The Story Of Gossip Girl

Chapter 1

An Yuesheng never thought that Feng Ping would really leave him one day.

Thinking about the time before Feng Ping left, their last fight didn"t seem to be very intense. The reason is because that day, he woke up a little late, and she was nagging him how he shouldn"t be staying up so late to play video games and about his habits in the bathroom and shower. In the end, she nagged away the last bit of desire for sleep that he had, and full of anger, he argued back.

Afterwards, when the two of them rode the elevator down, Feng Ping still had a dark expression on her face. He was thoroughly annoyed and couldn"t help but coldly smile, “If you feel so troubled, we might as well just break up.”

He only said it in a fit of anger, not expecting that Feng Ping would actually agree, “I think the same way.”

He stared at her in shock, unable to say anything, yet she didn"t even spare him a glance. thinking about it now, it was probably at that moment when she decided that she wanted to leave him.

During the following days, she didn"t bring up the matter about breaking up, only seeming to be a little more distant, but there wasn"t any hint that she wanted to leave. He thought that she was just throwing a tantrum. Let her stew for a couple of days, he"ll coax her, and everything will be okay.

Who knew that when he went on a business trip, she would take the chance to leave without a trace.

But this isn"t the worst part.

The worst part is that he had no idea where to even begin looking for her.

They met online, and then lived together for around a year, yet that year was full of fights. He thought she had a bad temper, had bad habits, had an inferiority complex at times, yet was also overly confident at times too, to sum up, she wasn"t not an easy person to serve. Of course he also had his problems too, but it wasn"t to the point to one would just up and leave without so much as a goodbye. It was too cruel.

During the time that they were living together, they seldom talked about their families or colelagues. Her parents were still alive, she had three older brothers, as well as an older sister or younger sister, he didn"t really remember. To put it another way, he didn"t really bother to remember. He never thought about marriage, not to mention a future with her.

He"s seen her ID before, Feng Ping, born in "85, from Wuming City.

She said that she never graduated from college because she didn"t bother to finish her studies so she joined the workforce as a regular worker. He believed in all of this, not having the slightest suspicion. After living with him, he became her everything. She didn"t have her own personal life, and in this city she had no friends while her colleagues didn"t call her very often. This is also the main reason why they fought. He felt that he had absolutely no personal s.p.a.ce and felt stifled to the point where he couldn"t breathe, and he furthermore detested her unpredictable temper. He felt somewhat regretful for his rash actions, thinking that he shouldn"t have brought up living together.

Of course, her looks and aura were top cla.s.s. Objectively speaking, the campus belle that he had a deep crush on during his university days couldn"t compare to even a tenth of her. With this logic, the campus belle"s temper also couldn"t match up to her. On that matter, while beauty is certainly pleasing to one"s eyes, when the freshness is no longer there, it becomes just so so. She didn"t have many long-term interests, and he had to always accompany her. Other people said that the more beautiful a woman is, the harder it is to serve her. This phrase was true in all aspects.

When he took her out to business parties, he got a lot of face. When some people joked that she was a fresh flower in the midst of cows, he felt a little sour inside. Unfortunately, he was just a department manager and the chances for him to socialize at business events weren"t much, yet she thoroughly hated these events and would refuse to go no matter how much he tried to coax her. When she went, she would have a dark expression on her face. Like this, even the small bit of good that she had disappeared.

After she left, he frantically went looking for her. He went to her office and asked her colleagues, yet they did not know much either. He called her many times, but her phone was always off. When he sent her messages online, she never replied.

At first he was still hesitating on whether he should find her or not because he was scared that she really would come back. Aftwards, seeing that there wasn"t any updates about her whatsoever, he became worried. Escaping her was naturally a good thing, but what if the police suddenly come knocking on his door? So he tried to seriously look for her a couple of times, and after registering a missing persons report, he settled down.

But she never appeared.

One day three years later, he went on a business trip to New York—he was no longer the same person as he once was for he was now the vice president of a company named Yuanshi. He saw her engagement photos on the economic magazine, Forbes.

That man was actually Beicheng Corporation"s second son, Tang Jianan.

