The Stokesley Secret

Chapter 21

"For shame, Bessie!" cried Sam.

"I only know," said Elizabeth, half in self-defence, half in fright, "that one of you must have been at the baby-house, for I found the doors open, and shut them up."

"And why should it be one of us?" demanded Sam; while David stopped crying, and listened.

"Because none of the younger ones can reach to undo the doors," said Elizabeth. "It was as much as I could do to reach the upper bolt, though I stood upon a chair."

This was evident; for the baby-house was really an old-fashioned bureau, and below the gla.s.s doors there was a projecting slope of polished walnut, upon which only a fly could stand, and which was always locked. No one whose years were less than half a score was tall enough to get a good hold of the b.u.t.ton, even from the highest chair, far less to jerk down the rather stiff upper bolt.

"It cannot have been a little one, certainly," said Miss Fosbrook; "but you should not be so ready to accuse your brothers, Bessie."

David, however, had laid hold of a hope, and getting up from the floor, hastened out of the room, followed by John; and they were presently heard shouting "Hal!" all over the house.

"What day was it that you found the door open, Bessie?" asked Miss Fosbrook.

"It was just after dinner," said Elizabeth, recollecting herself.

"It was on Friday. Yes, I remember it was Friday, because I went into the school-room to get my pencil, and I was afraid Hal would jump out upon me, and looked in first to see whether he was going to be tiresome; but he was gone."

"Yes," said Susan; "it was the day we found poor Jack stuck up on the gate, when he and Hal were in disgrace. Oh, he never would have played tricks then."

"Did you go up before me, Bessie?" asked Miss Fosbrook; "for I went up directly after dinner to speak to Henry."

"Yes, I did," said she. "I thought if you got in first, you would be scolding him ever so long, and would let n.o.body in, so I would get my pencil first; and I slipped up before you had left the table."

Just then the two boys were heard stumping up the stairs, and ran in, panting with haste and excitement, David with a fiery red ear.

"No, no; Hal didn"t hide it!"

"But he boxed Davie"s ear for thinking he did," added John; "and said he"d do the same for spiteful Bet!"

"Then he never played tricks," said Susan.

"I told you not," said Sam.

"No," reiterated David; "and he said I"d no business to ask; and if Bet went prying about everywhere, I"d better ask her. Have you got it, Betty?"

"I!" cried Elizabeth. "How can you, Davie?"

"You have got a secret," exclaimed David; "and you always were cross about Hannah Higgins"s pig. You have got it to tease me! Miss Fosbrook, make her give it back."

"Nonsense, David," said Miss Fosbrook; "Bessie is quite to be trusted; and it is wrong to make unfounded accusations."

"Never mind, Betty," added Sam kindly; "if Davie wasn"t a little donkey, he wouldn"t say such things."

"Where is Henry?" asked the governess. "Why did he not come himself?

Call him; I want to know if he observed this door being open."

"He is gone down to Mr. Carey"s," said John.

"And it is high time you were there too, Sam," said Miss Fosbrook, starting. "If you are late, beg Mr. Carey"s pardon from me, and tell him that I kept you."

Sam was obliged to run off at full speed; and the other children stood about, still aghast and excited. Miss Fosbrook, however, told them to take out their books. She would not do anything more till she had had time to think, and had composed their minds and her own; for she was exceedingly shocked, and felt herself partly in fault, for having left the h.o.a.rd in an unlocked cupboard. She feared to do anything hastily, lest she should bring suspicion on the innocent; and she thought all would do better if time were given for settling down. All were disappointed at thus losing the excitement, fancying perhaps that instant search and inquiry would hunt up the money; and David put himself quite into a sullen fit. No, he would not turn round, nor read, nor do anything, unless Miss Fosbrook would make stingy Bet give up the pence.

Miss Fosbrook and Susan both tried to argue with him; but he had set his mind upon one point so vehemently, that it was making him absolutely stupid to everything else; and he was such a little boy (only five years old), that his mind could hardly grasp the exceeding unlikelihood of a girl like Elizabeth committing such a theft, either in sport or earnest, nor understand the injury of such a suspicion.

He only knew that she had a secret--a counter secret to his pig; and when she hotly a.s.sured him that she had never touched the money, and Susan backed her up with, "There, she says she did not," he answered, "She once told a story."

Elizabeth coloured deep red, and Susan cried out loudly that it was a shame in David; then explained that it was a long long time ago, that Hal and Bessie broke the drawing-room window by playing at ball with little hard apples, and had not "told, but when questioned had said, "No;" but indeed they had been so sorry then that she knew they would never do so again.

Again David showed that he could not enter into this, and sulkily repeated, "She told a story."

"I will have no more of this," said Christabel resolutely. "You are all working yourselves up into a bad spirit: and not another word will I hear on this matter till lessons are over."

That tone was always obeyed; but lessons did not prosper; the children were all restless and unsettled; and David, hitherto for his age her best scholar, took no pains, and seemed absolutely stupefied.

What did he care for fines, if the chance of the pig was gone? And he was sullenly angry with Miss Fosbrook for using no measures to recover the money, fancied she did not care, and remembered the foolish nursery talk about her favouring Bessie.

Once Miss Fosbrook heard a little gasping from the corner, and looking round, saw poor Bessie crying quietly over her slate, and trying hard to check herself. She would not have noticed her, though longing to comfort her, if David had not cried out, "Bet is crying!

A fine!"

"No," said Miss Fosbrook; "but a fine for an ill-natured speech that has made her cry."

"She has got the pig"s money," muttered David.

"Say that again, and I shall punish you, David."

He looked her full in the face, and said it again.

She was thoroughly roused to anger, and kept her word by opening the door of a small dark closet, and putting David in till dinner-time.

Then she and Susan both tried to soothe Bessie, by reminding her how childish David was, how he had caught up some word that probably Hal had flung out without meaning it, and how no one of any sense suspected her for a moment.

"It is so ill-natured and hard," sobbed Bessie. "To think I could steal! I think they hate me."

"Ah," said Susan, "if you only would never be cross to the boys, Bessie, and not keep out of what they care for, they would never think it."

"Yes, Susie is right there," said Christabel. "If you try to be one with the others, and make common cause with them, giving up and forbearing, they never will take such things into their heads."

"And WE don"t now," said Susan cheerily. "Didn"t you hear Sam say n.o.body but a donkey could think it?"

"But Bessie has a secret!" said Annie.

Again stout Susan said, "For shame!"

"I"ll tell you what my secret is," began Bessie.

"No," said Susan, "don"t tell it, dear! We"ll trust you without; and Sam will say the same."

Bessie flung her arms round Susan"s neck, as if she only now knew the comfort of her dear good sister.