The Telltaler

Chapter 5

Part 1

SOLEMN MORNING suddenly tore by the sound of the giant trumpet on The Sky Sword. Responded by trumpet on the other 39 ships. All of the fleet crews abruptly wake up and busied by unusual activity. The soldier jumps from the bed, running grab the sword and bow. The sailor rushed to get out of the cabin, forget to change their attire, grab anything they can in hurry.

This is trumpet sound for danger. Blown seven times in one breath! One breath means one danger. Seven? It was a disaster that never heard and seen before the observer in the crow"s nest-the first one sends the message.

The soldiers running to their post, with a messy uniform. The gun crews prepare the ammunition and ignition with bustle. Sails lowered in haste. Lowly sailors prepare for the worst situation that might happen to the ship. Prepare wet cloth in bulk and thousands bucket for put out the fire if the battle happens.

The trumpet continued to be blown, seven times in one breath.

Jim and Pate panted do what they can do in the cabin. Jim trembled asks in wonder to Pate that beside him. Confuse and a little scared see the bustle in the hull.

What does the trumpet mean?

They overslept. Last night, they go to sleep really late after happily listening Jim plays music with the stringed board. Pate just shout don"t know, how he could understand what happened on the top. Pate hurriedly running to the deck to find out what happened. Leave Jim that busily tie some wooden barrels around the ship"s kitchen.

The soldiers who guard the cabin hissed quickly what was happening. Like a fire that spread on the oil-soaked rope, the news about that frightening danger spread until inside of the small cabins. The meaning of seven blows with one breath was Yang Zhuyi Pirates.

Jim frowned. Still didn"t understand. He running to the deck. Trying to see the situation. Sword Sky"s deck is full of hundreds of soldiers that were ready in their position. Drawn sword, strained bow. The cannon perfectly directed forward. Jim saw Pate that hiding behind a big barrel, peeking. Jim running approached.

Admiral Ramirez standing gallantly at the highest part on the ship. He had never seen an impressive view like this before. Admiral Ramirez looks impressive-long sword at his waist, cool facial expression, sharp gaze forward.

Jim looks forward too. Towards Admiral gaze direction. Immediately. The ocean in front of them is full of unknown warships. Dozens, no, but hundreds, no, maybe thousands.

Swarmed block the 40 ships Floating City Fleet.

"Get down, Jim!" Pate pulls his arm.

Jim hurrying crouch beside Pate. His face is white-pale. His hand trembles. Didn"t understand what the meaning of thousands of ships in front of them, but look at it make his heart tremble. Their ship mast decorated with a black flag. Looks slowly flap from afar. Jim doesn"t understand what it means, but suddenly he can feel terrifying death aura that spread from these ship"s formation.

"Whtctually-hap-pe-ned?" Jim"s voice stutter.

"Yang Zhuyi Pirates! The biggest terrifying legend in the southern continent-ocean. They are from eastern nations... Like what you could see, their fleet was thousands. King of the continental border! They more powerful than the kings on the land."

"What will happen..." Jim control his choked breath, his hand gripped the big barrel, ask again. Scared with his question, scared the next bad news from Pate"s answer.

"Big battle!" Pate shortly hissed, his face paled too.

Part 2

BUT THE BATTLE didn"t happen until the afternoon. Silence. Quiet. The two giant fleets just waiting with a distance of no less than 2 miles. A considerable distance to dodge cannonball fired by Admiral Ramirez.

Yang Zhuyi, the fleet"s leader of the legendary pirates, clever enough to calculate the power. Although their ship is thousands, almost three times 40 ships fleet, the armament of the fleet that sails to the Promised Land is renowned by its power. He is not a fool to challenge a close-range ship"s duel. The cannons will destroy his ship"s walls before the close-range battle happens. Yang Zhuyi had prepared another plan. He heard the news that Floating City Fleet will go through their territory long days ago. And they have prepared a welcoming party for them.

