The Ruler Of All

Chapter 5

His body was glowing even brighter than the sun at peak mid day. Saint Yong was surprised when he saw the scene unfolding before him.

"This brat, If this is what i think it is then I can"t take him there. I need to take him as far away as I can. They cannot find out about this body of his" Zhu Yong was lost in thought. He was frowning, thinking about an extremely awful thought.

At the Zhu Grounds.

"Look at the Zhu Mountain, Its glowing such a s.h.i.+ny gold colour!"

"This must be our Saint Zhu trying a new move! I can"t wait to see its power!"

"Looking at it from here I can see its really powerful!"

"It must be a new move that blinds enemies."

"That sounds so cool!I can"t wait to get to saint stage!"

The disciples of Zhu Clan were gossiping about the new phenomenon that just occurred and also making many theories about it.
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"Look! The gold glow turned into blood red, It looks very frightening now!" A disciple with a very good eyesight reacted when he saw the colour of the glow change.

" Indeed, very frightening!"

" I don"t want to go near there"

Many disciples started to get frightened at the scene before them.

On a Large throne, a huge muscular man was sitting. He was examining the scene on the Zhu Mountain. Even though he was far away, everything was clear to his eyes. He felt like he was there himself.

"What is that oldie now up to? Every time I see him, he comes up with a new move, I wonder what this move is." The man mumbled as he looked at the glowing mountain peak.

Back at the Zhu Mountain.

Zhu Long was still in his meditative state but as soon as the red light came from his body, Pain was then only thing he could feel.

"ARGHHHHHH!!!!!" Zhu Long yelled in pain. It was the most pain he had ever felt in his life. It felt as though someone was ripping his body of slowly limb by limb and joining them together to rip it again, crus.h.i.+ng his bones into paste and again healing it just to crush it again. It was a continuous cycle.

"Hahaha! Boy, you have finally awakened me. This means it"s that time again" A ghastly voice said in Zhu Long"s mind. This voice cause Zhu Long"s whole body to tremble.

"Who are you? How are you talking to me? Are you the source of this pain I"m feeling? If you are then please stop, it hurts! It hurts!" Zhu Long tried to shout but he couldn"t open his mouth.

"Lad, No need to try to talk, every thought of yours is heard by me, so calm down. The pain will be over soon then we can talk properly." The voice calmly said to Zhu Long. Even though the voice was a little bit scary, Zhu Long felt calm as he heard that voice.

After calming down, Zhu Long felt as his pain was decreasing. The pain was still there but his body started to get immune to it, truly surprising.

Time went on and Zhu Long was still in his meditative state, unknown of the outside world. Even Saint Yong was surprised. As he watched his grandson meditate, He muttered to himself,"Its nearly been a day and he still doesn"t wake up, Ill punish this brat as soon as he wakes up, I might even make him do the h.e.l.l course. Wait that might not be enough, I"ll make him do it 10 times. Haha, I would love to see his face when he hears that!" Saint Yong"s facial expression turned from worried to simply evil. Truly a 180° turn, How shameless!

Meanwhile in a beautiful garden, A small shed i at the center of the garden. A black clad boy was meditating.That boy was precisely Zhu Long. Suddenly, He jolted awake from his meditation. In his dazed mood, as he looked around but when he looked around ,Zhu Long rubbed his eyes not believing what he saw.

A huge garden! Zhu Long was somehow in a huge garden filled with many types of beautiful flowers. It was an amazing scene.

"This... Is this The Garden Of G.o.ds! Oh my G.o.d! How did i get here? Did grandfather take me here? But he told me that the Garden of G.o.ds didn"t exist. How am I here then?" Zhu Long was asking questions after questions. He was truly confused on where he was as it seemed like he teleported from the Zhu Mountain to a place which seemed to fit the description of a place known as The Garden Of G.o.ds!

"This kid asks a lot of questions. I"ll answer your first question, This is indeed The Garden Of G.o.ds but not the real one. Just the one I created recently after i woke up so its not that accurate. Anyways, this place is your mind s.p.a.ce. Everyone has it but mostly it very small but luckily, Yours is very big." A very old and elegant looking man said as he walked up to Zhu Long. He had a very n.o.ble aura around him and a friendly look on his face. He must have been very handsome in his prime.

"Senior, who are you? Wait, are you the same person who told ne to stay calm and meditate when I was feeling pain all over my body?" Zhu Long said respectfully to the old man. Even the rudest person would talk to the old man with respect due to his aura.

"Yes, I was the one who guided you during your rebuilding stage. I know that it must have hurt alot but you bared with it and I shall reward you later, for now you must go back, someone is cursing at you" Zhu Long was excited as well aw scared s.h.i.+tless when he heard the old man speak.

He was happy to hear that he would get a reward from the man but also scared s.h.i.+tless when he heard about someone cursing him. He knew it was his grandfather who is know to have one of the worst tempers.

"I"ll be sending you off now. And remember before you go, You can call me Old Yang." Old Yang said as he raised his hands and watched Zhu Long disappear. He seemed very happy right now but the reason for his happiness was unknown.