The Story Of Gossip Girl

Chapter 20

If one were to say that Tang Zhan gave Feng Ping the impression of being very friendly, then the events that happened later would deeply shock her, completely throwing away this good first impression. The details of that will be discussed later, but when the gossip about Tang Jianan and Feng Ping showing off their love was pa.s.sed around, the atmosphere became a little mysterious.

The two of them were not innocent teengers, so naturally they would think about this next step. Even if the both of them had ideas about eating up the other, to actually put words into action was an entirely different matter, moreso since their engagement was done in the heat of Tang Jianan"s anger. To put it another way, their relationship was not based off of feelings. The intimate actions of a couple that didn"t have any feelings between them caused them to be a little awkward, and traditionally speaking, these actions were quite inappropriate.

Feng Ping was not someone who had a strong moral compa.s.s and neither was Tang Jianan. But Tang Jianan felt that for this engagement, he had used Feng Ping and she was the one at a disadvantage, even if she didn"t feel this way, he still felt guilty about this. He felt that he could no longer shamelessly stare at her body and pretended to be a white knight on purpose.

Unfortunately when his intentions were exposed, he did not gain Feng Ping"s understanding and instead, she misunderstood that he was laying the foundations for the day he regretted the marriage and would leave—She still had not yet fully understood Tang Jianan. Tang Jianan would never have thought about this scenario as he believed that there was nothing in this world that could not be solved with money. Even if he really did regret marrying her, it was just a question of how big the number on the check should be so how could that possibly pose a difficulty for him. The current him, however, did hold some feelings for Feng Ping even if he was still confused.—But to the eyes of outsiders, it"d be weird if they didn"t have any intimacy.

They lived on the same floor, one in the main bedroom and one in the guest bedroom. Because the floorplan was so s.p.a.cious, seeing those two dark red doors facing each other in the dark night, they seemed to be so far away. The two people"s resting times also deviated too much as if they intentionally avoided going to bed at the same time so as not to see each other. When Tang Jianan woke up in the mornings to go to work, Feng Ping would definitely still be deeply asleep. Eight or nine times out of ten, he would have business dinners after work, but Feng Ping firmly hated business dinners, and since the year was coming to an end, he truly was busy.

The rumors outside had finally settled down. Regarding the word ‘news", the most important part was the ‘new", even the most capable people would not be able to dominate the headlines everyday, not to mention someone like Feng Ping who didn"t have any value as a news article. Her main worth came from grabbing onto Tang family, this big tree, and so she became the focus point of the media for a short period of time. The paparazzi"s next step would be to account for Tang family"s opinions against her and then find out who Tang Jianan was cheating on her with, when the two people"s feelings changed, etc. Anyways, they were a very professional bunch, if they weren"t already cooking up scandals, they were in the process of doing so.

Feng Ping hibernated for a few days, too lazy to want to move. She first made an appointment to meet with Fang Botao, instructing him to deal with her original apartment on Yin Hua Street and also so she could explain to him about the engagement to satisfy his suspicions and curiosity.

As the  situation has already evolved to this step, Fang Botao could only offer his congratulations. The two people began to eat lunch and idly conversed before he couldn"t help but mention how she rudely left the charity banquet that night.

Speaking of that matter, Feng Ping became very annoyed. Regarding the matter of her coat, the most important was that the att.i.tudes of the employees were really too evil. She wasn"t going to bother to stoop to their petty level, she was going to put this debt in Zhou Xinzhu"s name. There was an apt idiom: Mountains and waters have the chance to meet, the days for everyone are long(1). Fang Botao couldn"t help but become angry when he heard about the events. Afterwards, Red Day Club"s membership card existed only in name, anyone who wanted to hold events there would be rejected without exception.

He was a seasoned businessman so he would always leave some leeway when conducting matters. Tang Jianan, on the other hand, was different. Red Day Club received received a scolding call from his secretary, causing the manager"s face to turn ashen.—Truly, life would throw in some unexpected events, who knew that that woman suddenly turned into the fiance of Tang family"s second young master? He had just received praise and rewards from Zhou Xinzhu when he had to go to Zhou Tianyou to admit his crimes.

