The Summoner Is Going

Chapter 84

Translator: Eisen Editor: Weasalopes

【Watch Your Back】Tree-Planting in the Elven Forest 10
1. Luna
This thread is a gathering for Elves who have stumbled their way out of the forest from the Elven Kingdom.
Let"s relax and have some tea.
Please continue on a new thread once you have reached >>980.

Previous threads:
Tree-Planting in the Elven Forest 1-9
※Refer to archives


We cleared the Gatekeeper battle in the Western Forest.
If not for my spirit summons, we would have been destroyed!
Good grief.

This came out quite often in other threads, but hastiness is a rather bad teammate.
But if you have enough info, you can be ready for anything, so take it easy.
It wouldn"t be as fun if it were too easy, don"t you think?

I"m only going north.
If I were to follow the guides, should I go east or south?
Though it"s said that the east and north are good for leveling up early game.

I believe that the number of Guide Team players on the east is decreasing.
Thankfully, it"s a really open s.p.a.ce, so it"s easy to hunt there lol
As for the guide, I"m stuck at the ship.

It"s a good idea to check the Guide threads for each Map, and also the General Info threads.
Let"s keep this one about Elves.

I"m still wandering around the initial maps.
I"ve obtained Light, Dark, and Fire Magic skills, but isn"t it too much to take from the start?
Is it too reckless to aim for s.p.a.cetime Magic from the beginning?

I think it"s ok.
s.p.a.cetime Magic is at the guide"s top, but you could start to train gradually towards it from now.
The first thing you should do is training with Ants.
But make sure to discuss it with the rest of your party, ok?

Ants are ok, but I think it depends on what"s on your party.
Currently, the only useful spell for s.p.a.cetime magic is Return Home.
Besides, Elves and Dwarves have the Support Skill【Night Vision】so…
Maybe get another party member to get it instead?

You"re a new Elf, huh?
The first thing that you should do is to get a base where you can work.
I think it"s not too late for you to get at least a single healing spell.
If you"re going to train, choose either Light or Fire as your main type of magic, and leave the other one as a reserve.
Though it might be a waste to have too many spells as a reserve early game.

Everyone, you"re so kind!
There is one Summoner who"s taking all Magic Spells he can lay his hands on!
I think it"s all right to get everything you can from the start.
Going melee on monsters as an Elf is no good, though (ಠ_ಠ)

I"m sorry.
I had decided to ask about it in another thread before coming here, but I was worried…
The truth is that I plan to go solo.
I haven"t been looking at the guides though, it seems I"m at a loss…



You can"t be doing that while maining a bow, can you?

I"m maining a rapier.
The spirits are my sole companions…
I"m hunting Rabbits around the outskirts of Remut, so I"m getting there little by little.

There are many Dwarves going solo, but what about Elves?
There is an Elf Bard who plays half solo and half support.
It"s not that going solo as an Elf is impossible.
It"s just that if you become stuck at some point in the future, it would be nice to have help, don"t you think?

Using that as a reference may be a bit too much.
Honestly now, there are many suitable Player Skills.
Is it unreasonable to be able to do martial arts in the real world?

A melee Elf… we don"t get many of those around here.
Though not Elves, the overall number of players who have a melee playstyle has gone up, and I think that"s great.
Do you guys think it"s because of that tournament?

In that sense, it seems that there are fewer Stonemasons than before.
And yet Dwarves are so good for that job.

There is one Stonemason at our Production Guild, and he seems to be rather strong in battle.
I"ve only seen him fight once, though.
I think he"s just as strong as that Woodworker who won that tournament.

I think you should play however you want without worrying much about it.
Everyone here seems to be so nice.
Come on, come here…

Only you are different lol


You surely are a peculiar gentleman.

Yo, dude.
Are you drunk?

Solo, huh?
I think Bard is a good choice for a solo Elf.
So >>129 what is your job?

I"m a Treasure Hunter.
I"m a bit lost about which stats to prioritize.
Also, is it better to get many skills then?

The best thing to do depends on what your playstyle is.
STR has been proven to be very useful on many occasions, so…

How about adding some points to DEX? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Just save those Bonus Points for now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You guys are so right lol
For Elves, a back-row Treasure Hunter setup works quite nicely, plus they are naturally inclined towards that setup.
I mean, that"s what I do lol
If going solo, the Enchant spells should be extremely useful.

A Treasure Hunter with Earth Magic?
I don"t like the looks of it.

If using a bow, will those tactics work in a tournament?

That"s good.
But collaboration with other members is important in a party.

Great, sounds fun.
I"ll do my best.


【S1W1】Map-specific Guide info thread★2【Rockworm h.e.l.l】
1. Goudi
This Map-specific info gathering thread has been integrated into an autonomous thread as previously arranged.
Please keep your opinions about the service and similar posts to that autonomous thread.

