The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 1109: The Chart Of Deities Achievement Ranking

Chapter 1109: The Chart Of Deities Achievement Ranking

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

The hook-like cold moon and its light were like a dream. The surroundings were silent and the scenery was peaceful enough to attract literates and poets to sing. However, all Gan Ruoxu could feel was the intense cold encasing his body. His sight was pitch black, like it was a reflection of his future; the s.h.i.+mmering silvery snow was like an ice which froze his heart.

The Blessed Nation was considered as one of the three strongest nations, and had been using theurgy as their foundation for many generations. They believed that human beings were able to reunite with the skies by nature. Through constant practice, one could connect with one of the many deities and receive protection, power, as well as direct knowledge from them. With the enhancement, they could even summon the deity to possess their bodies to demonstrate the deity’s strength. From flying to burrowing, nothing would be impossible.

Nonetheless, not every single person could successfully connect with the deities. Some fail to receive response due to lack of talent, and others due to personality. These people are seen as tainted or abandoned, and are often looked down upon. As they do not have power and direct knowledge, they were naturally abased socially.

Because of this, the ability to connect with a protection deity would be the largest turning point in the lives of the Blessed Nation’s citizens.

Panic and worry started to show in Gan Ruoxu’s eyes, and his expression turned into a helpless one. Tomorrow would be the coming-of-age ceremony for sixteen year olds, which was a crucial annual event as they would be allowed to communicate with the protection deities for free. If he were to fail this time, not only would his name be listed down, he would also be made fun of and looked down upon by the others. Moreover, he would have to spend his own money to hire a Star Priest if he wanted to try again. Even if his parents were to work for a whole lifetime, and even if he were to sell his life to the devil, it might not even be enough!

The consequences of failing were so terrifying, but he just could not get a response when he tried alone. According to his cla.s.smates, with years of practice, one should normally be able to sense a subtle feeling or some sort of unusual condition, even without any ceremony.

If none of these occurred, Gan Ruoxu clearly understood what it meant.

He looked at the bright moon in a daze, “Even just a Jade Rabbit would be fine, I really won’t mind.”

The night was long, and Gan Ruoxu could not stop pacing about. His heart had been beating incredibly fast and it would not calm down at all. He only returned home while pouting after the rooster crowed and his parents had awaken.

His mother looked noticeably aged, with a head full of hidden grey hair. She looked at him with worry and gentleness, and said, “Xu Er, don’t care too much about it. It’s alright if you can’t sense anything.”

His father sat beside the table, smoking a pipe. He said in a low voice, “It’s our fault. If you were born in another family, you’d definitely be able to get a protection deity.”

The couple were both abandoned, and lived rather difficult lives.

Gan Ruoxu would sometimes have similar thoughts as well, but when listening to the words from his father’s mouth, his face reddened with anger, “What does this have to do with the both of you! I will definitely succeed!”

With that, he turned his head and ran. He sprinted to the county school without stopping midway, as if he could leave all his troubles and worries behind by doing so.

The school was already packed with people, most of them came to watch due to curiosity. They wanted to see which protection deities would be sensed this year.

“I heard that this year, a boy was able to connect with the Black Emperor, receiving Blackwater Divinity, and becoming the direct disciple of the National Guard Temple,” someone was discussing loudly. Gan Ruoxu subconsciously slowed down as he listened.

Connecting with the Black Emperor? That’s one of the Five Emperors with a high ranking on the Deity Ranking List. To receive his protection would mean taking a step straight into the sky!

“For real? To be able to connect with the Great Emperor Zhenwu, isn’t some rare talent that appears only once in a thousand years? Even the founding ancestor of our Blessed Nation who only connected with the Master of Purple Star, was already considered incredibly impressive. Connecting with the Black Emperor would be reaching straight up to the skies!” someone said with shock.

The person who first spoke said, “Over the past thousand years, the number of rare talents who connected with the Five Emperors could be counted with just one hand. I can only recall that the previous emperor of our Blessed Nation had connected with the Qing Emperor. It was a shame that even the heavens were jealous of him, and he pa.s.sed away at a young age, before being able to conquer the world.

“That person who is persecuting in other regions right now seemed to have also connected with a deity of a similar cla.s.s to the Five Emperors. It’s a shame that the government and the Taoist temple have concealed everything, so it’s hard to know for sure…’

Listening to their conversation, Gan Ruoxu felt both emotional and nervous. He walked to the front of the stage of the county school, and met a few of his cla.s.smates.

