The Stone of Days

Chapter 25

What was that? What was that building over there again? It was definitely… a blacksmith I think.
However, you couldn"t call it a building.
That thing? Wasn"t that the inn?
I don"t get it, I really don"t know.
Even if this was our village

I was walking up "the road" which I had excitedly rode down on my s...o...b..ard for deliveries.
However, the frozen snow that was here upto the day before yesterday was nowhere to be seen. Only traces of it being melted were left. How can that much snow melt that fast and disappear?

That question would soon be resolved.
Everywhere on the streets were full of burn marks. And that musky smoke that drifted from building to building. The man that expressionlessly scoured the surroundings as he walked besides me spoke.

"Looks like someone had a bit of knowledge on how to exterminate zombies."

It might have been so, but it seemed there was no effect since these creatures were a bit different from zombies. From the entrance to here, I have already seen a dozen or so bodies in the process, but there was none that that I couldn"t somewhat recognize.

To see a corpse, even seeing one person dying was a very uncomfortable thing. If it was a murder, the emotional impact that it brings could not be compared with the previous one.
And, if that person was someone you knew… …

"Mr. Gorman!"

Suddenly my body rushed out, causing me to nearly slip on the floor. The melted snow was starting to freeze again. It was a chilly day that could make your teeth chatter. That checkered outerwear was too familiar. Why the heck did he always have to wear that coat so much, and not change into a different one making Gorman"s wife scold him for that. Gorman was the person who would say it"s okay if it"s dirty since I like wearing it.
I grabbed his shoulder and shook it. The grey ap.r.o.n that encircled his ma.s.sive body swayed sideways, but there was no response.
I raised my head… let"s stop.
After taking in a large breath of air, I rose.
I could feel the warmth of the snow.
I shook my head to dust it off.
Still, there"s still…something left I have to check.

"Let"s go."

I should go.
The last 18 years of my life, to see it vanish in a moment like an illusion.
I must check.

The people that asked me if I was okay wasn"t just the two of them. After I have pa.s.sed 20 or so corpses, I felt as if I didn"t have any sort of feelings at all. Maybe my heart is becoming similar as well.
Among the corpses was "Deer"s General Store" k.u.mentz as well. I wonder where Gepper had gone to.
I continued to walk.
It was too quiet.
Nothing could threaten me. I wasn"t in danger at all.
The sinless Lord who has done nothing, I thank you.

But it soon turned out that my thoughts were wrong.
As soon as I saw the store sign "Big Deer"s General Store," I could feel the heat burning my body hot. At the same time, hot tears streamed down my face
The roof of the store was blown away.
This, it can"t be…
It can"t… BEEEEEEE! ! !

Not aware where my strength came from, I began to run. In strides, I climbed the hill towards the store. I didn"t slip…or fall. I just have to go up and…open the door… …
From behind, the one that claimed to be "father" grabbed a hold of my arm.

"Don"t look, Fabian."

When I came this far? Don"t look you say?
What! My mother is a…alive, like before… she"ll be in front of the store…sitting on that chair!
No, be…. she"ll be under the bed, or in the storage…she must have…hid, definitely… … she was waiting, desperately waiting…there for me! ! !

I was screaming something but my voice was thoroughly cracked, I too didn"t know what I was saying.
I completely.
All my strength surged through me.
I broke free of the brawny arm in a moment"s breath and opened the door.

"Ah… …."

The world stopped.

[Fabian, Fabian, this boy, aren"t you going to deliver.]

[Sigh, Mother- he won"t buy the sparrow nets-!]

[How do you know that well? Hurry up and quickly go and come back like mother had ordered you to.]

[Mother, you"re really… ….]

Mr. Genz definitely didn"t need any more nets.
Without much choice, I quickly picked up my clothes and prepared to leave. On the store chair was my mother in wholly pure-white clothes.

[Mother, where did you get those white clothes from? Woah- you look like an angel, but I don"t think you can handle the dust in the storage.]

[That"s all you got to say, boy?]

[Hehehe, it was a joke, Mother. You"re much more graceful and cool than the Lord"s wife.]

[You compare me with just that?]

Mother rose from her chair.

That fair that trailed that dazzling, snow-white nape of the neck. That smooth, graceful grey hair that shone. No, her whole body began to shine.
When was my mother so cool like this?

[Humph, and you compare me to that of a lord"s wife?]

From both her arms surged out a large, snowy-white pair of wings. Blossoming her wings, the whole store became full of light. After moving the wings a few times, she began to float as if she was about to flutter.
With that appearance, where exactly is she going?
Ah, my eyes……!

[The words of an angel.]
There was no roof on the store. Mother fluttered her wings once. Instantly, she flew upwards several times my height.

[Mother…! Where are you going!]

My mother didn"t reply.
I foolishly stood staring at the skies. That small dot in the sky was my mother flying away.

My mother, without an answer, grew distant.
There was no answer ever again.


Ahah, I was grabbing onto the empty air in front of me.
The blanket that fell from my arms, this was the inn.
That unfamiliar, cold room. That neat, but cold room.
However, I wasn"t in an inn to leave for my adventure.
I had no home to return to.

No energy to rise, I didn"t even have the spirit to.
I wonder how many days it has been since.

Among the four villages, the only village that didn"t have severe damages was Grillard. This was Grillard"s "Green Leaf" Inn. It was as if the village, known for being the warmest amongst the four, was bragging its name (if you think about it, when I had come to Grillard earlier, there was an inn that was named the "Green Flag").

I tried to sweep my hair back, but both of my arms were too heavy, so I gave up. As if I was a patient about to die.
Lying down I stared at the ceiling which had the words "Green Leaf" engraved.
Every morning, due to being too busy, I didn"t even have the time to admire the ceiling in my room. I didn"t have the energy to turn my head.

As if, my spirit had entered a body that was not mine. I wonder what it"s thinking?
…"I wonder what it"s thinking" is probably what"s it"s thinking."

In the meantime, what did I eat, how much did I sleep, I did not know at all. It was even unknown how I had arrived here. And I"m confused how I know where this place is. If I were to search my memories, maybe there"s something I can find… I really don"t want to do that.
I don"t want to remember at all.

I heard knocking at the door.
I didn"t have the energy to reply. Lying still, the door knocked once more.
Idiot, I don"t know what it is but just come in.
The door, with a click, opened.
It"s a girl with a face I know.

"Ryujia… Nauke?"

TL Afterword

PR Afterword

Sai101: This chapter was a difficult one to read through.. Even with GoT soundtrack playing.

Translator: Calvis
Proofreader: Sai101, Kajin