The Stone of Days

Chapter 37

Yes. Since Mirbo had given to this me without any explanation and left, in the end, it"s not a weapon I had chosen. If I did choose, I would"ve definitely gone for something lighter. But he say he would give me this one. I wonder if I could wait a bit after maturing (Not the sword, me I"m talking me) before I attempt to wield it.

"Your body can"t handle the weapon you"re holding. Although such a weapon doesn"t exist, it"s no use. Rather than attempting to face an enemy with that, it"ll be better for you to abandon it and run away."

That"s…a bit harsh.
I looked down on my sword anew.
Although it"s because I can"t fully digest the level of this thing, if you honestly scrutinize it, this fella has quite a few cool attributes. The fact that no one else can touch this is cool, and the strange inscriptions engraved in the center is attractive (but where will I use this for?)?
… … And if I do throw this away, Mirbo will get extremely angry at me.

"What if I don"t want to throw this away?"

"… … then you"ll have to digest it."

"That is correct."

My father came close to my side. Although the wind was blowing, I couldn"t feel the coldness at all. The soon approaching 2nd month, of the Darkness of Arund, had black rain come down. Not snow, but rain. The weather was gradually getting warmer.

"To undergo such rigorous training with that sword, there"s a significant meaning that it"s already in your body. In other words, it has become a part of you."

My father, standing, looked down at me. Although I was standing, it was far beyond me to reach my father"s height yet.

"Why do you think that your body needs to be st.u.r.dy in order to train in the sword?"

"That"s…… because I need to carry the sword, right?"

That"s right. That was the one that I was the most serious problem. My father made an expression as if he was taken back.

"What point is there to just carry the sword. Similarly, are you saying that if you run without it, then the enemy won"t be able to chase after you?"

Oho, that"s quite a good solution… … I"m sorry, Mr. Sword.

"Your sword has both advantages and disadvantages, so you need to think well on how to use those. What"s a trait of a heavy greatsword such as yours?"

"Heavy… and it"s slow. But, there is destructive power."

"Right. If you keep trying to swing that sword from side to side, how will you not damage your back?"

Hearing that, I finally realized why my back felt as if they were going to break. This was quite obvious, yet it was something that was difficult to implement I realized.

"For a two-handed sword, you have the most power when you swing from above. And the power from the bottom-up is also fine. To slash horizontally, it won"t be too slow once you can swing that sword as if you were holding a long sword."

"I understand."

After my father had pointed out that advice I really had to remember, he resumed after briefly staring at me with that morning star held naturally. If it was me, I would lower it down first before I spoke.

"How fast can you move?"


If you meant speed, I had confidence. If you mention the speed at Habiyanak, I"d be flying……no, Habiyanak is no more.
After breathing in, I was lost in thought.

"If it"s running, I have confidence."

"That"s of course good as well. But what I"m actually saying is your hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, waist, etc. I want to know how fast you can move those instantaneously."

My hand, wrist… mm, so, how should I say this… …huh, how can my waist accelerate?
No, that"s probably not what it means.

"To move fast… I need to avoid the attack and strike first."

"There are also times when you have to move slow, Fabian."

In my father"s eyes were a significant, serious light aflame.
"Remember this. You need to know the limitations of your speed so that you can consider on how to react in an emergency."

Though it was a saying that I kind of understood, I decided to memorize it. Speed, I need to know how speedy I am.
Should I twist my waist?

"Also, you will also have to undergo painful training at times. That"s because it will awaken your senses so that your body won"t be injured, and protect you in an actual battle. A body under sheltered swordsmanship that hasn"t been injured in practice will be easily exposed in any real fight."

All of a sudden, I thought of Arnowalt.

"Why that is, the moment those people are inflicted by even one wound, that person would completely forget the swordsmanship he trained and practiced in."

Arnowalt, if you could point your ears here, listen! This is wise advice, a maxim! Write it down, write!
In subst.i.tute of Arnowald, I showed emotional expression of grat.i.tude. In truth, there was no need for words of how inspired I was. My world, for me to be someone that fought against a longsword with a fleuret, due to the author of Arnowalt"s swordsmanship teacher. Compared to that, how great is my father?

"I will surely remember it."

"Alright… …."

My father suddenly cut off his words as he looked sharply at me. Why is he like this suddenly? Did I do something wrong?
My father suddenly moved his mouth as if wanting to articulate something, which caused me to have an ominous feeling to graze past the back of my head……

"In other words, I think it"s quite a good way to learn what pain is in advance!"


The instant my father grabbed my hand, I could feel a grip that brought forth extreme pain.
… …
… … For a moment, I wish I could faint… Ahhhhhya!
It was too painful for me to do that.

And then after saying a few more advice on how to handle the sword and the task of my mission in detail, he soon departed. If he was by my side for a bit longer, I already know that I could learn a lot more. But, as the leader of the knights, he can"t vacate his position for too long, as he continued to look back towards the cliff as if he was somewhat at unrest till the end.
The sight of my father"s back soon disappeared towards the side of the green lake.
Don"t worry too much. Father, you have your own responsibilities to take care of. I have my own as well. So I will do my best to do well. The mission that Father entrusted to me, I will definitely complete it coolly.
For some reason, I was very confident today.

TL Afterword

Aww, the father left. But, that means it"s time for the adventure of Fabian to finally start! Woot!

Translator: Calvis
Proofreader: Sai101