“Gan Ruoxu, which deity do you think you’d be able to connect with?” the round-faced fatty asked joyfully.

Out of nowhere, Gan Ruoxu felt a twinge of annoyance. He felt like leaving without a word, but could not bring himself to do that straight to his smiling face. He could only mutter in response, “I’m hoping for a seventh cla.s.s, I suppose. How ’bout you?”

The eight cla.s.s consisted of the confidential officers, the immortal children, and so forth. The ninth cla.s.s consisted of the heavenly soldiers and the earth deities. They do not have specific names, and are known by their positions instead. Those connected with these deities will simply receive a low amount of power and direct knowledge, which makes them only ever so slightly stronger than the abandoned.

Wu Ju, the round-faced fatty laughed and said, “I tried again yesterday and felt a subtle connection with the stars above the sky. One of the fifth cla.s.s Celestial Officers, perhaps.”

Connecting with a fifth cla.s.s Celestial Officer would definitely ensure a bright path ahead. He might even be able to take charge of a state or a county in the future! Gan Ruoxu felt a wave of disappointment. Wu Ju had always been lazy and could not be compared to himself. Yet now, he could barely see a strand of hope while Wu Ju could become a fifth cla.s.s officer! He couldn’t even compare.

“Seventh Cla.s.s?” the tall skinny boy beside Wu Ju scoffed. His eyes were tiny, as if he were constantly squinting. “I’ve never heard you mention anything about experiencing abnormalities, what will you use to connect with seventh cla.s.s deities? Hah! What can the son of two abandoned parents accomplish? It’s not that you don’t want to mention anything, it’s because you have nothing to show, right?”

Gan Ruoxu was was furious. He felt like his pants had been ripped off, and he said before he could stop himself, “Xue Lian, you’re spouting nonsense!”

His loud echoing voice attracted stares from many people, including female cla.s.smates and bystanding elders. The stares made Gan Ruoxu feel embarra.s.sed and awkward.

“Spouting nonsense?” Xue Lian laughed coldly and added, “I will most probably connect with a Taoist Master of the sixth cla.s.s. I’d like to see which deity you’d connect with. If you can’t connect with any, don’t blame me for making you kneel down before me and apologize!”

“Hmmp!” Gan Ruoxu felt a sudden pang of guilt. He walked away without answering, as panic started to build up within him.

After a while, the county magistrate and the county school host started the ceremony, and everyone quieted down.

“To select talents for our country, we welcome the deities, the heavens above, and the earth below, to be our witness…” The county magistrate and the county school host each held three joysticks, and prayed with sincerity. Then, they carefully took out a roll of scroll from a jade box. The scroll was weaved from thin silk, which s.h.i.+mmered in the lights.

When the scroll was opened, it measured three feet long. The names of different deities were listed on it, each name emitting a unique aura. This was the Chart of Deities Achievement Ranking. By standing in front of it, followed by a fully focused sensing for ten minutes, the name of the deity who is willing to connect with the person would exude a golden light, which would be absorbed into the person’s head.

The Chart of Deities Achievement Ranking was hung respectfully on the wooden planks placed on the tall stage, with the content revealed to the eyes of the public.

The first cla.s.s consisted only of the Three Pristines, with the middle one being the most respectable. They were the Heavenly Lord Lingbao, Heavenly Lord Yuans.h.i.+, and Heavenly Lord Daode respectively.

The second cla.s.s consisted of the Five Emperors and a few Taoism Lords. The middle was Lord Xuantian, on the left was the Qing Emperor, the Golden Emperor, the Multi-treasure Heavenly King, and so on. The right side was the Black Emperor, The Fire Emperor, Great Deity Zhenyuan, and so forth.

The third cla.s.s consisted of the G.o.d of Thunder Yuangu, the Fairy of the Ninth Heaven, the Master of Purple Star, Lady Mother of the Chariot, Heavenly Lord Guangcheng, Immortal Erlang, and so forth.

The fourth cla.s.s consisted of the Northern Star Lord, Southern Star Lord, the Twenty Eight Star Masters and other Star Lord, the Thunder Tribe, Fire Tribe, Star Tribe, and other immortals, as well as the legendary true deities.

The fifth cla.s.s consisted of the other Celestial Officers, Sea Emperors, Great Generals, and the Big Four Celestial Masters.

The sixth cla.s.s consisted of the remaining Celestial Masters and other deities.

