The Stone of Days

Chapter 40

It was certain that she wasn"t one that lived in Grillard.

I couldn"t keep that resolution (that useless interest I had) I made from earlier in the end. While I was eating dinner, Mr. Cindebolp"s son Seba hyung called me over while I was in the midst of tidying up the goods, as if he had a joyous thing to say with the blushing face he had.

"Fabian, did you see that girl?"

"Which one?"

Well. I already guessed who Seba was already referring to when he said "that girl."

"Ah, the girl that was walking around the village at lunchtime. Didn"t you see a girl that had silver hair and wore a black dress?"


I acted as if I knew. Despite Seba hyung being 27 in age, he was handsome, unmarried man without substance. Well, the problem was that his expectations are too high.

"You saw right? Pretty? Living for 27 years, it was a first to see such a beautiful girl in my life. Despite someone trying to speak to her, she didn"t bother opening her lips. Those pointed lips, they were so cute… …."

For some reason, I thought of wanting to brag.

"Yuri? She spoke to me pretty well."

"What? Her name was Yuri?"

… That was a mistake. Seba hyung who was attentively looking at me while planning something made me worry a bit that I might not be able to leave the village tomorrow morning. That"s that, but please Seba hyung, I would really like it if you can stop with your newly created habit of addressing me as "Knight"s Leader son." Other than the prophets, I really can"t tell whether the meaning of those words contain ridicule or admiration.

I can easily find Ryujia"s house.
Although I wasn"t confused before as much, thinking about it, the sentiments of searching this place were quite anew. Right, it was the day when my 18 years of life suddenly had events happening that I"d never imagined.
Ryujia, as if she hadn"t moved from the spot since I first visited, was sitting down in that chair naturally.

"Ah… h.e.l.lo."

For no reason, I stammered my words (frankly, there was some reason as to why). Ryujia just nodded her head in her seat. Looks like then and now, her unchanged and unconcerned manners were still the same.

"I was waiting. I heard that you were departing tomorrow."

She had probably heard of this from Doctor Nauke.

"Follow me. Let"s go to the back room."

A back room actually did exist. Following her, she pulled down the large tapestry that was behind her the last time, and behind that was a door. Since the door was quite small, I barely made it through by crouching down.
This, it was as if it was a small prayer room.
There was a pure white cloth spread over a small table. And on the table was a small knife for which purpose I was unaware of.
But, the place was reverse due to it being on the other side of the wall. And there were no chairs so I had to sit on the floor.
Since there were only two candles alight in the room, it was a bit dark.

"Sit down over here."

I sat on the red-colored cushion that she pointed to. Heeding my father"s advice of not allowing my sword to be apart me, I laid the sword I had brought over to the left of me (I couldn"t lay it down on my right. A trained warrior wasn"t supposed to was what he said).
But what made me feel uncomfortable was that the cushion was in the center of the room. Despite not having any spectators, it felt as if I was a sight to see. I disliked these kind of scenarios.
Ryujia seeing me sit in my spot, went towards the wall and kneeled. Then, from out of her pockets, she brought out 4 pinkie-sized jewels and placed them on top of the table arranged one after the other. Like the time I received the jewel from Mirbo and the necklace I was entrusted by my father, although they weren"t shining as great as the ones I"ve seen, but they were still sparkling stones. The first one was purple, the second yellow, the third a dim grey, and the last one was of a red color.
This is starting to become interesting.

Other than the knife and four jewels, there was nothing else that was on the table. The room was wholly clean as well. The atmosphere was strangely different from before (the time when she foretold my future). And come to think of it, Ryujia"s lips and clothes were different as well.
She had a long one-piece dress entirely gray as if it was a night gown. And it extended down all the way to her waist without a single strand of hair or jewelry on.

"Fabian, when I start the ritual, you can"t move or talk at all. And later, when I instruct you, go and bring over the bottle of liquor."

I looked over at the place Ryujia pointed. There was a small closet with its door closed. It"s probably in there I a.s.sume.

"Then, I"ll start."

I completely lost the opportunity to ask about all the strange things here. If I say "Wait" now I wonder what she"ll say.
But, how long will this take? What should I do if my leg goes to sleep? No, what should I do if my back gets itchy? How about when I need to go to the washroom?
While I was asking myself with these plethora of thoughts, Ryujia rose from her kneeling down and stood up. Then, she opened her mouth and began to speak.

Isnae-Draniaras, the first soul after time has opened
Parting from the chains of life as those G.o.ds that overlook
In the center are the humans that are received as friends
One that wants to talk with Yenichetri"s daughter
You, dear *****
Be in peace forever again by sitting in the wagon
Those who plead for foresight
The ones who have the right to light the future
A friend"s gift is slowly arriving noticeably
The love and hatred of the forgotten humans long ago
I ask for the feet to be briefly soaked

I had no idea what she was talking about.
And when she said " You, dear *****", not sure which name she had spoken, but it feels as if it"s some other country"s funky p.r.o.nunciation. In other words, that system of language couldn"t be translated to my understanding. Well, I think it was Elelel … something like that. I couldn"t really speak that p.r.o.nunciation.
But while I was perplexed in the moment, Ryujia"s white drapery was beginning to change. It was as if something had moved a bit … as if something shone … getting larger … ….
It was fire!

