The Stone of Days

Chapter 4

As a result, pa.s.sing by the fountain, I entered the Lord"s castle alone.
No, no, if someone heard of this, they"d probably think that it"ll be my first time entering such a castle. Actually, it"s my second time entering a castle. The first time? Mmm…… It was when my mother carried me inside after applying for my birth registration.

 Anyhow, this castle is amazing.
The luscious green gra.s.s encompa.s.sing the ma.s.sive, wide lawn fascinated me. Woah, there"s no snow on it either? Wait, there"s no roof. Just how many workers do they employ to shovel out the snow?

The northernmost country, Isnamir, in the province of Gray County had winter as long as 5 months. In the spring Festival "Frandiloa," it"s still very cold during the 3 Arund months of "Arna" (Despite the eloquent name, most people just call it the third month). The amount of snowfall is so large that it"s difficult to differentiate which places in the city are actually residential. It"s hard to find a place without snow…No, except here.
Among the gra.s.s, at the center lay a pathway of paved stone. It was inexhaustibly long.

"Mmm…, Ugh… Kuh……"

After walking down the paved stone for a while, I got sick of walking. Despite seeing the large spire attached to the castle, the distance between the castle and I wasn"t shortening at all.
Why does this castle"s front lawn have to be so long?

I didn"t have too much knowledge regarding the castle. But still, I have occasionally read the tales of knights and heroes. In those stories, most castles have moats around them, and a large drawbridge that can be raised up or down. In my mind, if it was like that, then it would be easy to defend. But this castle is only beautiful by frame. There"s no moat, the walls aren"t even high, and the houses of the villages are built outside leaving it exposed. What"s more, this front lawn is uselessly long.
To make matters worse, what dissatisfied me the most was that this castle located at the end.
Since it was so boring, I decided to check the cover of the book.

"Sermuz"s Swordsmanship Exercise Manual 3rd Volume"
– Mabril"s Shining Sword, Written by Kardan Maifehu –

Hehe, haven"t I read this already three years ago?

I have never, NEVER wanted to become a warrior or a soldier in the past as well. That hasn"t changed today. But, there"s a good reason why I had read this three years ago.
Of course at our store, there"s a stockpile of swordsmanship, archery, martial art manuals that had aggregated. Despite having such a large h.o.a.rd, it doesn"t sell as well.
There"s never a lot of people come up to the far north to this village just to buy manuals on swordsmanship or some other training manuals. It"s not like our village is some grand military affairs headquarters, or a place where a strong force is developed or trained. Not even monsters appear around here. In my estimation, selling 1 - 2 manuals per annum is good enough. The lone manuals that sell are hunting manuals? Due to interest, I did flip through some of these manuals, but with the demeanor of flipping through them as if they were a collection of children"s stories.

So what reason did I uselessly finish this to the last page? The ultimate annoyance, the dirt-like guy in my life, the criminal born to wash my sins clean, who else but that "Deer General Store" guy. If not, why would there even be a reason?
Mmm, I was a bit too emotional.
Anyways, I did kind of summarize it, but the Deer General Store has a son who is bigger, stronger, taller, and older than me. His name? Gepper k.u.mentz. When he first moved in, he was a quiet, absurd boy that wouldn"t cause provocation (Whenever he saw my mother, he looked as if he was planning a suspicious ploy). When I first met him, if it was possible, I told myself that I shouldn"t into him.
But of course, the world doesn"t move as I plan it to be.
I can"t remember it clearly, but due to a minor fault, I realized I was on the ground getting beaten up (What I can"t understand is the reason for him hitting me).  After having his way with me, he took the s...o...b..ard that I was using and broke it into pieces. He probably wasn"t fond of me coolly riding the s...o...b..ard for some time now. At that time, it was made out of wood, so the poor thing had no chance. My poor s...o...b..ard.
Anyhow, that was the first time in my life where I never had felt such rage boiling inside.
If you think about it, it was quite a mysterious happening. Burning with rage for vengeance, I read every single manual in the store. Once you start something, you should begin systematically.  After reading the manuals, wouldn"t the next step be actual practice? I"m someone that will pursue till the end once I make a decision.
Look at me now. Finally, I"ve reached the end of the paved pathway.

