The Stone of Days

Chapter 5

"You see… … …I"m a merchant."

"It doesn"t matter what you are. If you"re needed, follow orders as it is. We didn"t ask you based on your status."

No, that"s not what I"m trying to say.

"Sir, it"s not that but… …."

"Now what?" Stammered the man. That man must have been a former soldier. You think you"re the only ones with a loud voice?

"I need to look after the store!"


He was indeed taller than me.
Teacher Tadea was about to explode in rage, but what made the situation more severe was how the delicate looking Lord"s son was frowning intensely as three lines of wrinkles formed on his forehead. I could sense that something ominous was about to happen. Teacher Teadea, noticing the Young Master"s expression, politely stepped back.
Compared to before, Arnowalt spoke in a tone quite different from before. It was a tone so unbelievable that I questioned how such a voice could come out from a boy similar of age. Even if you were older, it"s nearly impossible to make that kind of voice. Why? Since there won"t be a need to.


Big Deer Habiyanak, Rose Ember, Laurel"s Bay Grillard, and Snowflower Sedanborum - these four villages together were called the Province of Ember. Wait, I shouldn"t even be leisurely explaining this.
With a grimace resembling an old man, he angrily bellowed again like an adult n.o.ble. Although his tone was like an old man.

Yup. That"s what I expected.

I let out a long sigh as I sat on the castle floors.
Returning back from the castle was indeed long-winded as well. It was exhausting before, but I won"t explain just how long it was this time around. Maybe, it was because I was walking sluggishly that made this trip feel longer than usual.
The soldiers opened the gate, which was at least a few times the height of an average person. And in front laid the front lawn.
Starting tomorrow, I"ll have to take this path. Just how did this happen?

There are a few ladies who seem to be the maids of the lord. They peek at me and chuckle. While not turning their heads towards me, they whispered quickly. But I know.
Even if you whisper quietly like that, I can hear everything. How dare they say that I"m cute, sheesh.
Feeling down, I trudged across the paved path.

"Are you leaving, Fabian?"

Oh, have I already walked across the path?

"We"re switching shifts now."

Erent Hyung. How could you shatter that illusion so fast.

"Why did they look for you?"

"It"s too appalling to even say it."

Of course, if I were to say the truth to Hyung in detail, then considering how hot-tempered and horrid their personalities were, they would involve Mother and threaten me. From now on, being beaten up near death when sparring, I"m not even sure if I"ll be treated any less than a dog. As for the important part, if I were to mistakenly hit him, the slander and derision that would come out of his mouth might actually become a reality.

"Alright. Then don"t say it."

You"re too kind, Erent Hyung.
Separating from Hyung, I slowly walked towards the gate. Numerous thoughts popped up. Arnowalt, can"t you just fall and break an arm? Now, how am I supposed to call you? Lord"s son Arnowalt? Or that long name that I can"t seem to remember? Wait…don"t tell me I have to call you Young Master?!
Thinking about it, he didn"t even ask for my name. It"s way easier to memorize, sheesh.

I returned to the store when lunchtime was around the corner.

"Fabian, boy! What took you so long?"

Although my mother may talk like this, she"s at her greatest gentle state. Maybe it"s because of the interactions I had with intensely cold people that had distorted my view for the negative. At least I didn"t point at my ears like Arnowalt, or listen through my nose. Anyhow, the sleepiness made her voice that much sweeter.


"What"s wrong?"

"I love you."

It"s only a guess, but with that look I can tell that she"s suspicious of something. In order to resolve her suspicions, I"ve initiated Project 1 into action.

"Let me prepare lunch."

"When have I ever prepared the food? You always prepared it."

When did my mother get so eloquent at speaking?

Face to face, I ate lunch with her. Two loafs of bread, and one may call this the epitome of luxury: sheep b.u.t.ter, two potatoes, and two apples. "A simple lunch," is what my mother"s slogan was… … But why does breakfast and dinner have to have the same slogan as well
I briefly explained my situation to her as simply as possible.

"You training with knives?"

Seeing my mother"s simple appreciation, I exclaimed as some of that precious loaf of bread spewed out.

"Mother - What are you saying? — !!"

My mother spoke without a single hint of worry in her voice. In her opinion, (as some potatoes popped out of her mouth), she thought that when I mentioned knives, she thought of the kitchen knives considering how rarely I do hold knives even in the kitchen (There"s a misunderstanding. She prepares the meals more than I do). She mentioned how I"ll probably leave the castle due to the lord"s son being bored after playing around with me for a while. There should be a limit to how lightly she thinks of me.

Of course, it"s not like my mother knows about my conflict with Gepper. Whenever my mother would arrive, that guy is the type to scream for help (Seeing how Mr. k.u.mentz acts, it"s no wonder Gepper"s demeanor is the same. At least he has some expensive) so of course she has no idea. Thus, it"s understandable that she would misunderstand the knives I mentioned as the loaf knives in the kitchen.
However, there was a time where I did nothing but worry Mother as a son… as I reminisced about the events from three years ago.
I quickly scoured around my surroundings as I was stuck in an alley. I looked at those 4 guys across from me. One of them, I knew for sure. The rest of the three - I don"t know them. Well, technically I"ve seen of those guys before, but the rest of the two faces were a mystery. It starts now. I know them all, but I do greet them from time to time.
At that moment, Gepper having suffered a few defeats from me, decided to finish this once and for all as he and his lackeys came to our house. Of course, they came when they knew that my mother wasn"t around. Do you think I would let them leave my place and chase after me? That"s silly. Why would I abandon such an advantageous post? Mother could come back home any second now, and there could be the Lord"s men among the pa.s.sersby. All of this would confirm my safety that much more.