An Yuesheng raised the magazine and looked again, his eyes almost glued to the paper, hating that the picture was so small. The person in the picture still looked the same as before, a peerless beauty. She was dolled up so extravagantly, the coldness she had three years ago could not be seen.

He stared at the magazine in a daze. Rather than saying he was shocked, it would be more accurate to say that he was in a trance, feeling nothing but disbelief. Beicheng Corporation, Tang Jianian, that was the unreachable dream of countless people, how did she manage to do it?

If his memory wasn"t wrong, she only had two qualities that stuck out, one was her beauty, the other was her temper. Tang Jianan this playboy, he could accept her beauty, but could he really accept her temper? Or maybe she was completely reborn?

The main character in this article was Tang Jianan"s father, Tang Zhan, and it only briefly mentioned the engagement of Tang family"s second son. The woman"s background was not mentioned at all. Towards this, An Yuesheng completely understood because she didn"t even graduate college, how troubled the article writer must have felt. Didn"t someone once say that a woman"s greatest dowry was a diploma from a world-cla.s.s university?

He gave a cold smile and tossed away the magazine, raising a cup of coffee that was already slightly cold to his lips, feeling that it was extraordinarily bitter.

These past few years he became fairly prosperous and was naturally different from who he was three years ago. Even so, it hasn"t gotten to the point where he could be considered very successful. At times when he felt some satisfaction, he would think of the day where he would be revered by others, until then—now, whenever he thought about this, he couldn"t help but let out a cold chuckle and then wouldn"t think any further, as if there was a giant blank in his mind. Words had limits but imagination was rich, for one"s imagination could be limitless. However, no matter how he imagined, he never imagined this step.

This step came too quickly, he didn"t even see it coming. He couldn"t help but take the magazine and read it again.

Tang Jianan had clear skin, his face boasting with arrogance, a frivolous air about him, completely dependent on his father"s generosity. He looked down on Tang Jianan, but did not dare to down on Tang Jianan"s father, Tang Zhan. When a man compares himself to another man, looks are only a small matter, it could be said to be completely insignificant. The most important was power and status. There was only one Tang Zhan in all of Asia, yet there were five sons of Tang Zhan.

However, even as one of the five, Tang Jianan was still someone he would have to spend multiple lifetimes working to reach. Life truly was unfair, if everyone were to start at the same starting line, it would be hard to say that he would lose.

His heart was restless and suddenly saw a phrase in English on the magazine. Translated into Chinese, it meant that personality determines fate. He couldn"t help but turn his nose up and sneer: What kind of bulls.h.i.t meant that personality determines fate, if he and Tang Jianan had the same personality, would that mean that they would have the same fate? Of course not. Personality might determine fate, but only if certain conditions were met.

A lot of things in this world had conditions attached. Who knew if Feng Ping and Tang Jianan also had some secret conditions? Otherwise this woman who had nothing but her looks, how could Tang Jianan accept it?

He didn"t know what the reason behind it was and could only feel sorry for Tang Jianan. That"s right, Beicheng was a big client of Yuanshi, and they were currently in the midst of a project regarding land development. Tang Jianan was also one of Beicheng"s representatives for this project. Worrying about one of his clients to this extent, there wasn"t really a need for him to do so as Yuanshi was only responsible for a fifth of the project.

Since both sides had projects they were collaborating on together, there would be many opportunities in the future to interact with each other. With another layer of social connections in front of him, he needed to be even more cautious. Although he thought this way, his hand unconsciously rubbed his necktie, seeming as if he was trying to make it even tighter. Realizing his actions he thought it was quite funny, what did he need to be worried about, it was her who left him. She should be the one who was worried, she had no right to blame him. Besides, if this matter got exposed, it would only serve to be disadvantageous to her.

Thinking up to this point, he felt much better.

It was only when he returned to Shengying City that he realized news about Tang family"s second son"s marriage was everywhere, on the internet, the newspapers, television, etc. The content was all about trying to uncover this female"s background as they continuously speculated. It was always Tang Jianan who was the center of attention in the media, yet this round, he was given the cold shoulder.

In a flash, Feng Ping got the nickname of Cinderella.

She didn"t think that way, and relished in the media"s attention.