The Story Of Gossip Girl

Chapter 13

Feng Ping was shivering like a leaf as she exited the hall. Looking around her surroundings, there wasn"t a single taxi in site, and she fell into despair. It was to be expected after all. People who came to such a high-end place would always have their own car, only taxi drivers who had fried brains would try to come over here to make money.

As the saying goes: Things will always work out, it only takes a moment of inspiration.

Just as she was about to be frozen into a statue, our beloved hero Zorro, ahem correction, His Majesty Jianan appeared. He wore a long black overcoat, his posture straight as he walked over from across the street, the yellow haze of the streetlamps lighting him up like a celebrity. His coat was dancing in the wind, he looked way too cool.

That"s why people said it"s alright if a man is ugly but he must be tall and cannot be too fat. Tang Jianan just happened to meet all those requirements, cough cough…Right now, his appearance was like someone bringing her coal in the middle of winter, and Feng Ping felt so grateful that hot tears spilled out of her eyes as she couldn"t stop sniffling, ahem, actually it was because the weather was so cold that she was frozen.

Her sorry figure really made people"s hearts hurt.

Tang Jianan hurriedly took off his jacket and pa.s.sed it over to her, and she gratefully put it on.

“Why are you like this?” Tang Jianan asked.

“When I woke up, everyone was gone. What a group of ungrateful people.”

Tang Jianan was in disbelief, “I really can"t believe that you actually did that. Do you know that that"s even more rude than just leaving early?”

Feng Ping was indifferent, “Who cares, besides no one noticed me.”

“I—” Tang Jianan wanted to say that he was trying to find her the whole time when he swallowed the rest of his words.

Thankfully Feng Ping didn"t notice his faux paus and kept shivering, “Why didn"t you leave yet, where"s your car?”

Tang Jianan had an emotionless expression on his face, “Mingxuan drove it back.” He didn"t answer the first question. There was no way he would say that he wouldn"t give up and was the last one to leave when G.o.d decided to open his eyes and let him see that woman walk out from there.

Aye, even though Zorro didn"t ride a horse over, it was good enough that the person was here.

Even though Feng Ping was wearing Tang Jianan"s thick overcoat, she could still feel the chill seeping in from the bottom. She shivered and looked at him, “Then, are we walking back? It"s so late at night, I"m afraid we won"t be able to get a taxi…”

Tang Jianan"s armor was given to her to wear, and he was only left with his suit which wasn"t enough to combat this weather, “We can still run back…”

“Are you joking?”

“Is it funny?”

“Not at all.”

“I already called Eryang just now, he should be here soon.”

“Then should we go back in the hall to wait for him?” She really couldn"t stand it.

Tang Jianan secretly thought: If I don"t let you suffer a little bit, I"m afraid that you won"t even remember who was the hero that saved the damsel in distress tonight. Instead, what came out from his mouth was, “Eryang isn"t a member, so he won"t be able to get in.”

Feng Ping was speechless. If Eryang couldn"t get in, then wouldn"t that mean that they had to wait outside?”

Tang Jianan began to talk to himself, “The weather report said that it would be below freezing temperatures tonight.”

After a moment he spoke again, “Look, there"s already ice forming on the ground.”

After another beat, he spoke, “Good G.o.d, this wind is at least a category six.”

Feng Ping was already cold to the point her teeth were rattling and her legs were shivering, and after hearing his words, she began to tremble even harder. As the wind blew, her snot continued to roll down. With no other choice, she could only use her sleeves to wipe it away, and besides, it was someone else"s clothes.

Seeing her wipe her snot, Tang Jianan finally found the problem, “You didn"t wear a coat when you came out in this weather?”

Feng Ping shook as she answered him, “I wore it but it was taken away by someone else.”

“That actually happened?” Tang Jianan was surprised.


“That"s way too mean, I"m going to return my membership.”

“I support you.”

Feng Ping was so cold she was struggling to stand. Tang Jianan finally felt sorry for her and gave a suggestion, “Squat down and use the jacket to cover your knees, you might be a little warmer that way.”

Feng Ping followed his words and then replied sullenly, “Why didn"t you say so earlier?”

Tang Jianan also crossed his arms as he squatted down next to her, his voice full of shamelessness, “I just thought of it.”

Feng Ping decided to not speak anymore.

Tang Jianan didn"t have the same thoughts. He nudged her shoulder and spoke slowly, “I"ve also decided to start charging an hourly rate. For a situation like tonight, I think it"s counted as me accompanying you right?”

Feng Ping turned around, her mouth wide open as she stared at him.

Tang Jianan pretended to be serious as he explained, “Look, my family is rich and I"m young and handsome. I can pretty much get any girl I want.”

It was all what Feng Ping said to him that day so she couldn"t refute.

“Is there any man that"s better than me in Shenying?”

He didn"t wait for Feng Ping to speak when he answered his own question, “No. Definitely not. But—” Changing his tone, “Now, this perfect and flawless man who has broken the hearts of countless women chose to endure this below freezing winter night to squat down with you next to the road and experience these raging winds. Don"t you think you should show something in appreciation?”


“You"re wearing my only coat, and you"re even using it to wipe your snot.”


“My fee is quite low, four thousand dollars an hour.”

Feng Ping really wanted to laugh but her face was frozen from the coldness, and after kneading it for a long time she finally spoke, “Such a low price doesn"t seem to suit your status.”

Tang Jianan sighed, “Isn"t this the rate after calculating expenditures? Look at you. Your evening gown seems to be worth a decent amount of money, but what do I need a woman"s dress for? Even if I gave it to my grandma, she would scold me saying how out of date it is.”

Feng Ping glared at him, about to say something when she heard a loud honking noise and the sound of brakes being slammed. She was getting ready to stand up but because she had squatted for so long and been frozen, both of her legs were numb. She was unsteady in her heels and was about to fall when Tang Jianan hurriedly stood up to catch up. In the end, both of them fell onto the ground.

Yi Eryang rushed out of the car, his hands pulling his cellphone out of his pockets, aiming at them as he yelled out in excitement, “Wow wow wow, you guys are actually this pa.s.sionate? Did you guys call me out to witness this? Should I call the paparazzi?”

Tang Jianan helped Feng Ping up and gave an angry bellow, “Don"t cross the line!”

Yi Eryang continued taking pictures like crazy, “Do some more poses. Tang er gongzi, give me a smile.”

Tang Jianan ignored him and hurried to pull Feng Ping into the car with him.

Yi Eryang was drooling as he looked at his phone, “This is a big scoop. I"ll definitely get a lot of money from this. I always knew I had a knack for being an entertainment reporter. This angle is so beautiful…”

The silent night was suddenly disturbed by the sound of an engine starting.

“Hey, hey, I haven"t gotten in the car yet, you guys—, ah—, my car, my car…” Yi Eryang furiously ran after them as he howled to the sky, “Tang Jianan you ungrateful b.a.s.t.a.r.d who destroys the bridge after crossingggggg—”