"I have a delivery from the Big Deer"s General Store."

To make the butler in front of me to not ask any questions annoyingly, I put on an honest face as I concluded those words.

"Follow me."

Thus, I walked past the center of the castle. The castle was built of stone, adorned with the helmets and armors in the corridor, shining with deer and boars heads hung with short swords on the walls. What a waste. As a matter of fact, I do have a sword beside my waist as well.
After reading countless swordsmanship and spear manuals that didn"t fit my style, I ended up with a sword by my side. But comparing those decorative swords hung on the walls to mine is awful. Those would barely qualify as daggers, with how short they are.
But still, they would be useful when encountering a wild cat in the mountains.

Past the corridor, we entered a round room. The ceiling of the hall was very high. It was disturbing. The echoing footsteps also bothered me. Alas, in that room were two people waiting for the butler.
Wearing a warm goose coat stood a boy around my age, and alongside him was a tall middle-aged man with a nasty impression.

"Ah, so you have finally arrived."

What do you mean finally arrived? Was this book really something that valuable? If I recall, this was a book that was lying around untouched in our store three years ago.
After considering what I should do, I brought out the book and extended it forward.

"Keep your manners. In front of you is the Lord"s son Arnowalt Ksendawni Ember."

Aha, so it was you? No, your family would be that old man?
Seeing that the lord"s son was similar to my age, I took a glimpse at the boy. Did the lord have such a young son as him?
Well, you look quite pretty

"Well, you look quite pretty."

To have my thoughts uttered back at me suddenly caused me to become extremely fl.u.s.tered. But those words came out of the lord"s son. Then who did he say it to? Me?

"I have waited for you, store clerk."

I have a name you know, though it is a bit short.

"For me, sir?"

"Mmhm, I have heard stories of you." Arnold signalled pointing to his ears.

Of course, you listen with your ears. What do you think you use, your nose?
I just waited for him to quickly state his purpose. I need to quickly go back and aid my mother since she won"t be able to sell the goods for the proper value, especially with items pa.s.sed down from generation to generation, which is my specialty.

"For now, hand me the book."

I handed over the book. Due to the confusion from before, I extended only one of my hands. This time, I presented the manual to him politely with both hands protracted.

"You are the quickest amongst the Habiyanak, right?"

"Of course."

If there"s a question regarding my confidence, my reply will always be firm.

"And riding that board… you…just……"

Arnowalt with his goose fur coat and his arms crossed in a S position was quite silly.

"… … roam around?"


If possible, a short reply will hopefully result in a shorter conversation.

"I see. It is as I"ve heard."

Arnowalt, with a small grin turned to the silent man with a threatening face.

"Teacher Tadea. Useful, don"t you think?"

"Yes, Lord Arnowalt"

Useful? What exactly do they mean? When I was having these thoughts, Teacher Tadea slowly approached me. Seeing him up close, he is indeed very tall.



"You will be the Young Master"s sparring partner starting tomorrow."


What are they saying? I"m not sure they"re talking in my language.

"Starting tomorrow, you will eat breakfast in the castle and will spar with the Young Master. You will be given a sword, so you can come empty-handed. Consider it an honor. Now leave.

After finishing, the two turned.
Ah, it was good that the conversation was short, but if this decision was to be this simple, what am I supposed to do?
But then, who would oversee the store then in the morning?

"But, but…"

"What?" he glanced back threateningly.

TL Afterword: G.o.d, I love those descriptive scenes – actually allows me to imagine how they"d actually look, and where they are for that matter (visually and geographically).
Thanks for reading~!

PR: Same here! MC seems funny too with his thoughts