Shocked, I nearly jumped up from my seat.
It was real. A flame had appeared from behind a white, pure cloth, which soon quickly grew into a bonfire. Where is it burning from? Not a picture, not a light, but what"s really behind that drapery.
I really wanted to look around the drapery and see, but Ryujia"s words made be barely hold my curiosity in for now. Ryujia who had her eyes closed, suddenly began to laugh.
Hik, I"m scared.

"… despite how disappointed you are, your words are a bit harsh."

Who is she speaking to?

Whether those words were meant for me, I seriously thought about it. The question I had were solved by her clear words beforehand before I could do anything.

"Fabian, bring me the bottle."

So, the words that she spoke earlier weren"t for me.
I rose up and opened the shelf. Inside was a long gla.s.s bottle with and a small cup Thinking that she"d probably need both, I took them out. Inside the gla.s.s bottle was half full of that yellowish liquid.
Mm… suddenly, I was trying to a.n.a.lyze what that liquid was automatically.


Ryujia didn"t even bother to look at me as she lowered the bottle onto the table. Am I supposed to answer? Since the words that she said earlier about not making a sound were weighing on my mind, I silently returned to my seat.
It totally feels as if someone was ordering a child to do some

"… Then, first have a gla.s.s of alcohol."

Ryujia without opening her eyes suddenly grabbed the bottle and started to pour that yellow liquid. I didn"t know where she placed the bottle, but I was absentmindedly staring at her pouring into the cup.
It looks like a ghost.

She stopped once the gla.s.s was full. Ah, the alcohol seemed quite strong with that strong scent. I can smell it all the way from here.
As if it was a flowery scent, it was very thick and somewhat fragrant.
What was it made out of? I don"t think it"s fruit wine… huh?
Ryujia suddenly grabbed the gla.s.s and sprayed it over the white drapery.


I initially wanted to ask what she was doing, but I constrained myself as I was totally flabbergasted at what happened to the drapery.
It was not soaked at all.
It was as if the alcohol that was poured had disappeared completely. What magical place could it be behind that drapery? A time travelling establishment? Or if not that… there"s no mistake I"ve read too many novels…….
Once sprayed, the flame grew in size suddenly, as it started to wholly brighten this room as if it was a large candle.
As if the air in the room was somewhat surprised, there was strange pressure. It was as if the whole village"s air was suddenly locked into this one tiny room.

"How was it? You"re not sure how long it"s been since you drunk the welcoming alcohol? In my opinion, it should be quite a long time… …."

Ryujia, please reveal who you"re talking with, please!
I"m getting the chills seeing you mumble like that with your eyes closed.
Who"s drinking that alcohol exactly… ….

The transparent flame ball behind the drapery, as if it was being welcomed, suddenly became much more clearly defined. I rubbed my eyes and stared again. As expected, it was as I saw it to be.

"Then, I need to first present the offerings. Don"t grumble about it just because you"re displeased. "

Ryujia continued to mumble by herself as she grabbed the first jewel with her right hand, the purple one. And then, she started to recite similarly from before.

"The one that was sharing his story
Wonder what day today is
White snow, in the center of Nisroeld
From the old song a new one is born
The new song makes you realize your own existence
The Troubard Arund
In the heavens, the one that sings about the world La Trouba Drooe
The n.o.ble purple offering which
Matches you. "

Ryujia poured the alcohol over the purple jewel and lightly threw it inside the drapery. Well throwing it in was a bit misleading, but there"s nothing I could do. There"s no other expression for it.
The jewel disappeared once it touched the flame.
I, not even surprised anymore, just blinked my eyes once more. I think Ryujia was determined to show something amazing.
Ryujia grabbed the second jewel.

"The conversation I share
About what kind of being you are
Oh n.o.ble that is in the center of Isnae
The most high Isnae-Draniaras
The soul that has separated from the chains of life
The one that looks into humans" tomorrows
In the heavens, the one that speaks of the future Kitiani
The secret yellow offering which
Matches you."

Likewise, she threw the yellow jewel, which disappeared in the drapery. I started to think. How much would each one go for?

"The one that sits in front
What kind of person am I
To be indebted by the human"s will
And be baptised by the soul"s breath
Like an illusion lost in the alley with one light
The old mother of Yenichetri"s daughter
The one that remembers the past Fubiani
The settled gray offering which
Matches you."

Is Ryujia talking about herself this time? If it"s Fubiani" I"m guessing she was born on that Arund? Then, that last jewel …….
Before I was able to finish my thought, Ryujia went into her last recitation.

The one that speaks to me
What kind of person are you
That was caught in the gamble of a long fate
What awaits him is a blade and sword
The one that receives that will is Fabianne"s flame
The one that grabs that sword slashes through time
The one that blocks the heavens, the destructive Fabianne
The ardent red offering which
Matches you."

Was that … for me?
Although I didn"t understand what it meant, I predicted that last prophecy had something in connection with me.
Although it"s true that I was born in Fabianne Arund, to say it so grandiose like that made it seem as if something really happened.
At that moment, a sudden voice could be heard.

[I see, so you are Fabian?]

TL Afterword
TL Afterword: G.o.d this has taken a sharp turn. I"m so curious as to what this prophecy will foretell

PR Afterword: Next Level Prophet ya"ll! I would have wet myself silly sitting through that.. MC - jump out the window if there was any.

Translator: Calvis
Proofreader: Sai101