The Stone of Days

Chapter 3

"HAHA! Habiyanak"s fastest quick service is leaving-!"

"Shiingg Shiingg~!" I slid down the slope. With my ears red and my face frosted from the icy wind, I could feel that my upper body was burning from the cold. Quick service, a word I made, already it has become a common term among the villagers. Especially, among the merchants, it was a good word compet.i.tively. But, of course, the King of Quick Service was always me.


The first part that I did with the thing I was riding was to cut the large plank long and feed it oil, nevertheless, cracks would appear constantly, and due to a big accident, I made the decision to switch it to iron. I"ll explain what accident it was later, but anyhow, I made a request to the blacksmith to make it st.u.r.dy and light. But iron is iron, so it is still quite heavy.
This shape was something that went through several remodelings, but when it was first made, it had a long rectangular shape. But, now it has a curved end on both sides. Not only did it slant upwards, but I had to also adjust the size repeatedly. Now, it"s the envy of all merchants in the village.
Name?  "s...o...b..ard!" (Of course I named it myself).

The Habiyanak village among the whole region is closest to the snowy mountain. It"s located at the highest location, and the reason for the envy of many neighborhoods is precisely the downslope that our village has. In other words, this s...o...b..ard is most suitable for riding downhill. The lord"s castle is at the base of the mountain by Rose Ember Village. Of course, the road back is uphill, so I have to walk half the time. It"s why I brought these snowshoes.

Sliding down in a S shape, I arrived at the center of the village. Entering the alley which comprise of large alcohol pots, I easily slid past the people with my s...o...b..ard. The clothes were raised up as they were left to dry on hems. Although some were displeased by my dashes through the crowd, the majority looked on in amus.e.m.e.nt. Why? Since it"s exciting to watch.
I didn"t ride this as well in the beginning. Although at the start, I had the mindset of sledding down without falling out, but in order to not die riding this, you could say that I practised endlessly. My mother keeps mentioning that it"s a miracle that my head is still attached to my neck. Not only that, once I had changed it to iron, she mentioned that my arms and legs must have undergone rigid training. My arms? It"s because I have to run with them!
But still, with this, I can at least do delivery with ease.

In a matter of minutes, I quickly flew by as the remnants of snow bounced off from beneath the board. I can already see the entrance of the village. Today"s speed? I haven"t stopped once, so I should be close to my best record. It feels great! But still, I should be careful not to break my neckbone.

"Big Deer"s General Store Fabian-!"

Who called my full name? I was about to turn my head, but I had already pa.s.sed him as I stopped casually at the base of the hill.
The amount of effort I had to use to make myself look cool while stopping was indeed bothersome. But, I wonder who that is?

"Mm, It looks like I wasn"t mistaken."

Wow, it must be warm to put my hand on his head. Staring at his shining strand of hair as if it was standing on fire, I stared at the lad with a blank expression. I"m sure that he"s the one that made me stop, but I can"t seem to recall meeting that face at all. I wouldn"t forget that unique strand of hair. But, how does he know my name?

"People mentioned that if there was a boy pa.s.sing through with a strange board Jjogari (s.h.i.t), that it would be you."

My question was already answered.

"What business do you have with me, sir?"

"Ah, I just have an errand of an item to give."

Mm… …, if I had met this person in the summer, I wouldn"t forgive him. Acting in a normal merchant demeanor, I opened my ledger and pretended to attentively listen.

"Please, speak."

"Hmm, I need a needle and a thread. Oh and a net, a bundle of that."

"What use do you have for this net? Fishing? Catching bears? I also have very large ones."

"No, what I need is a fine net."

"Something very large?"

"Something very small. The smallest one."

"…A sparrow net?"

A strange person. He"s going to catch a sparrow in winter? I rechecked his appearance again. Leather pants and a jockey with a hood underneath a woolen fabric robe, equipped with some st.u.r.dy looking boots. From the looks of it, he looks like an adventurer. Hmm? I wonder if there is some sort of use in catching sparrows? Other than that, I can"t seem to see what other purpose he has for such a small net. While I was trying to solve this mystery, the man nodded his head.

"Mmhm. A sparrow net would be good."

Seeing how serious and honest his voice was, I couldn"t help but to stare back at him again. His grey eyes looked ordinary, but they were sharp. Extremely sharp - something that you couldn"t find in this neighborhood. The moment he nodded again, his eyes suddenly changed into a strange light… … In my experience, we call that "bloodl.u.s.t." This is a b.l.o.o.d.y person. I quickly changed my att.i.tude.

"Ah, yes of course. I do have a very good one. Where should I deliver it to then?"

"Flame Snowy Mountain. Inn, 2nd floor east last room. Find Mirbo Genz."

It sounded like a hunter"s name. But for a sparrow hunter is just… I see. As for this man, he might"ve caught those sparrows with that look alone. But if that"s so, then what"s this net used for? Mm…….
Before stretching out my imagination even further, I should quickly ask a question.

"When should I depart?"

"From now to any time. Just bring it before the sun sets."

I nodded my head. The s...o...b..ard, once stopped, needs to go to the top of the hill to ride it again. As I was about to run up the hill, Mirbo called me again.


What"s this? What"s with that murderous voice?

Already cold from being on the slope of the hill, I looked back. He had a casual expression on.

"…On the way…"

Something feels ominous.

"…Buy me 1 Jond worth of steamed sweet potatoes."

Why can"t my ominous feeling ever be wrong?

I could now start to see the Lord"s castle. Along the way, there was one order - truthfully, there were two. At this rate, there should be more tip - without any more troubles, I arrived at Rose Ember Village. The Lord"s castle wasn"t exactly big, but it still had the largest building. Over there was the gate.

Sliding down, I stopped my s...o...b..ard. In this territory, among the 4 villages, Rose Ember Village was the one that had the most changes. Not only did it have the lord"s castle, but it also had many renovated shops, and new ones. Foreign merchants when coming up north, would always visit Rose Ember village, even if they didn"t bother with Habiyanak village.
Someday, I should be able to open a store here.
The people of Ember, unaccustomed to see me with my strange board Jjogari, (Wait, that"s what Genz said), took glances with interest. Holding the s...o...b..ard by my side, I walked up to the gate.

"Is that Fabian? Delivery?"

In front of the gate appeared a soldier. Erent is a Habiyanak native. Being able to be the soldier of the lord was a great achievement. But, the adults of the village don"t really have any interest in becoming soldiers of a lord. They probably wouldn"t care even if they were given the opportunity to be soldiers of the king. Alas, even I would rather be the greatest Rieju merchant which is much more interesting than becoming a grand mage like Ezekiel.

"Yes, it"s delivery, Erent hyung."

A soldier beside Erent looked towards me.

"Have you come from Big Deer General Store?"

Mm, it seems he"s using polite language since he does not know me. I nodded my hand, and untied the string to bring out the book to hand over. But, the man shook his head.

"No, no. Go in and deliver it personally."

"Me? Personally?"

"Yes. He wants the book delivered directly."

"Who do I deliver it to?" Uh, these words unconsciously spouted out again. Oh well.

"Deliver it to the Lord"s Son, Arnowalt Ksendawni Ember."

Why is his name so long? Sheesh, what"s he going to do with such a long-a.s.s name? Eat it when he"s hungry? Stretching out my shoulders back, I nodded several times.

TL Afterword: LOL! Didn"t expect to see a s...o...b..ard, that"s for sure~

Translator: Calvis
Proofreader: Sai101