The Story Of Gossip Girl

Chapter 19

Tang Zhan.

She saw his picture once online, so she was sure she didn"t recognize the wrong person.

He was a middle-aged man with refined looks, his body on the leaner side. He was more handsome than both of his sons, and if she just looked at his face alone, she would not believe that he was already 50 years old.

Was that woman just now his a.s.sistant? So they were already stuck at the hip together, even when she went to the restroom, he would wait for her outside? Um, that couldn"t be, right? He was Tang Zhan.

“You are Feng Ping…”

Haha, this was the benefit of being famous, she didn"t need to introduce herself to strangers.

Feng Ping faintly smiled, “Yes, that"s me. I didn"t realize that I would see you here as well? Mr. Tang.”

She meant that she had no idea she would into him at this banquet, but since they were in front of the women"s restroom, her words seemed to carry a hint of mockery.

Tang Zhan laughed, “I didn"t realize either…”

His reply was strange too, seeming to be finished but his tone implied that he still had more to say, causing people to wait only for him to not speak anymore.

Feng Ping calmly gazed at him.

He had a pair of deep eyes, but his gaze was very warm.

He smiled, “You are more beautiful in real life, Ah Nan has good taste.”

Huh? Is it a trendy thing to compliment people"s looks to be better in real life than in pictures these days?

Feng Ping couldn"t help but laugh, “Thank you. I won"t take up any more of your time going to the restroom.”

Tang Zhan slightly nodded, but his face changed.

Feng Ping turned around and left, feeling that her words were slightly improper just now, but what if he wasn"t waiting for anyone? Was the person inside not his lover? Since everyone met in front of the restrooms, she would just treat it as he was going to the restroom.

But when she walked past the screen and turned left, right as she was about to enter the banquet hall, she suddenly realized that the men"s restroom was on that side. Then that would mean that he indeed was waiting for someone and not there to use the restroom. Sweat.

Feng Ping returned to the banquet and found Tang Jianan, “Guess who I b.u.mped into by the restroom just now?”


“Your dad.”

“No way?” Tang Jianan looked at her, astonished, “He shouldn"t have dementia just yet, what is he doing by the women"s restroom?”

Feng Ping laughed at his playfulness and couldn"t help but pat his elbow a few times, “We met outside in the hallway on accident. Why didn"t you tell me your dad was coming tonight?”

Tang Jianan drank a mouthful of wine, his voice indifferent, “He always does what he pleases, who knows whether he would come or not? So what if he did? It"s not like he"s going to eat anyone, are you nervous?” He suddenly turned around to stare at her.

Feng Ping frowned, “Just a little? He"s your father after all…”

Not waiting for her to finish, Tang jianan burst out into laughter, “What, you finally want to marry me now?”

Feng Ping turned her face towards him, raising an eyebrow.

Tang Jianan seemed to coldly mock, “Otherwise, who do you care is my father?”

Feng Ping felt that his tone wasn"t quite right and felt weird before suddenly understanding: Ah, so he"s here to actually annoy Tang Zhan, he wants to rebel against his father, why?

She couldn"t help but blink.

Tang Jianan acted very rationally, “Are you trying to seduce me?”

Feng Ping didn"t know whether to laugh or cry and turned away, refusing to laugh at him, “You"re so childish.”

“What did you say?”


“You said I"m childish!” Tang Jianan suddenly grabbed her wrist, his voice cold as if he couldn"t stand hearing this word.

The wine in Feng Ping"s hand spilled out onto the back of her hand, and she couldn"t help but get angry but when she turned around to look at him, she couldn"t help but shiver. Aiya, it looks like this word was his sore spot, she needed to comfort him.

She was just about to say some rea.s.suring words when a voice suddenly cut in from the side, “Ah Nan, what are you guys doing?”

Hanging onto the crook of Tang Zhan"s elbow was an innocent young lady with flowing long hair, smiling at them. Because of Tang Zhan, the two of them immediately became the focus of everyone else, their gazes all landing on them.

The surroundings suddenly turned unusually quiet.

Feng Ping gave a long sigh: Aye, if there"s something to say, say it nicely, what are you doing getting so agitated? How will you clean up this mess now?

What a good Tan Jianan, he actually replied so brazenly in front of everyone, “We were getting ready to make out, Dad.”

Finished, he set down his winegla.s.s first then took the winegla.s.s from her hand as well and set it on the table before pulling her into his embrace, lowering his head to kiss her lips.

Feng Ping felt like she was being electrocuted.

But she had to play along with him so she could only close her eyes and pretend she was really into it. When Tang Jianan finished kissing her and raised his head, her eyes were still closed and she was still pretending to be infatuated, “Do it again.”

Tang Jianan started, suspecting his own hearing.

The people that were closer to them already started to lightly laugh. Tang Zhan also had a smile that didn"t seem to be a smile on his face.

But when he saw her sparkling and beautiful face, he couldn"t help but deeply kiss her once again. This time, his kiss was even more moving and Feng Ping couldn"t help but kiss him back.

When they released each other again, Tang Zhan had already walked away. The surrounding people had also already recovered their usual countenance and no one else paid attention to them.

Feng Ping took a deep breath, her face burning and she had an urge to laugh but didn"t know why.

Tang Jianan also felt slightly awkward and pretended to be normal as he lifted the winegla.s.s from the table and drank a mouthful before realizing that he unconsciously picked up the woman"s wine. He felt awkward again.

Feng Ping couldn"t help but rea.s.sure him in a low voice, “Don"t be nervous Ah Nan, your kissing skills are pretty good.”

Tang Jianan"s face suddenly turned extremely red. What was she saying, ‘his kissing skills weren"t bad", then the h.e.l.l he was nervous about, where did she see that he was being nervous? Anyways, he was Tang Jianan so it was to be expected.

“Thank you. I"ve always been confident in this skill.”

“I"m going to the restroom.”

“You just went—”

“I want to go again.”

Feng Ping walked past the screen into the hallway and towards the balcony, her two hands holding onto the cold railing causing her own body temperature to cool down. After leaving that atmosphere, she also lost the previous urge to laugh. Looking outside the window, Chenyang Lake glittering with the color of the setting sun, causing her to inhale a relaxing breath.

Tang Zhan was known in the business world for his iron fist but after seeing him in person, she felt that he was elegant and friendly, very much like a scholarly businessman. Logically speaking, he should be a good father so what kind of grudges did Tang Jianan have against him? For him to not even hesitate at using his own marriage to bicker with him?

She suddenly recalled the last time she came to Chenyang"s mountain villa, she heard a piece of news on the radio when she sat in Tang Jianan"s car. It seemed like it was after that night that Tang Jianan became extremely busy, working for a full two months before he was finally able to take a breather. Was it because he was dissatisfied with his father being the old cow that ate the tender gra.s.s(1) and felt ashamed? Or was it that he was worried about his family inheritance? Sweat, please forgive her small-mindedness.

Feng Ping scoffed. She really was living her days too idly that she would decide to wade into Tang family"s muddy waters. But who cared, being bored is still being bored.

(1) The Chinese idiom is 老牛吃嫩糙 which is a euphemism for an old man going after a much younger woman.