the roar.

Everything that was happening was extremely confusing for Ku w.a.n.g. But all of a sudden he seemed to remember something," I remember teacher telling me that If I journey with Brother LIn, many unordinary things might happen, some lucky while others life threatening…. I wonder what this is.." Even though Ku w.a.n.g had seen Zhu Long get disintegrated by the scarlet lightning, he felt that the roar was somehow related to Zhu Long and that Zhu Long was alive.

Ku w.a.n.g seemed to forget something, he looked towards the lightning, that just seemed like it was frozen in time. He noticed that there was a sword floating within the lightning. Bu it"s position, It looked as if someone were holding the sword towards the source of the Lightning."That must be phoenix cry!" Ku w.a.n.g could only think of one thing when he saw the sword within the lightning. 

"If phoenix cry is stationary, I don"t think that I would be like that under normal circ.u.mstances. Tha.. Brother Lin has to be involved in this somehow.." Ku w.a.n.g kept his hopes up, He was about eighty percent sure that Zhu Long was alive after seeing Phoenix Cry.


Another mighty roar emerged from the direction of the lightning. Ku w.a.n.g, who was a few kilometers away from the lightning, felt the immense pressure from the roar itself. A sudden thought popped in Ku w.a.n.g"s mind. He shook his head and looked towards the lightning.

Dust particles started spin, slowly forming the shape of a man within the lightning. The man"s eyes were glowing a mixture of Deep purple and Scarlet. He also seemed to be holding on to Phoenix Cry.

Ku w.a.n.g was amazed when he saw the figure, only one person came into his mind as he looked towards the Lightning."Brother Lin!..