"Stop spewing nonsense and draw your knife!"

It would"ve been nice if I could"ve had a knife that was appropriate to that immature speech of theirs. Seeing the knives those guys were holding, I quickly gathered my thoughts. Among those weapons of theirs was a large wooden stick, carved with a sharp tip. Do you think I wouldn"t know that you stole that from Nasret"s front lawn? There were no sticks as large as those, except for maybe a few logs where I lived. Only when you herd pigs do you have the need to use that. Maybe I should ask.

"Perchance, were you a pig?"

"What, what did you say?" screamed the ringleader of that group as he unsheathed his knife. I didn"t particularly say this to him, but look at him stuttering. He"s one odd kid. Well, it wouldn"t make sense to say this to the rest who I don"t even know personally. Admit it, you"re the one that most closely looks like a pig. Mmm, what wonderful reasoning.

"Pi…I"m a pig…?"

The agitated Gepper, holding that large stick that still resembles unchopped firewood, rushed at me. It"s interesting though how he has his left foot forward with that knife as a right-hander. After that beat down 5 months ago, thanks to you, I completely studied all those sword manuals from my store. It"s time for you to figure out what misery is.
And if the trouble is a mess, then n.o.body"ll will praise you.

"Iyayab! (TL note: War shout)" Coolly screaming, I forced his long stick into our house"s eaves, and at that precise moment, I quickly hid behind the entrance door.
At that time, I really wanted to thank him for his sluggish movements, and began to wonder who to turn this blessing towards.
"You"re a coward, Fabian!"

Oho, when you see those gangsters fight in those pubs, do you just stand there and observe? If so, then I should show you a thing or two of what I a.s.similated from those sword manuals.

"Iyayayab!" This time, Gepper, with great unrest, took a step back. Oh what great timing!
Subtly jumping on the edge of the barrel, I kicked his body. I could feel the barrel being flung backwards from the impact. Please, please don"t break too much, my water barrel. If you break, I"ll have to go and get you fixed.
So, seeing a great opportunity, I rushed at Gepper"s head at an angle and smashed it with a firewood log I had previously hidden behind the barrel.

On the moment I aimed for Gepper"s head, the two dumbfounded lackeys quickly swung their sticks towards me. It"s already too late for me to turn. What was I supposed to do here? Oh yeah.
I was supposed to do this!

The moment my log collided with his head, I dropped my weapon. With that weight gone, I quickly ducked my body down as much as possible.


It was the sound of two sticks colliding. Soon, they would aim for my back. I can"t escape from either side. The only side I can escape from is backwards, but it was already too late to turn.
Even so, I was twice as fast than Gepper.

"Oh, oh, oh, OH!"

Holding his head in writhe was the bent-over Gepper. Since both of them were much taller than me, of course their legs would be longer as well. I guess I was very thankful for that, since there was a lot of s.p.a.ce I could roll my body through. With my lowered body, I quickly escaped between Gepper"s legs.

"Truly, co…, cowardly… …."

Puhhk– ouch, my head.
I rolled way too far and accidentally crashed into my neighbor"s fence. But bravely, I quickly jumped back up and faced them. To be honest, I stood up without a moment"s notice since I was somewhat nervous of what Gepper would do. I was right again. The object that was flying towards me was none other than a stick.
But, I was empty handed.


Twisting my right leg diagonally in a slanted position, I launched a kick to the guy"s right arm. The moment my leg stopped its momentum was when it collided with his fist. The stick that he couldn"t hold on to flew backwards over his head. Byebye~ although it was a pity I couldn"t wave it goodbye, at least I can follow it. Avoiding the bull-like forceful punch from Gepper, I swiftly jumped over the fence of my small home.

"Tuktuk- Puhhk!"

Uh, that b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s trying to destroy our fence. But, within these fences held my trump card!
At this time, I had reconstructed my s...o...b..ard out of iron. Picking it up from the ground, I swung it hard at the fallen Gepper who was trying to recover with all my strength. In this vicinity, no one had this much arm strength that was of my age other than me. It"s all thanks to this iron s...o...b..ard…no, to be precise, it was all due to Gepper.
However, I didn"t ignorantly aim for his head, since the amount of money I"ll have to cough up for medical fees would be astronomical. [PR note: LMAO A true merchant…]


While trying to get up, the iron board smashed into his arm, flinging him back onto the ground motionless.
I wonder when he"ll wake up.
Silently cracking my chin, I waved at the other boys that were fleeing back towards the alley.

With difficulty, I woke up from my pleasant recollection. The accomplishment of punishing and taking vengeance against Gepper k.u.mentz after an arduous five months - this could result in being a very precious memory, but in Arnowalt"s case, that would be different.
Of course, explaining this to Mother would wholly worry her, but since this has already occurred, there"s no need to exacerbate her. So I adjusted my focus to savor the precious bread I was eating. Yeah, what difference would it make for her to know that her son was actually a fighter.
Mother began to rise from the dining table.

"And if you start to observe swordsmanship a bit, won"t it help when you"re herding pigs later on?"

That…what could she possibly mean?
Halting in the midst of cleaning and entering my room, my mind wandered again. I feel like I might have to think twice before coming up with an appropriate reasoning next time.

TL Afterword: A simple lunch = luxurious~ All hail Food-sama. Oh, and I love the MC’s mother’s character so much already.

Translator: Calvis
Proofreader: Sai101