The Stone of Days

Chapter 12

Scared out of my wits, I glanced over at Arnowalt"s face. Touched by his own n.o.ble purpose, blushing, he stared across the roofs of Grillard below him. Seeing me with that n.o.ble face from the side, it was as if…he was expecting some sort of remark from me!
Imminently, I stammered as I tried to think of a way to change the subject.

"Ah, so…you see…ugh… …."

Befuzzled, he gave me a confused look.

"So you see… … AH! So the jewel that is embedded on your sword had that kind of symbol!"

I narrowly remembered the large green jewel that was embedded on that long sword from our previous spar – whew, ~ to even feel cold sweat.

That jewel was green.
… It seems Arnowalt had thoroughly believed in the simplest of interpretations.

"So if there"s a day where a disaster occurs in this province, then I will expect myself to bravely step forward and face it."

"… that is a good purpose."

Why would I care what kind of resolve and purpose as long as this province doesn"t fall upon a disaster?
… … I"m just glad to have escaped the crisis at hand.

"It"s a bit cold. Let"s descend."

Is he saying that to his servant? It seems that friend over there is holding the horse"s reins, waiting like a mute.
But why is such a high-status n.o.ble staring at me?

"Ah, my apologies. I had a misunderstanding."

It seems the circ.u.mstances were shortly revealed. Arnowalt, probably having confused me for his servant, turned and called for his servant with a slight gesture. Approaching, he, with a magnificent form - something even I couldn"t imitate - mounted on the saddle.
The white horse was quite splendid as well.

"Alright, I will expect to see you the day after tomorrow… …."

Leaving me with that remark, Arnowalt decided to end his stroll as he lightly trod down. The servant that had walked all the way here chased after his master as he ran with all his might.
I temporarily wondered why Arnowalt hadn"t ended the conversation sooner and let it draw out for that long. I came to a conclusion.
That b.a.s.t.a.r.d, there"s no mistake that he still doesn"t know my name!


Ha, I never imagined that doctor Nauke"s sister would be this young even in my wildest dreams.
Putting on an expression as if I had came to the wrong place, I stared at the little girl before me. I wonder if she"s 12 yet as I inspected her absentminded, somewhat small eyes. She looks young, but at the same time she doesn"t as well.
It wasn"t hard to find Grillard"s Ryujia Nauke at all. The first store at the village entrance was an inn that had the sign "Grillard"s Green Flag." I entered and asked the first person I saw, and that person immediately directed me towards the small one-storey house at the corner of the street.
There was a grey wall that consisted of horizontal and vertical block patterns, and behind that on top of the house was a large chocolate-colored roof.

"Do you happen to be Ryujia Nauke?"


Needless to say, fortune tellers would always use impolite language irrespective of their age. So, I began to use impolite language as well determinedly as I was older.

"I am called Fabian from the village of Habiyanak. I have come here per recommendation from your brother. You happen to know Ember village"s Doctor Nauke I presume?"

"He"s still my brother, so how would I not know him?"

What a strange way to say it. So it seems it"s true that even children change a bit when they receive a divine power.
Sitting down on an armchair by the fireplace, as if ignoring my existence, she gazed into the fire. On her lap sat a small knitting set. Behind her on the wall was a portrait weaved by threads of fabric. The portrait ill.u.s.trated a man wearing a magician"s robe-looking uniform, equipped with a sword by the waist (Is that a magician or a knight?) standing besides a small silver-haired girl.

Although I didn"t ask for her permission, I took a seat that looked like it was for customers and dragged it towards her. As I was about to sit, a question emerged from within me; there was no hint of anyone else living in this small house.

"Do you live alone?"

"How old are you?"

"I"m gonna be 15 soon."

She was much older than she looked. But still, it wouldn"t be easy for a 15-year-old to live independently. Well, I did come here for some business as well, not to imitate the role of a brother.

"Can you use "Physiognomy" as well?"

"You shouldn"t ask stuff like that."

Hearing her reply, I could relate it to something. It seems, unlike her brother, she has the habit of just replying. Not only that, she doesn"t allow you to ask either.

"Alright. Then can you lower the price?"

"Why should I?"

She"s tough.

"Since I"m your brother"s friend, I thought you would lower the price perhaps."

"No chance that"s happening. If my brother thought like that, then he"s sorely mistaken."

Ryujia articulated her words thoroughly as she calmly looked at me. Not having much to say after seeing her stare at me, I started to scrutinize her as well. Although her grey hair was tied up, compared to her age, she was short with a small face. Other than her eyes, even her figure was small, especially those lips of hers. Despite that, her voice is pretty firm.

"I see, so you covet money quite a bit, huh."

I"ve already heard that from your brother, so there"s no need to pay to listen to that.

"Hmm, I guess I"ll give you a discount. It"s 10 jonds usually, but I"ll make it 8 Jonds 50."

"Haah, why is it so expensive?"

I wondered why she talked about a discount despite knowing that I fancy money a lot.

"That"s because I don"t want you to be annoying and bothersome."

Do fortune tellers even read minds? 8 Jonds is of fair value I suppose. But, unrelated to my thoughts, I automatically started to negotiate.
"That"s still too expensive. Let"s agree on 5 Jonds."

"If you want to, pay the 5 Jonds and have a try."

"Your brother didn"t even receive a single Rojond."

"That"s because my brother is a half-half. (TL note: To clarify, not a proper doctor, but also not a fortune teller).

Indeed, it seems they are siblings.

"You"re younger than your brother. What evidence can you prove to me that you"re better?"

"If you don"t believe me, then you can return back. Why are you even here then?"

After saying that, she turned around suddenly away from me. I was a bit fl.u.s.tered. To meet such a sensitive fortune teller is a first…no, meeting a young girl fortune teller itself was a first.
Despite that, to simply back down. I didn"t want to hear a rumour that a native of Habiyanak was sent away after visiting Grillard.

"Alright, then let"s do it like this."

TL Afterword

Aha, looks like the Great Merchant Fabian had just met his match.

PR Afterword

LOL, MC switches to merchant mode against Ryujia.

Translator: Calvis
Proofreader: Sai101