The Stone of Days

Chapter 19

I had the feeling of wanting to listen to "The Legendary Renowned Sword" (which is an ominous phrase) out of curiosity again that I may or may not have right now. I loved old stories quite a bit. And since it said sword, it reminded me of Magician Ezekiel"s story and his legendary sword. So, I was quite curious of the story which involved this sword.

Of course it was disgraceful from me to start calling it a legendary, renowned sword. It"s probably because when I was staring at it before in my bedroom, I over-a.n.a.lyzed it. Or this might be a newly developed disease.
Anyways, you, what"s your real ident.i.ty?

"It would be nice if I had a story that could explain about that sword."

Mirbo began to start talking about that ominous subject. Thus, in other words, he"s speaking as if he doesn"t know as well. Then, who do I listen to exactly?
It was a huge relief that Mirbo after getting treated at Ember village didn"t secretly leave the village and had instead returned to find me… …but right now we were walking towards Grillard"s Peak together with the guards of Ember Province as we walked about halfway there.
Mirbo looked calm. Despite having a large bandage wrapped around his stomach, his condition wasn"t too bad. Probably because he had fought in quite a lot of battles before, he was quickly recovering. Sheesh. Compared to him, what am I? I was currently being carried by Erent hyung towards the Peak.
At first, I thought of broaching the subject of the dream I had, but decided to stick with getting an explanation about the sword for now.

"I was in Seremuz when I had obtained that sword. It"s already been 5 years. However, from then on, I"ve always kept it wrapped up in a white cloth as I travelled. At first, it was an item that I couldn"t even grab onto properly even with cloth wrapped around it."

This fella. I looked back and glanced over my shoulder at the sword. Though I could barely see the hilt of the sword, this was a sword that you couldn"t even touch? Seems like a lie.
Anyhow, Seremuz huh. Mirbo, you"ve travelled through quite a number of places. To have returned from such a warring country like that…hey sword, you came from quite a far place huh.

"If you can"t believe it, try touching your friend hung around your back."

From the entrance of my house, Erent hyung who had volunteered to carry me smiled as he resumed his walk. Seeing that he wasn"t interested in touching it, I asked.

"Aren"t you going to hold it?"

"I"ve already tried to touch it, but it was to no avail."


I cautiously brought my hands towards my back. Even if my wrist was hurt, it was better than my battered left shoulder. I touched the handle of the sword. Nothing happened.

"When you were about to leave your house earlier, I tried to grab the sword out of curiosity…I had to quickly drop the sword though as it felt like my hand was burning. It was as if it had just come out of an anvil, red-hot. Fabian, when you were swinging this sword, frankly even I couldn"t believe it. Then again, seeing you carry that sword behind your back."

Erent hyung, amongst our Habiyanak, was most proficient in the way of the sword, so he became a soldier of the Lord. Although I a.s.sumed that Erent hyung wasn"t as proficient as Mirbo in my opinion after witnessing him in yesterday"s fight, it wasn"t comparable to me at all. Whether Mirbo or Erent was better, "I," compared to these two, was just a merchant vendor who didn"t have the right to say the word "swordsman."

"I remember when you came to deliver those nets to me in my room."

"Of… … course."

I remember. At that time, I lifted the sword and moved it onto the bed. There was no mistake that Mirbo was greatly alarmed at that time. Even while eating seven steamed sweet potatoes, he was lost in thought for quite a long time.
Right, from what I remember, I had grabbed onto the sword wrapped in a white cloth unlike Mirbo.

"I was very shocked at the time."

I know, I know already.

"That sword, like the soldier had said, if someone that doesn"t qualify tries to touch the sword, it becomes severely hot. I"m not an exception."

Mirbo, opening his hand, showed it to me. Across his right hand was a clear, burn scar that ran horizontally in the center. Momentarily, I was lost for words.
My G.o.d, there was no mistake that Mirbo had tried to hold onto the sword despite having it burn his hand to this state. If that was me, I can"t imagine me doing the same thing.

"I had tried to endure."

You must have.
Lately, I feel like my thoughts have been conveyed quite well.

When Mirbo had talked up to this point, we had arrived at the entrance of Grillard"s Peak. Over there were pa.s.sersby that had reported to the guards after discovering the ma.s.sive bloodied field waiting for us.

"Over here."

… … Even if you don"t say it, I know the location quite well.
It was close to lunchtime. But, due to last night"s bloodied smell, I had no appet.i.te for food.

"It would be nice to eat lunch first."

Mirbo… your stomach is quite impressive.

We had climbed up the pa.s.s. There should be quite a lot of blood even if it was at the center of the uphill pa.s.s. It was precarious to examine the surroundings yesterday due to the darkness and the blood that was flowing like a fountain. But… huh?
The whole pa.s.s was clean.
This, what exactly happened here?
Looking back, Mirbo was quite surprised as well. It looked as if he was in a state of deep thought. But, the people that had discovered the blood in the morning was quite an attraction.

"Here, so what I mean is that there was quite a lot of blood spilt here… … so, it was as much as when you skin a deer. But, where did it all go?"

Deer you say? Then the thing Mirbo and I had encountered was at least ten deer heads combined like ma.s.sively huge… …
Mirbo tapped my shoulder.

"Ah, my shoulder wound had reopened… I can"t even move my right arm… .…"

I complained about my situation as if I was dying, but Mirbo wasn"t even paying attention to what I had said. Lowering his voice, he spoke in a rather small tone that only Erent hyung and I could possibly hear.

"… … The blood is returning. To the thing."

What is he saying? Mirbo had said this while looking at my face.

"You"re making such an expression even after seeing the corpse disappear yesterday."

I did understand what you said, but it"s just that I can"t understand it overall?
Eh… … although I"m saying something strange, should I talk about my dream from last night?

"Mirbo. I had dreamt a strange dream last night."

"… Did a white-furred leather appear?"

Huh, Mirbo and I had similarly called the monster"s name out loud together.

"Yes. It was the same incident as yesterday…."

"It spoke."

"Uh, what"s happening?"

I was extremely shocked. How…then did Mirbo dreamt the same dream?

"The same dream?!"

TL: Oh my G.o.d. So many mysteries and suspense~ And MC, how can you be so weak as to let your hyung carry you, tsk tsk.

TL Afterword

So many mysteries and suspense~ And MC, how can you be so weak as to let your hyung carry you, tsk tsk.

Translator: Calvis
Proofreader: Sai101, Kajin