This thread is about gathering information related to the guide of the S1W1 Map (Volcanic Area).
General Info threads and other Map threads can be found at >>2.
Please continue on a new thread once you have reached >>980.

Previous thread:
【S1W1】Map-specific Guide info thread★1【Volcanic Area】
※Refer to archives.


So, the S1E1 Map (Coastline) was a total bore, so I came here instead.
Isn"t there a great number of Rockworms?
They"ve gathered around and I"m at a dead end.

There"s a lot of them, right?
It"s like a Monster House.
Running away is definitely a possibility, but tanks and most Dwarves are too slow to be able to run away.
You can defeat them comfortably with Magic.
There are some occasions in which it"s impossible to defeat them all with Magic, though
In some other cases, using Enchanted Weapon is also effective.
At any rate, there is no denying the average rear-guard Mage will be at a loss quite early into the fight.

Was it discussed a lot in the previous thread?
Was there an Area Portal?

It"s open.
The guardian was a Phoenix Puppy.
I saw it, but I wasn"t the one that opened it.


I was about to die, but a player helped me and opened the portal after defeating the monster.
I couldn"t return the favor so I didn"t go through it, so that"s about all the info I can give you.

What about the other monsters?
It can"t be just Rockworms all over the place, can it?

Fire-Eater Parrots, Orcs, and Orc Leaders have been confirmed.
I haven"t seen the Orc Leaders" level.
It seems that there are considerable foes.
The Night Dread is still unknown.

Goblins, Kobolds, Zombies, Skeletons, and Gremlins continue to be staples, huh?
Speaking of strong enemies whose levels can"t be seen, there"s a Kobold Knight somewhere.
I want to feel the thrill of fighting it!

I think that to fight it fair and square might be quite difficult.
I hope it has to have some sort of weak spot.
Otherwise, lots of people are going to die fighting it.

That"s right.
The Night Dread is still there…
The area around the S2 Area Portal is reportedly a good place to make some money.
In fact, more than half of the last thread"s posts were death reports for this Map.

Additionally, the collaboration between party members is essential.
It"s also important to be as dedicated as possible.
What about becoming more reliable and confident each day?
That"s a good lesson.

With this, almost all of the maps found at every direction have been confirmed.
There might be some Area Portals still left to be liberated, though.
It seems that we"ll struggle no matter where we go.
Moreover, the night is still unconfirmed.
The S1W1 Map seems to be so hard already from noon onwards.

It could be useful to level up then.
I chain Sea Roaches and Evil Ants together for training.
You can do it quite efficiently if you think about it.
The risk of getting annihilated by Sea Roaches is rather slim.
The Evil Ants can dispose of an unprepared player in a matter of seconds, though.
That info alone seems to have saved me more than once.

There was another thread about the fear of the Night Dread… sorry.

If you stick around S1E1"s coastline for too long, you might end up dying.
That Map has no Area Portal, and roughly 70% of it is mostly sea and coastlines.
Chaining monsters there is tough.
I will go hunt around S1W1 instead…
Isn"t some kind of event there?


About Magic user"s spells★28
1. Moko
We do not endorse trolling.
Also, since large ASCII art images may become a nuisance to readers, they are hereby banned from this thread.
Let"s proceed with this thread calmly.
Please continue the next thread at >>950.
If it"s impossible, please specify a link to the previous post.

Previous thread:
About Magic user"s spells★1-27
※Refer to archives


Yo ∈(-ω-)∋ how is that spell list going?

For now it"s impossible to do it alone.
There are way too many information threads and I can"t split myself enough to check them all out lol
The fact that there"s a derived Magic Spells set that is specific to the Production jobs is also a pain.
Also, isn"t like one person getting s.p.a.cetime Magic after all?

It seems that the list of level 10 spells will be completed first.
That"s definitely going to be a dead cla.s.s soon, isn"t it?

Leave s.p.a.cetime Magic to me!
I don"t know whether it will be useless or not, but I"m also helping out with Dark Magic.
But it seems that the road ahead is long.

Have you gotten it yet? lol
Many of the Guide Teams have died too, so isn"t that delaying things?
There"s an increasing number of monsters who can damage players at the rear lines.
I also lost against a Snow Ape.
It had an axe! Are you kidding me?

Those one-shots are scary.
I got rekt twice by those already.

After all, it"s about how to make the best use of magic.
The front lines also get to use magic, but it"s more of a duty for the rear lines.
It"s important to use Potions as much as possible.
How the leader commands the party is also important.
If you just jump into setting up a party, working together becomes difficult.

That"s right.
I"ve been jumping into parties here and there.
Some people are very capable, and some others… not so much.

Some people say that it is good to have a Magic skillset that covers everything without exception.
You don"t have to worry if going solo, but other members may not be as dedicated.
Just take the skills you want.