The night comes closer, the tension is rising. Jim and Pate (and thousands of sailors and the other ship"s crew) hold their breath, exhale it deep and long. Look at each other in the narrow cabins.

The soldier with drawn sword and arrow on the deck snorted in annoy that the battle they waiting for didn"t come. They are irritated waiting, moreover with an unclear tension atmosphere like this. The two giant fleets still face each other. Not budge even an inch.

Admiral Ramirez decided to wait too. He wouldn"t rashly charge at the enemy"s blockade. He didn"t know what the pirates" plan and has prepared. Wait and observe for a moment is a wise decision. So Admiral Ramirez decided to command his army to rest. Just leave behind some sentry to watch like always.

Some of the army leaders, especially The Eagle Eyes, objected to his decision. But, Admiral Ramirez just hissed give a command, "Sooner or later they will take an initiative to attack... But it will not be going to happens tonight. So, it"s better to save your energy. Take a rest... We need all of the energy to go through their blockade tomorrow... Get some sleep!"

That night, even a breeze reluctant to blow. The ocean silence with tension. Moon and stars covered by a thick black cloud. Just some sentry in their post does their job as always. The others as Admiral Ramirez commanded, back to their room. Try to get some sleep.

Pate nod at panicking Jim many times who is listening to the situation development in the outside, Pate tries to calm him down, "If the Admiral said that, he was correct, my friend. Yang Zhuyi Pirates was calculating their enemy strength. There"s no battle tonight! You should take some rest too."

And then, Pate relaxed curls his body on his bed. Jim looks at him didn"t understand. Stroke his stiff face. How Pate can be this calm? Like half of the other soldier in the Floating City Fleet, Jim couldn"t asleep. He gazed at Pate that even snoring. In dreamland.

The sadness suddenly stabs his heart. Slowly but sure.

This journey turns out really dangerous, Jim sighed. What could be happened to him if that hundred of ships attacking all at once? Let alone one The Sky Sword, even if they have ten, they wouldn"t have a chance too. Jim gulped. But, is it good for him? Thereby he will die? And meet with his Nayla?

Nayla? Jim suddenly sighed in pain... The Crying Sailor"s lip trembled. No. He has changed. He has promised to forget that past. Forget that incident. Forget the frozen face on that morning. Isn"t he have better this last two months slowly forget about it? No. He didn"t want to remember about it again.

Unfortunately, the more Jim tries to forget those memories, the sadness stabbed deeply. Unexpected. His eyes and heart perfectly carved those past memories. He falling down. Try to find something to hold.

ENOUGH! Jim shout at himself strongly. Enough! All of this just would spoil the new happiness that he gets in The Sword Sky. All of this...

Jim hurriedly grabs his stringed board, half running to ship"s deck. His eyes glittered with water when his step climb up on the stairs. Glistening reminisce Nayla"s face with a stoned-stiff smile in that morning. Reminisce the promise that hung in the misty town"s sky. His tears, one-two drop on the stairs. Jim forces his heart to not care. Running to the place where he and Pate usually play that stringed board. I must be able to forget it!

MUST! Jim sighed deeply with his sit. These memories definitely will once again hurt his heart, stab his feeling and he didn"t want it happens...

Jim put the stringed board in his lap. Bite the lip. Then pluck it randomly, as strong dan as fast as his finger could. He must chase away this feeling as soon as possible. Sing a song that might help. Busying himself. Try to think another thing...

Look, if you could see it from the night sky, Jim that sits on the deck, pluck the stringed board with trembled finger, try to chase away the sadness, it was a painful thing to see.

The Sky Sword exactly positioned in the frontline of 39 other ships in Floating City Fleet. Quietly swayed by ocean waves. While two miles from that fleet, hundred middle-sized warships, with length thirty meters, form a neat line formation. Swarmed make a barricade. Face to face.

Jim"s plucking sound could be heard until the corner of the ship where the sentry posted.

