The Story Of Gossip Girl

Chapter 11

As Tang Jianan was impolitely eavesdropping on someone"s conversation, in the hall, Zhou Xinzhu acted as if she discovered a continent as she set her sights on Feng Ping. She didn"t guess wrong, this woman really did hook up with Fang Botao. No wonder Ren Yao was kicked out.

Zhou Xinzhu hated women that relied on men to climb up in social status. Because her father liked to dip his toes in the water to taste other flowers(1), as he devloped his real estate company, he also paid special attention to the devlopment of the arts and invested in entertainment companies. As everyone knows, this industry produces a lot of beauties, so Big Boss Zhou"s hobby was thoroughly satisfied. If he was happy, he would gift them a mansion or a villa, causing his wife and children to be angered "til they were half-dead. Maybe it was because she hated that so much that in a fit of anger, Zhou xiaojie entered the industry and became a model. It could be said that she infiltrated the enemy ranks and ended up on top.

Because of this, she purposely rejected all those wealthy youths who chased after her and chose the singer Han Yi who grew up in an ordinary family to be her boyfriend. As a result, his father didn"t need to work anymore. His family obeyed the rules of whoever had the most money, whoever was wealthiest was the boss of the family. Consequently, the youth standing next to Zhou Xinzhu today was not Han Yi but her younger brother Zhou Zhize.

Zhou Zhize was forced by his sister to come to this boring banquet, so he naturally wouldn"t let go of the opportunity to hunt down some beauties. He was observing the various celebrities inside when he set his target on Fang Junyi. Fang Junyi was young and full of youthful vigor, plus younger people were less experienced and thus easier to obtain.

Zhou Xinzhu was very clear on his personality. But he could set his sights on anyone, why did he have to target Fang family"s little girl. Her heart was full of anger until she suddenly saw Feng Ping leave Fang Botao and walk across the hall.

She hesitated for a moment before following after her.

Feng Ping was annoyed with the businessmen that were trying to get close to Fang Botao, and since she had been wearing high heels all this time, she wanted to find some place to rest.

Right as she sat down on the sofa, Zhou Xinzhu appeared wearing a silver evening gown that perfectly matched her height, her aura capturing the attention of others.

Zhou Xinzhu coldly laughed, “It turns out that Fang Botao was your backer. And I was wondering why you were such a showoff?”

Feng Ping"s head laid against the sofa and she slowly closed her eyes, ignoring her.

Zhou Xinzhu raised her voice, “Hey, I"m talking to you—”

Feng Ping lazily replied, “My apologies Zhou xiaojie, I don"t speak to rude people.”

Zhou Xinzhu"s anger was ignited, “What are you to even have the right to say that I"m rude. You"re just a parasite leeching off of a man.”

Feng Ping bust out into laughter, “Zhou xiaojie, it takes skill to be a parasite as well.”

Zhou Xinzhu refused to back down, “You"re too shameless!”

Feng Ping smiled, “Then what is Zhou xiaojie still doing here?”

Zhou Xinzhu"s whole body was trembling, “You"re, you"re too arrogant…”

Feng Ping sighed, “Zhou xiaojie, your vocabulary is so poor, did you graduate from middle school?”

Finished, Zhou Xinzhu"s face turned pale, “You…”

Before she could finish, she turned around and left without saying another word.

Feng Ping didn"t know about her bottom line, so this remark was thrown out careless, only to find that she hit the bullseye that was Zhou Xinzhu"s secret pain. When she debuted at sixteen years-old, she indeed did not graduate from middle school. It really wasn"t a big deal since strictly speaking, Feng Ping was only a middle-school graduate anyways. But in Shenying City, all the wealthy young misses carried diplomas from brand-name universities, so when put in comparison, Zhou Xinzhu seemed to be very uneducated, causing her to feel a lot of regret.

With Feng Ping"s question, their enmity was set.

After Tang Jianan finished eavesdropping his swept his gaze over the people inside but didn"t see the person he was looking for. Fang Botao was currently drinking and talking with Chairman Liu of the charity, and next to them was another married couple.

After searching for a long time, he still didn"t see Feng Ping but got Yu Manwen and Wu Nianzhen instead, and couldn"t leave. As the fundraiser went underway and the numerous celebrities changed outfits, he still didn"t find any trace of Feng Ping. Even when the banquet ended, she never showed her face.

He suspected that she might have already left first. Even though it was considered impolite, but what type of stuff wasn"t she able to do?

Fang Botao also felt it was quite weird and grabbed his son to talk in a corner, “Junhao, did you see xiaojie?”

Fang Junhao felt petty and and exaggeratedly looked around before replying to his father, “No way? You lost your date.”

Fang Botao glared at him as he was being serious.

Fang Junhao hurried changed his att.i.tude and gave an apologetic smile, “Maybe she already left.”

Fang Botao felt worried, “Why didn"t she say anything? Do you think something happened?”

“You"re too worrried. What could happen in Shenying? It"s already good enough that she hasn"t caused a calamity to fall on others. Oh, that reminds me, I saw that number written on the check—” He suddenly lowered his voice, “Such a large amount of money, did it come from her account?”

Fang Botao"s face changed as he angrily bellowed, “You think your dad is poor?”

Fang Junhao rushed to placate him, “No way!”

Fang Botao rubbed his chin as he lowered his voice, “Although I have money, how could I possibly take out such a large amount?”

Fang Junhao raised his head to laugh, secretly thinking: I knew it. Afterwards, the father and son duo separated to go find their dates again, oh, correction, Fang Botao went to go find his daughter.

Seeing him, Fang Junyi asked, “Daddy, whose your date?”

Fang Botao gave a glare a Richard as he didn"t bother speaking politely, “You still care about me?”

Fang Junyi grabbed his arm and swung it around as she pouted, “Of course, I wanted to go over to ask you earlier but I saw that you kept on talking with Uncle Liu, so I was afraid of disturbing you guys…”

Fang Botao glared at Richard again as a sour smell(1) seemed to soar: You were clearly stuck to this rascal to the point where you two can"t leave each other. But since Richard was right next to him, he could only vaguely reply, “Just a friend, you"ll meet her soon.”

“Where is she?”

“She left.”


“What do you mean ‘ah", hurry and get in the car. Um, that one, you—” Pointing at Richard, “Junyi won"t take you back, go home yourself.”

Richard: “$#@#$…”

(1) A sour smell (or vinegar smell) is usually a euphemism for being jealous.