The Survival Game

Chapter 8 The Risk of Stepping Out of Line

Chapter 8 The Risk of Stepping Out of Line

“In… increasing the difficulty?”

The moment that sentence was said, Qian Duoduo’s face became visibly uncomfortable.

Once the game entered the important phase, everyone’s initial comments would expose their own weakness.

Fuerdai, who seemed to be on the top, in reality had the habit of using their flippant att.i.tudes as protective umbrellas for their delicate personalities.

I had already seen through them. Even Liu Nian adjusted his and started to think hard.

“Exciting? But right now what we need is some smooth progress. We are going to be falling asleep soon, but if we don’t have enough valid evidence and a plan, we shouldn’t make this even more complicated.”

At this moment, people gazed at Liu Nian with surprise.

“Uh, I’m just saying. It’s just for suggestion, you don’t have to take it to heart…”

It was a surprisingly calm a.n.a.lysis. After all, the college student with the was seen as the four-eyed nerd since the beginning.

Only G.o.d knew if he would he be as easy to bully as he looked, and become a burden in the game. At least this was most people’s first impression.

But seeing this now, his a.n.a.lysis was even more objective and realistic than Qian Duoduo’s comment.

“That’s not bad, little buddy. You’re more reliable than I thought you were.”

“Do whatever you want.”

Shang Zhiyuan and w.a.n.g Qiang spoke back to back. Shang Zhiyuan had the appearance of a gentle, courteous office elite; indeed, he was paying attention to the direction the situation was moving in the whole time.

Even if Shang Zhiyuan didn’t really want to lead the rhythm of the game, at the same time the rhythm only followed him.

Whether it was the statements he made, or the suspicion of his ident.i.ty, it was impossible to ignore the existence of this player.

As for w.a.n.g Qiang, wouldn’t doing this increase his suspicion?

I really didn’t know what he was thinking. If it weren’t for me making sure of their ident.i.ties, and guessing that he was a flight attendant with little Guan Ling, with his style of play, he would’ve been killed a long time ago!

“Ah, shut up!”

A yell burst out suddenly from that direction. Even I noticed a change in the atmosphere. Qian Duoduo finally lost his temper.

The situation made a wrong turn, and Liu Nian was getting praised. Even if it was just some hypocritical courtesy, it made his anger unbearable.

“You poor, penniless b.a.s.t.a.r.d, just stay there and be steady! Talking so much, you think you can find any important clues? This game is not as simple as you think, if you’re not sure then shut up!”

Qian Duoduo pushed Liu Nian aside. w.a.n.g Qiang walked over silently and helped him up.

The whole process surprised Liu Nian so he wasn’t able to steady himself. This revealed his frail body, and Qian Duoduo was pleased with himself.

“Hmph, you students are just garbage. Did all of the studying get eaten up by dogs? I regularly work out, and a b.u.m like you wouldn’t be able to afford a gold membership card your whole life!”

The Fuerdai’s imposing manner increased a little, at the same time the lights in the plane cabin dimmed.

This clearly was one of the signs that we were about to enter the ‘sleep of death.’ It reminded all of the players that we did not have as much time as we thought we had.

Even a small squeak made me feel as if I heard the clock ticking in the sound of death.

“Oh, this mister, what are you trying to say? I regularly make contact with people like you. The ways they died, was even more affluent than the ways poor people died.”

The necrophiliac forensic scientist’s voice was bountiful, I wouldn’t have been surprised if she could be a voice actress for any anime character.

She could even dub for the actresses in foreign movies. The effects would be a thousand times better then some guest stars’ featuring.

Most importantly, the bones she was holding right now, even a breath would expose the madness in her nature. I doubted that the two conditions Xia Ling suggested earlier were both traps disguised as opportunities.

Because the expression in her eyes were like she desired death all the time!

That was when I knew, the silence before wasn’t because she was preparing, but was because she was completely immersed in the extreme enjoyment of death and the dead bodies.

This kind of woman would probably fantasize on her own just facing a dead body. She was a true queen of guilty pleasure.

“Hmph, I’ve seen enough of women like you. Tell me, how much money will it take for you to stop this nonsense. I know you just fancy me because of my wealth. But I’m telling you even though I, Qian Duoduo, have lots of money, I would never fool around with a dangerous woman like you. You are not even qualified to be my side chick!”

Qian Duoduo kept exposing his idiotic nature, or it could be said that he was very fragile at the moment.

Like a rooster that was enraged, he helplessly fought back in any way he could think of. But in the eyes of other people, his anger and verbal attacks were all so stupid.

Oh no, this guy, he’s not trying to create the first accidental death, right?

If he were to be killed by the sick forensic scientist, Xia Ling would also certainly not be able to escape the punishment mentioned in the rules. Ignoring the rules and murdering someone was just asking for it!

Then we would lose both Qian Duoduo, who was not that bad at this game, and Xia Ling, who had a lot of useful opinions, and even our a.n.a.lysis right now would be all messed up.

Including the murder for next round, if two or more Howlers survived, and their acting was not terrible, the pa.s.sengers would fall into a dead end, and have no hope of coming back.

“Ugh err! My h-h-h-hand!”

Crack! Xia Ling was already at a close distance to the Fuerdai, and her actions showed me that she had some Kung Fu background.

If I wasn’t wrong, it seemed like some high-skilled karate combat moves, even her lower body was stable, there was no weakness at all.

“Hurry up and let go, you crazy woman!”

The intermittent cries made Xia Ling’s profound smile grow even wider, and it contained a meaning that could not be interpreted.

It seemed like when she said she wanted to increase the difficulty of the game, she wasn’t just joking…

“This is interesting. If I kill you right now, would it make the game even more complicated? I hope it adds some extra difficulty and conditions.”

Her voice echoed in my ears. That woman was really a true madman. Her measurements, and her forensic abilities and other capabilities, plus her physique and fighting skills, were simply imposing.

I really wondered if her appearance would decrease my chance to survive even more. That girl didn’t seem like someone with a kind heart.

“Let go, Ms. Xia. I’m sure you don’t want to get killed yourself because of the rules, after all, Qian Duoduo’s strength…”

I certainly would not want to stick my neck out now, but at the moment, w.a.n.g Qiang and Guan Ling were relatively quiet. Pin Chuanxia looked lost and was only observing the change in situation with an innocent face. Shang Zhiyuan’s smile also looked like it had a profound meaning.

Including the others, they either didn’t want to get into this mess, or they were unwilling to believe in Qian Duoduo any longer because he switched his stance earlier.

This backstabber, even in a reality survival game, seemed pathetic. He didn’t even try to hide his true nature.

“Oh, I forgot about it suddenly.”

The moment Xia Ling let go of her hand, the reflection of the blood showed on the faces of the family of three and Liu Nian who were close by. That image was almost like a magic trip. Her grip was probably beyond a grown man’s limit.

No, saying that it was beyond the limit was not enough. That decisive judgment and skill could only be done by a professional martial artist.

“Blood… there’s blood…”

Thud. At this moment, Liu Nian, who didn’t want to get involved with death and tried to avoid the murdering phase, finally revealed his weakness to blood. Of course, the expressions of the family of three beside him, especially that man, started to become ill.

“This, this little brat is really good for nothing, pa.s.sing out just like that.”

That reaction was obviously not good as well, as he grabbed onto his child’s arm tightly.

That grab almost squeezed the little boy so hard he was about to cry. But it seemed like the pain was too strong, that little fellow just held it in, and didn’t make a sound.

But from those eyes, I seemed to have seen a special message. Could it be that he was also a…