The Ruler Of All

Chapter 70

The guard looked surprised when he heard Ku w.a.n.g"s words. "This kid must be very confident, enough to even be able to protect that mortal as well as fight. This will probably be tough one, looking at him being unfazed. I need to only concentrate on this one, I can just kill the mortal after.." Even though the guard was surprised by Ku w.a.n.g"s confidence, he was even more confident in himself. "Get ready, The battle will commence in a minute, take your weapons out and prepare for your death!" The guard had a sinister smile on his face. It seemed like the guard truly wanted to kill both Ku w.a.n.g and Zhu Long. Ku w.a.n.g looked towards Zhu Long and nodded, Zhu Long nodded back, implying that he was ready anytime. "Brother Lin, I want to battle this guy, He has already gotten on my nerves plus I feel that I have powered up a bit so I wanna see if I can take on this guy or not.." Ku w.a.n.g said to Zhu Long. "Brother Ku, I will step out and only get involved if something unexpected happens but I want to ask brother Ku something before this battle commences.." Zhu Long said as he looked towards Ku w.a.n.g. "Brother Lin, what is the matter?" Ku w.a.n.g said with a hint of confusion. Zhu Long looked at Zhu Long and asked, "Brother Ku, what c.u.n.tivation layer are you at right now? I can"t feel qi but I did notice that your aura had risen a bit when you.. Woke up. So I have been wanting to know what layer you have reached.." Ku w.a.n.g smiled mysteriously, "Times up! Come here right now and meet your death!" The Guard"s voice came into Ku w.a.n.g and Zhu Long"s ears. Ku w.a.n.g turned around and looked towards the guard and smiled, "I"m at Sixth Layer of Nascent stage, 2 more layers than what I was before when we first met. When you were talking to the teacher, I had reached the Fifth layer but right after I woke up, when you carried me, I was at the Sixth Layer.." Zhu Long smiled when he heard Ku w.a.n.g"s words, he could guess that the increase in Ku w.a.n.g"s aura was due to Old Yang. "Old Yang did say that he would take care of Brother Ku while he was unconscious so it would be easier for me to cross the mountain but for him to help brother Ku make an immediate breakthrough, I wonder what he did.." Zhu LOng said to himself internally. He looked towards Ku w.a.n.g"s back and then looked towards the guard. He could tell that the aura around the guard was stronger than Ku w.a.n.g"s but he knew that Ku w.a.n.g could put up a good fight. "Looking at him, even though I"m not confident of defeating that guy alone but if brother Ku and I work together, I"m sure that we can defeat him… I just hope that brother Ku can last 10 minutes or even defeat him, if not, I will have to make a move on him." Zhu Long had made up a plan in his mind by looking at the situation and thinking of possibilities. 

Ku w.a.n.g walked towards a stage, within the doors. The area seemed to be filled with stages, in some stages, people were battling, but none seemed to any guards, just some normal cultivators, humans and demons, fighting each other. The stage Ku w.a.n.g went to was about 100  meters long and 50 meters wide. The guard was standing on the stage, holding a huge sword. Zhu Long followed Ku w.a.n.g up to the stairs and sood at the corner. The guard smiled when he saw Zhu Long standing on the corner. "I guess that I was correct on my guess of that guy being a normal mortal. But that confidence on his face makes me weary… There must be some sort of plan.." The guard was very observant of people, which was obvious as he was at the end, a gate guard and had to observe everyone who goes in and out of the city so he had to observe the people on a daily basis. Ku w.a.n.g looked towards Zhu Long once more, Zhu Long looked back and nodded once more, Ku w.a.n.g smiled seeing Zhu Lonh"s nod and looked towards the guard, who looked like he was about to strike any second. "I guess that we can begin, HAHAHAHA" The guard laughed as he leapt towards Ku w.a.n.g.

"Look There! That guard is battling once again, this time, it seems to be with some young demons!" A man exclaimed as he saw Ku w.a.n.g and the guard leap towards each other, he seemed to be surprised when he saw them. It seemed like the guard had gone through more battles this day.