Zhou Tianyou was Zhou Xinzhu"s older brother, Shenying"s richest individual Zhou Dingxin"s oldest son. This year, he had just turned forty, he liked to travel around to broaden his horizons and also appreciated the arts, he was similar to his father in the aspect that they both deeply appreciated arts. Towards Tang Jianan"s disapproving actions in “a fit of anger for a beauty”, they did not treat it that seriously. Coincidentally, two nights later, the two b.u.mped into each at Red Sleeve Shop. Tang family and Zhou family were famous names in Shenying, so there was no logic in arguing over such petty matters, thus the two drank alcohol to resolve these grudges and this matter was smoothed over.

That night, Mr. Zhou got the check first and paid for it and Tang Jianan walked over to thank him. The luxurious private room had dozens of men and women in them, scattered around as they sat in the seats. Under the light was a man whose eyes stared at him the whole time but he didn"t pay much attention to it, only greeting people before leaving.

The second day, Red Day Club"s membership card was then sent to the office of Beicheng"s chairman, and Tang Jianan carelessly tossed it in a drawer. He forgot about it until Friday rolled around, and he was going home early since there wasn"t any urgent matters at the company.

It was only 4 PM and Feng Ping was not at home.

The chauffer told him Feng xiaojie went to an antiques auction. He asked for the address before driving over himself. He had no idea that she was interested in antiques.

Tang Jianan found the place and slowly turned the car to drive in to see Feng Ping wearing giant that covered up almost half of her face, standing on the steps talking with a man. The weather that day was not too good, the clouds were dark and gloomy, and the strong winds were causing her green jacket to furiously whip about. That man looked a little familiar but since he could only see his profile, he wasn"t able to see clearly.

He parked his car and then quickly walked over, calling out her name, “Feng Ping.”

Hearing the sound, the two people on the steps turned around at the same time.

Feng Ping was totally unprepared for his appearance and couldn"t help but be stunned. Her originally pale face seemed even more fair under the effect of the and her pretty mouth turned upwards in response. That man was tall and slender, his slim face carried long eyes and the corners of his eyes raised upwards. He had the looks of a woman on a man"s body.

Tang Jianan"s gaze swept over the two people before focusing on the man, asking Feng Ping, “This gentleman is…?”

“h.e.l.lo, Chairman Tang.” The man cut in before Feng Ping had the opportunity to speak, “I am Yuanshi Real Estate"s An Yuesheng.”

“En, oh…Vice Chairman An…” Tang Jianan made sounds of affirmation before finally remembering and reached out to shake hands with him.

An Yuesheng walked down a step and shook hands with him.

Tang Jianan: “You guys know each other?”

An Yuesheng quickly glanced at Feng Ping before lightly laughing, “Of course, the pictures are all over the news.”

With this sentence, Tang Jianan understood. Feng Ping was currently his fiance and this Vice Chairman An must be wanting to take this opportunity to get closer to him. So he opened his mouth and casually asked, “Vice Chairman An is a collector of antiques?”

An Yuesheng laughed again, “Even if I have such a high-cla.s.s hobby, I don"t have the finances for it. I am here for our Chairman Yuan, he went on a business trip and somehow received a tip and especially called me to obtain the Ming dynasty"s plum vase, so I am indebted to Feng xiaojie‘s generosity…”

“Oh?” Tang Jianan smiled and turned around to look at Feng Ping.

Feng Ping had been silent on the side the whole time before finally speaking, “It looks like it"s about to snow, let"s hurry back. Goodbye, Mr. An.” Finished, she didn"t even look at An Yuesheng before leaving first.

Tang Jianan shook hands with An Yuesheng again and bid farewell.

(1) 山水有相逢,大家来日方长: People will always have the chance to meet each other again in their journey, the days are long and there will be ample time for it.