After this cla.s.s, there would no longer be big names and deities, but only direct job positions. Anyone attaining the seventh cla.s.s positions, like the Six Armor Generals or their equivalent, their qualifications would be considered rather good. Those who connect with the fifth or sixth cla.s.s deities would have bright futures. In comparison, the seventh cla.s.s ones were rather normal. If one were to connect with a fourth cla.s.s deity, the news would stir up the whole country, and his or her name would be sent to the emperor and the head of the National Guard Temple. As for the third cla.s.s, it would only occur with sheer luck, and everyone who succeeds in that would be considered a rare talent and would definitely be future important figures of the country.

A second cla.s.s blessing would only appear once in a thousand years, while the first cla.s.s was only listed as a form of respect. n.o.body had ever succeeded in connecting with them.

After all the formalities, the ceremony finally began. Gan Ruoxu watched as his peers, familiar or unfamiliar, walked up to the tall stage, and shut their eyes as they focused their senses. Most of them succeeded, with most being eighth and ninth, and only a few could connect with seventh cla.s.s deities. The situation was rather expected. There were a few who failed to connect, and they either burst into tears on the spot or ran away in disbelief. Gan Ruoxu empathized with them, and he became more and more nervous.

At that moment, the round-faced fatty Wu Ju walked up the stage and closed his eyes, silently gathering all his senses. After a short while, a name on the Chart of Deities Achievement Ranking emitted a golden light. The name that popped out was Marshal Tianpeng.

“Marshal Tianpeng?” Gan Ruoxu was in awe. This was a strong fifth cla.s.s deity, who was the legendary admiral of the Heavenly River’s ten million navys. Wu Ju is so lucky! He would definitely have a bright future ahead!

The county magistrate stroked his beard and said while nodding with a smile, “Not bad, not bad at all.”

Our county has finally gained a fifth cla.s.s deity. This time we will have something to present to the higher-ups.

Wu Ju’s body was glowing. He did not conceal his delightment as he skipped down the stage to receive praise from his cla.s.smates and the elders. Xue Lian was the following one to walk up the stage. He stood before the scroll with his eyes closed tightly, and gathered all his senses.

After five minutes, the scroll finally lit up. It was a seventh cla.s.s Six Armor General.

Xue Lian could not hide his disappointment as he was both frustrated and angry. As he came down, he saw Gan Ruoxu who was preparing to walk up the stage. With a cold hmph, he jeered, “Getting a seventh cla.s.s is still stronger than you, because you won’t even have any!”

Gan Ruoxu’s heart was beating like thunder and was not in the mood to talk to him. He ascended the stage and staggered towards the scroll, almost tripping in the process, which stirred a round giggles from the crowd.

He shut his eyes and everything became dark, as if he was trapped in a despair which he could never escape. He gathered every inch of his senses to connect with the energy of the deities.

None of the seventh cla.s.s generals responded.

Gan Ruoxu felt a wave of disappointment. He could only move his senses downwards, trying out each eight and ninth cla.s.s deity.

The time pa.s.sed by quickly and he realized that he had yet sensed anything. He began to panic, and cold sweat covered his forehead.

“It’s almost been ten minutes and he’s still not sensing anything. I’m afraid this one’s abandoned as well.”

“Exactly the same as the previous ones.”

“Hah! Do you think he’d burst into tears or run from the scene?”

The voices entered his ears and Gan Ruoxu felt like he was going to go crazy. He could already imagine Xue Lian laughing at him as he kneeled and apologized to the fatty.

Right at that moment, he felt a sudden warmth spreading through his head, as if sunlight had shone through the darkness.

What’s this? Gan Ruoxu followed the sunlight with his senses and discovered that the front of his path was filled with bright light, as if he had opened his eyes.

The entire Chart of Deities Achievement Ranking lit up, emitting a warm glow as golden lotuses filled the surroundings. The sacred aura was absorbed into one of the names on the scroll.

There’s finally a reaction! Gan Ruoxu felt insanely happy.

A golden light radiated from the name. The name popped up and Gan Ruoxu could finally see clearly. It was:

The Heavenly Lord Yuans.h.i.+!

The Heavenly Lord Yuans.h.i.+? Gan Ruoxu was stunned. His delightment had been completely devoured by his shock. He suspected that he had fainted and all this was just a dream.

“The Heavenly Lord Yuans.h.i.+!” the county magistrate and the host shouted in shock from below the stage, with their eyes almost popping out. The surroundings became completely silent, just like a dead city.

Someone actually connected with the Three Pristines!

This has never happened before!