"They don"t even look 20 yet!" Another person added as they looked towards Ku w.a.n.g and Zhu Long in surprise and sympathy. It seemed like the person felt very sympathetical when they saw Ku w.a.n.g and Zhu Long on the stage, their eyes filled with sadness, "It looks like these youngsters will be killed.." Their sympathy was because they thought that KU w.a.n.g and Zhu Long would lose this battle and then lose their life.

"It seems like we have another two victims, one seems to be a mortal, forced to the stage… Poor kids"  Another woman added as she looked towards Zhu Long, "He looks so handsome but poor guy probably can"t cultivate or had his meridians damaged. Lets just hope that it is the latter, as  he could just heal it and continue to cultivate. But not, it just seems very unlikely, That guard will probably kill him.." 

A crowd started to form around the stage, filled with people of all races. Zhu Long looked very surprised by the crowd, "I guess that the people here are both humans and demons after all.. This is really weird to think about though, two races looking to kill each other in a blood filled war, living in the same city in harmony together. I guess that most of them are sick of war and want to make peace with each other"s races." Zhu Long thought as he saw many demons and humans together. There are many types of Demons, some common demons look exactly like humans, but the other types looked extremely different. Zhu Long saw a lot of humans but he knew that some of those humans were just demons, who looked like Humans to him. It was the same of the crowd, everyone thought that Zhu Long and Ku w.a.n.g were demons, especially by the fact that the two of them had come through the demon continent. Zhu Long shook his head and looked towards Ku w.a.n.g, Who had just leapt  towards the guard. The guard had also leapt towards Ku w.a.n.g, It seemed like they would meet each other in the air, mid jump. BOOOM! Ku w.a.n.g was pushed back, as well as the guard. Zhu Long noticed that Ku w.a.n.g had taken out his sword at the last minute andstruck towards the guard"s chest but right at that moment, the guard had also struck Ku w.a.n.g"s sword. Their impact had blown both of them backwards.

"Wow! That Kid is pretty strong, making that guard get blown backwards but he himself was also blown backwards, It looks like it was pretty even!" A man said as he looked towards Ku w.a.n.g with amazement. It seemed like this was the first time that the Guard had been evenly matched by someone.

"You idiot! Although the guard was blown back, That Kid was blown back even more.. That guard was blown only a few meters back but then he reinforced himself, it looks like he wasn"t affected at all. But the kid however, his had seems to be shaking a little bit.. That sword strike must have hurt a lot.." Another man smacked the previous speakers head and said with sympathy as he looked towards Ku w.a.n.g.

"Brother Ku looks fine, it might have just been a shock from the guard"s power.. But that guy does look really powerful.." Zhu Long thought as he looked towards Ku w.a.n.g"s shaking hand. It was true, After a small amount of time, Ku w.a.n.g"s hands stopped shaking. The guard smiled when he saw Ku w.a.n.g"s hands had stopped shaking, "This will be a good battle!" The guard said as he once again leapt towards Ku w.a.n.g, this time, heis jump was significantly higher and he spun towards Ku w.a.n.g, aiming to strike his head and split in at once with a clean strike. Ku w.a.n.g looked towards the guard"s actions and looked surprised, he then seemed to think of a strategy and smiled, "Indeed a good battle" he replied as he ran under the guard, who was in the air and then jumped towards his back, striking towards the spine. Zhu Long smiled when he saw Ku w.a.n.g"s tactic, "That is a really good strategy when someone stupidly jumps towards you." Zhu Long was surprised and impressed by Ku w.a.n.g"s fast thinking. The guard smiled when he saw that Ku w.a.n.g had gone under hima nd went for his back. Zhu Long looked very uncertain when he saw that smile on the guard"s face. He could tell that something was off and It would be very bad. Zhu Long was ready to jump at any time if anything weird happened.

Ku w.a.n.g reached the guard"s back and struck towards it, Blood spurted in the air. A scream came into everyone"s ears, "Brother Ku!!!!!"