The Stone of Days

Chapter 7

"I"m home."

"Come eat dinner."

What is this?
That"s my dinner set?
From the dining table was a whiff of juicy steak, and cooked asparagus where you could still see the b.u.t.ter melting l.u.s.tfully on those veggies. Finishing off this set was a delicious raspberry pie.
I kept my distance from the dining table.

"Please tell me. I"ll forgive you for anything that you have done wrong."

"This boy, is this how you treat your mother"s sincere cooking like that?"

Well it"s true. My mother"s cooking skills can easily beat most cooks that are chefs. So much so that it would"ve been good if she had set up an inn or restaurant instead of a general store. Hmm, if that was ever a possibility, then I"d be Habiyanak"s best waiter.

"Alright, Mother. Are you perhaps travelling far away? Is that so? Even if you"re not here, I"ll take good care of the store. Well, compared to Mother, I am technically better… …"

At that moment, I quickly evaded the bombarded pieces of bread flying towards me.

Before the food gets gold, I need to eat.
Especially when it"s a dinner set where it"s hard to eat such a feast for at least a few months. Slicing through the soft plump meat, I quickly chewed the meat and stuffed myself with some pie while I was cautiously deciding when I should tell her about the jewel that Genz gave me. Mother was comfortably slicing that luscious steak as she ate.
But was a jewel always this heavy? It felt as if the jewel was about to rip through my pockets and plummet towards the ground. Even in front of such a delicacy, I couldn"t stop myself from holding the jewel inside my pockets. Anyways, I need to finish my meal so I forcefully contained myself and focused on the food in front of me.
No words could describe how delicious this steak was, even if half of it wasn"t going into my mouth, I wouldn"t have been able to control myself. Seeing how my mother wasn"t saying anything, it seems she was wholly focused on eating as well.

"I should be the one asking you to spill it out. I"ll forgive you."

Finally, Mother is learning from me.

"What I want to know is what day is it today?"

"It"s the 7th day of the 14th month. Last year on this day, there was a haughty rumour between you and the weaponsmith"s daughter Benya Killen. I hit you in the head after seeing your agonized feelings considering how you constantly told me to eat with a lighthearted expression… …"

… Now you know where my memory came from right?… Wait this isn"t the time

"It"s….You know that"s not what I mean!"

I don"t even want to share with you about what happened with Benya Killen. Because of that girl, I"ve been cold and gloomy (those emotions don"t even match). Lately after seriously reconsidering being kind to girls to the point where I"m not even interested in girls (have I really?). Thus, I"ve been labelled as a weirdo.

"What I want to know is that why are we eating such delicacies that I wouldn"t be able to even smell occasionally. Is today some kind of holiday?"

"I wanted to use some of our savings. When G.o.d gives us luck, it"s not appropriate to ask why. Why you ask? If you keep asking, I"m going to take these away."

I immediately shut myself up.

Anyhow, it"s still somewhat suspicious. I wonder what she is thinking as she eats. They say that when people are about to die, they start acting strangely. Wait, maybe… ….Nah, what kind of nonsense am I spouting?
Oh, could it be that Mother caught on that her son had just earned a fortune?
Anyways, I need to have her feel rea.s.sured that our family savings won"t just disappear.
Quickly bringing my mother into the bedroom, I took out the jewel from my pockets and showed it to her.
As expected, my mother was worried.

"So you"re saying he just gave you that?"

"Of course he did pay for the nets."

"This boy, you overcharged again, didn"t you?"

Well, whatever. This isn"t the time to answer that anyways.

"It"s still good right? Look, how much do you think it"s worth? Seeing how large it is, it should go for quite a bit. It"s said that the price of jewels are determined by what they are made of. I should"ve asked for the name of this jewel then. My mistake. But still, at that time, I was too flabbergasted as well. What should I do?"
"… … You can just ask d.i.c.k from the Flame Snowy Mountain Inn. "

Puhaha. Holding in my laughter, I simply nodded my head. Still, a promise is a promise, so I"ll make sure to keep it a secret.

"I already asked okay. He told me that he"s unfamiliar with it."

"How much did you ask for?"

"Eh… … I asked for 4 Jonds 50 per net."

"Mm… … 5 jonds per net I see."

Hehe… Mother, you still can"t read your son.


"Seeing you nod like that without a fight, you called for at least 5 Jonds 50."

Mm, it seems that mother is using her wits quite a bit.

"Stop it. At that rate, you"ll probably raise it by another 100 Jonds."

Taking out a sheepskin, she started to calculate. Mother, unlike me, isn"t as fast in calculation. Mm, I shouldn"t mention about the sweet potato delivery. I wonder how much I received just from tips in this errand.

