The Stone of Days

Chapter 14

This feeling, it"s too strange.
As I struggled walking up the peak (I was sure I went up here easily before) with a gloomy expression, I looked back down to Grillard outlined by a few lights. I"ve already experienced a life-and-death situation. Look at this arm! If that Lord"s Son wasn"t as much of a fool and had properly aimed at my arm, I would already be left with a detached arm. And while that guy starts to rave in pain about his sprained wrist, I might"ve bled to death.
But, now I have to overcome another crisis?
No wonder I"m so wholly disturbed. I"m certain now that I don"t have a normal life.

Without much of a reason, I muttered endlessly as I was reminded of these prophesies. If it were to happen today, then doesn"t that mean I have less than a few hours? In that span, something must happen, right?
Just then, to the forest right of Grillard"s path, a suspicious sound resonated.
My footsteps came to a halt.

G, Grr, Grrrrrrr….. …

Ominous. Since I was born, I"ve never heard of such a queer sound. Currently, I"m in the center of this uphill pa.s.s exposed. This is really bad. What do I have with me? Pig…… no, a knife that"s used to kill a wild cat.

G, Grrr….Gggggrrrrrrrrrr…

No, I must not get close. Can"t you remember what Ryujia told you?
However, not even realizing, I had taken a step forward.

Ggrr. K, Krrr…. Keuk, Keuk!

One step soon became two steps. That large looking tree trunk. Let"s hide behind there.
Before I could initiate my plan into action, I automatically withdrew the thought. A horrifying scream echoed through the pa.s.s, catching me flat-footed.

A beast.!
I dropped down. At this time, I too had to move like a beast. I tried to lower myself onto the ground as much as possible. The smell of snow and dirt was appeasing.
All of a sudden, the ground rattled as I could hear someone running, burning that sound into my ears.
It definitely wasn"t from me.


A short, resolute scream dismissed the night air. The sharp, blue rising moon reflected a long thin piece of iron, as that clear light shone onto the scene in front of me.
Ohoh, that is?

And the way it moves.
My body was in perfect harmony with the ground, as my clothes were being soaked by the snow.


I didn"t know that a loud sound could shrink in volume like that. A crisis must"ve occurred.
I could hear footsteps nearing me. It was the urgent footsteps of a person. That person was running.
Don"t come! DON"T COME!

Those Tuk tuk sounds were beads of sweat that dripped down my forehead.
Finally, I"ve arrived in front of it. Of what? Not of two legs, but instead I faced a horrible fate!

As tall as the mountains and a body as large as the trees was a being that poised to strike in front of me. White fur, and…ugh, it"s difficult to even speak. Despite wanting to cough, nothing came out from my voice.

What"s on my mind right now? Only one thing. The words Ryujia said - today, I will overcome a life-and-death situation, right?
So if I were to overcome that crisis, that means I won"t die, right? Right?
I was lying down watching as I was having these useless thoughts, and this monster was confronting a man. Did it notice my smell? No, I"m currently in harmony with the ground. Please don"t notice that I exist.

It"s about 10 cubits1 tall. That large silver fur and mane, - even if you make over 10 rugs, you"d have leftovers - and snout made it look as if it was a lion and wolf mixed together, but the horror was that it was at least ten times in size. Why? Since it was as large as a lion and wolf adjoined together!
And when it opens its mouth, you can see 20 sharp fangs that could swallow this landscape up. Those… those are fangs huh. They"re incredibly brilliant and shiny. The sharpness of those things made me feel as if it had already pierced through my neck.
And the two large front legs have those sharp crescent-shaped claws, as if each one was a dagger. I bet you could even grind a field with those. His front legs, compared to his rear, are at least twice in size. Oh, among the animals I mentioned, include the monkey as well. Such a strange form. I"m surprised how those traits can be balanced together.
And its posture is of a bear.

I never heard of such a monster in my life among the thousands of monsters that Ezekiel had sealed, he wouldn"t have met such creatures.
But…the number of monsters I know is but a few.
However, I can"t be shocked for too long. Then, I heard a voice.

"Is that you Fabian?"

Who recognized me?! Please pretend you don"t know me. Ground. I am a part of the Earth. But, still, I had raised my head to see who had called.
Uh, who"s this?

TL Afterword

G.o.d, that creature looks pretty frightening, though I want his fur~

PR Afterword

Kajin: Take a guess who the person that called Fabian is