The Stone of Days

Chapter 23

All of a sudden, Mirbo"s hand flew towards me and covered up my mouth. But, the physiological functions of the human body were inevitable.

"Heeub, Euuub……."

The wretched smell started to rise. The long object that pierced through the windows several times, was pulled out of the body. There was something stuck on the window. The corpse that didn"t have the chance to properly scream once was lying outside of the window, as the blood-colored body dyed the moonlight red as drops of something dripped onto the ground.

Tuk. Once more, Tuuk.
There was a damp item full of something nearby. I had no intention of confirming what it was. As well, the liquid was continuing to trickle down?? Blood, blood.
This, this situation, I, I really can"t endure it.
All of a sudden, the interior of the prison brightened.

"Is someone in here?"

Ohoh… I forgot what to say.
After clearing away the corpse to the side, the figure began to bend down and look through the window into the prison. It was a low whispering voice… a person, it was a person!
I immediately tried to go out into the moonlight, but Mirbo fiercely grabbed my arm back.

A deadly silence flowed out from him.

"Is there no one there?"

No response. No, in wanting to respond, I that had squirmed in pain for a whole day without food (although that"s the same for him), not sure where he was able to bring forth that strength, was grabbed back by Mirbo who had intercepted me with his iron-like arms.
It was then.



If I was used to starving like Mirbo - then I would never check in reality, however if you see it in the current situation - I wanted to know the unknown person who had called for my name. However, I was in an utterly exhausted state both physically and mentally, so I could not make a judgment call on an appropriate decision at all.
The voice.

"Who are you?"

It was Mirbo"s voice that had asked. It was the same feeling I felt when I had first met him. A person who had the same personality of a killer. And that bloodthirsty voice was leaking out.  Thus, the air became colder while I was unable to speak.

"The person that asks like that isn"t the person I"m looking for."

It was a different voice. A ba.s.s voice that was strong and powerful, a voice full of dignity. Shadow. The shadow that was closing in on the window.
Soon afterwards, the moonlight was wholly obscured.

"Who might you be?"

There was no yield from his voice at all. However, how long can we stay like this without having anything in our hands?
The person that came in search of me, is he the one that"s trying to save me or kill me?
Again the strong and livid voice. As if the voice was one of the night"s darkness.

"If Fabian is inside, tell me."

"I have no interest."

It seems Mirbo had already decided on what to do, as he quickly flicked the question aside. There wasn"t even the slightest hesitation.

"If that"s so."

All of a sudden, the window became brighter. The person outside came closer. What exactly is he trying to do?
This is hard to cope with, feeling anxious.

Dururu- dududududu…

The iron grating of the window was shaking, and it fell apart. Mirbo"s arms covered me instantaneously as he twitched slightly.
What…kind of strength could you have to rip off that iron-barred window just like that?
The man took the iron window bar and hurled it back into the gra.s.s. Then, without hesitation, he jumped into the prison cell at a breath"s time without much difficulty.


It was dark. A black colored cape fluttered. A b.u.t.terfly, a large bird, a kingdom"s flag.
It settled down.

"Is that you Fabian?"

After looking at Mirbo who was turning me sideways with both arms with a glance, he started to focus on me.
It was too dark so I couldn"t really see the person’s face. However it was a figure with a strong features as the moonlight painted a thin line of light around him. An extremely tall height, eyes that could penetrate darkness, over his head flowed dark black hair……!
His hair was just like mine.

"So it"s Fabian."

The Calm Sea.

End of Volume 1 Part 1.

TL Afterword

G.o.d that scene was so amazing. He"s finally come?!?!?!?! So hyped.

PR Afterword

Sai101: "I knew it… Fabian was superman!"

Translator: Calvis
Proofreader: Sai101, Kajin