"With this large of a jewel, no matter how cheap it is, it should go for at least 500 Jonds. By no means… …"

Mother, anything but those words… …

"We need to return the change."

Hearing the one phrase I did not want to hear, I jumped up from the bed and grabbed my mother"s arm.


"Mmhm, I see that you"re worried as well. With our house, we don"t have the money to give change for this."

… … Well, for me, that"s good at least. What"s important is that we don"t return this jewel.

"I agree, so there"s no way to return the change right? Not only that, he even specifically told me that he doesn"t need change. He probably knew that we didn"t have the change, so he didn"t want to be annoyed. Not only that, you don"t even know how threatening frightening his face is… …"

Well, truthfully, he wasn"t exactly that dangerous…

"You, I thought you were smart, but I see that you"re an idiot."

Mother, why are you saying such a thing…
Mother stared at me admonishingly.

"If you don"t have the money, then you can return the value with goods right? You"re a merchant, and you don"t even consider this… …"


No, what do you mean no? I"m currently weaving more sparrow bundles.
Since Mr.Genz might depart tomorrow morning, my mother a.s.serted that I had to finish weaving all these bundles by today. Of course, I hinted that Mr.Genz wouldn"t need any more sparrow bundles, but my mother displayed an apathetic expression. In my opinion, he doesn"t even need an extra! But my mother isn"t someone that can be convinced easily.

"Boy, what are you going to do when he asks for more sparrow nets?"

… …My mother is always like this.

Originally selling 20 bundles of sparrow nets, there"s not too many left in the store - in fact, the ultimate disaster was this - No sleep for tonight. In order to make 500 Jonds worth of nets, just how many more bundles do I have to make…? No, if you recall my mother"s calculation from before (5 Jonds per net), I"ll have to weave until I have a value of 400 Jonds worth of nets. Then, how many is that…80 bundles?!
Sigh, I should"ve just confessed that I received 6 Jonds per bundle.
Although it is a bit unreasonable, since my mother was also a merchant, she did support in having a higher profit. If I convince her about the charges related to the sweet potatoes, delivery fee, and waiting fee, I could at least curtail the amount by 100 Jonds (20 bundles). Then, I would work on these a bit more heartily.

In the end, after Mother and I weaved about 10 bundles, we were finally able to go to sleep. Even attempting to weave 80 bundles in a day is crazy, no less impossible. The words that my mother spoke before I fell asleep was quite a sight to behold.

"Mm…, Fabian, did he perchance not ask for any bear nets?"


Alarmed from my scream, my mother who had briefly slept jumped up from the bed. Her eyes, though, were still closed.

"What"s wrong, boy! It"s often said that I still need time to digest the food from yesterday for at least another month."

Despite her brief sleep, she still was able to articulate what she wanted to say without misp.r.o.nunciation… But still, I had to say it.


Skipping breakfast, and quickly splashing some water onto my face, I frantically rode my s...o...b..ard down. Usually, this would feel unbelievably fast, but why does everything feel so slow today?! In these moments, being a magician like those from the stories wouldn"t be bad at all. That…what do you call it……Yeah, Teleport, that.
I don"t think that our Lord"s precious son would simply warm up with his teacher while waiting for a commoner like me. Anyhow, I can"t be late for even a minute"s worth of teatime.

UhUh, Move aside!

Swiftly, I quickly went past the apple cart. I was already at Rose Ember. As it was morning, it was quite difficult having to weave by these group of vendors.
Seeing an apple, my stomach started to grumble.
I wonder where everything I had eaten yesterday had gone to. Far from being a month, that food doesn"t even last me through a day.

When I arrived at the castle, my appearance was an absolute disaster.
My hair was still a mess from when I woke up, my face was unwashed, and my clothes were still the same from yesterday night. I probably look like a b.u.m. But still, rather than having a n.o.ble wait, it"s several times better listening to their mockery instead.

"Mm, so you"ve come."

Why is that person here?
I stood dumbfounded without words as Arnowalt stood in front of the gate with a smile. Why has he come out? Was it because I was late that he wants to lock me up? Seeing his expression, I was relieved that it wasn"t the case.

"Ah, since you were late, I was planning on bringing you here, but you"ve arrived. Come in."

This feels…like a game between goblins.
In a neat swordsman robe more graceful from yesterday, I followed Arnowalt towards the rear of the castle. Waiting on the gra.s.s was the teacher from yesterday with a solemn expression. Noticing my presence, he extended a "Fleuret" towards my direction.

"Don"t be late."

Why is everyone so tolerant?
But soon, that thought would be proven wrong.

TL Afterword: Weaving 400 Jonds worth of sparrow nets?! Oh my G.o.d, I"d die trying to make all of that in a day. Also, I wonder how much that marble weighs. Thanks again~~!

Translator: Calvis
Proofreader: Sai101