People at the front lines tend to be equipped with heavy armor, which reduces magic effectiveness by half.
Shouldn"t front line players be focusing on non-combat spells?
Like Return Home.

You don"t have to think too much about it because you can use support spells normally.
The Enchant spells" duration may be reduced, but they are by no means useless.
It"s true that a front-line s.p.a.cetime Magic user would be much appreciated lol

s.p.a.cetime Magic is fine and all, but as said before, the fact that there"s a derived Magic Spells set that is specific to the Production jobs is a pain.
I want to know which spells come first…

But our Mr. Summoner is not in the Production team lol
If he"s looking at this, I"d like to ask him something, though.
But I don"t think he is.

But ∈(-ω-)∋ what"s a magic user doing watching the tournament? I wonder.

I think that soon the top Guide Team will reach Racial level 10.
There will probably be additional spells.
I think the map is expanding and there are new developments, right?
Next is whether or not the GMs will prepare a new event…

What are the bad players saying? lol
Well I can"t talk be talking about other people like that lol

I can only play for about 3 hours on weekdays.
Going from the town to the village is not something I can do unless it"s my day off.
I have earned some experience in the Forest Maze before the guide came out, but still…
When will I be able to take on a challenge?

I get that feeling.
I feel sorry for the other members of my party, too.

A bit off topic, but acceptance is the best thing about the people in here.

Of course ∈(-ω-)∋ I want to add to the variety of the most useful spells!

Just as I thought.


Summoner gathering thread★1
1. Adele
I just made this up.
But I didn"t think it through too much.

Screenshots of Summoned Monsters are welcome!
But let"s not post too many in a row, ok?
Please use the external link for image storage.
The link can be found here >>2


Look at this cute snek
My legs were trembling unexpectedly fast


That"s a nice chain pattern
Anyhow, it looks poisonous lol


I can only summon 2 monsters at a time now.
I should be able to summon 3 at a time once I reach level 6, right?

Then at Lv10 you get to summon 4 at a time.
I"m convinced that to get to 5 summons you"d need to be at Lv15 or so.

Snake Princess!
Snake Princess!
Have you seen Mr. Summoner again?

Who is Snake Princess!?
I"ve met with Mr. Summoner for a short while recently, yes.
He had 4 Summoned Monsters with him.
By getting 4 at a time, the combinations you can make increase drastically, and it seems that there are no gaps in your defense.

Fluffy monsters are the best ever!

I can"t lose when it comes to fluffiness!

I"d like to use【Identify】on them.
The variety of monsters I can summon is still small.

I want to send the【Identify】results of the monsters I have on hand.
Let me make some adjustments…

I"d like to see something like a Summoned Monster list somewhere.

I think it will increase naturally as you go on adventuring, so you don"t have to worry about it lol

There"s no doubt that hunting during the day with a Horse and a Hawk is a good thing, right?

Are you aiming for a battle style like Mr. Summoner"s?

That"s certainly effective
【Horsemanship】is essential, also don"t skimp on riding equipment for your horse.
We"re just imitating him on the spot, so this is just a second-hand opinion lol

Are there other fluffy monsters?

There is no doubt that the Map has expanded and new summoning monsters will be implemented!

I think it would be better to let the matter drop, don"t you think?
It"s not like being able to imitate that is something exclusive for natural-born melee fighters.

Are you ready to attack monsters before Summoning your own?

What the h.e.l.l is that…
I"ve seen videos of that tournament though.

What"s most impressive is how he hunts, more than how he did at the tournament.

She might not be fluffy, but she does look like a little chick.
Not too bad for the first few pics of an Owl, right?

Don"t miss the mark of a Summoned Monster!

That looks like some sort of pearl of wisdom.

Recently I"ve come to think that Ants can also be fluffy!


Oh, I have a Wolf, but can I summon another Wolf as well?

You can.
But if you are to try to cover the most ground, you"d probably better of not doing that, at least early game.

For now, the next one is going to be a Horse.
I"m also thinking about adding a Tiger in the future.
Tigers are very reliable in battle.

I think it"s fine if you do.

I"ll allow it if you add a fluffy monster too.

My 4th addition!

It"s not a shrimp, ok?

Is it a crab lololololololol

Is it your first aquatic Summoned Monster?

It looks very hard lol
Can you tell me what it feels to use him in battle?

Cool lol
Just throw into a pot and cook it
I"m sorry, I can"t even

Do you have the Cooking skill?


So it was an aquatic summon!
A Crab was unexpected, I was looking forward to a Shark or Dolphin or something like that.

Add some squid and octopus then!

>> It looks very hard lol
>> It looks very hard lol
>> It looks very hard lol
Whisper that to my ear, Snake Princess…
If you send an audio recording of it I"ll fight for you for a year…

Fluffy-chan is the worst!

Are you at a sushi restaurant or what!

You pervs…
Show yourselves!