Up till now, they didn"t really care, accustomed to seeing Jim and Pate plays that board-even enjoyed it. But tonight they feel annoyed. Is this should be tense night?

The sentry in their post grumbled. How misplaced is The Crying Sailor. In the war-stand-by situation, he even relaxed plucks the string, sing a song? Bah!

Part 3

JIM LET his hand randomly compose the song. Without restriction. He let his heart to arrange that notes into a tone. Jim wants to pour all of that sad memories into his song. Channel the pain in the heart through his finger. Throw it afar into the silent ocean. The tone sounds sharp. Beautiful. But heartbreaking.

Don"t know how long Jim plays that stringed board when a gallant voice greets him, "Alas! Your song is really beautiful, The Crying Sailor!"

Jim looked back. Admiral Ramirez with his war attire stands behind him. So gallant and valiant. So dazzling. Smiled friendly to him. "Don"t... Don"t stop... Are you have arrived at the end of the song? Please continue it..."

Jim"s finger that intended to stop, got back to pluck the strings. Continuing. His heart pounds hard. Gulping. All this time he never thinks he"s worthy enough to even greeted by the great Admiral Ramirez. Is he called him with that nickname? Does he know about him?

"Of course I know everyone on this ship! The good captain knows every nock of his ship. But, honestly, I never know that you could play a song this touching. So, that news is true... " the Admiral smiles as if could read Jim"s mind.

Jim gulped. Continue to pluck his string. Until the time the song ends, ended by sharply string clink with a wave.

Jim slowly put his board. Wipe his sweated forehead. To a certain degree successfully chase away those memories. His stringed board helps, that song helps, and his surprise with the Admiral presence helps too.

"Forgive me, my great Admiral, if the sound of my song bothered you." Jim bowed.

"Alas, a beautiful song would never bother anyone!" the Admiral smiling.

Jim silenced. The night wind blew harder.

"I hope, The Sky Sword still could listen to you plays that string after tonight... Sing a beautiful song like before... Unfortunately, no one knows what will happens tomorrow-after. Maybe we will successfully get through the pirates barricade, maybe we will be wiped out!"

"Wiped out?" Jim squeaking, stand up, "Will we win the battle? Will we triumph?"

Admiral Ramirez looks at Jim with a gallant, smiling. When Jim stood up, his height just the same as the Admiral"s chest. The Admiral holds his shoulder, "Alas, wiped out or winning, it was heaven authority... Unfortunately, there"s so much power in this world which we don"t know its limit, including this pirates barricade... And, there are many things heaven authority that we don"t know that may determine the winner and loser on the battle tomorrow morning! I didn"t have an answer to your question."

Jim startled. Not because he heard the bad news possibility. But that sentence! He had hear it before. Where? From who? Jim recall it in tremble... Is it just coincidence Admiral Ramirez says it? Or maybe? Unfortunately, Admiral Ramirez has gone leave him before Jim able to muster the courage to ask even one question.

Part 4

YANG Zhuyi PIRATES was famous for being sly and cruel. They were always dishonest on every agreement, moreover in the battle. But for a particular situation, when they aware they have an upper hand, they will choose to boldly attack in the open battle. Boldly go through to the middle of battle. Enjoying their might and intelligence.

And that was what they planned for Admiral Ramirez 40 ships fleet.

The next morning, right at nine o"clock. When Admiral Ramirez"s army has prepared better to welcome them than before, the sound of pirates trumpet torn the morning silence, break ocean"s skies. "YEE YEEE YO!" "AI HAH!"

Their unique southern continent sailor shout makes a heart trembled. The shout exchange fills the silent ocean. War drum began to be beaten loud. The pirates apparently getting ready to start the battle. The tension rising fast.

Admiral Ramirez commands The Floating City Fleet replied by sounds a war trumpet. The Eagle Eyes even stand with arms akimbo at the forefront of battle shout to raise his soldier spirit.

"AYEE... AYEE...!" "AYEE... AYEE...!"

All of The Floating City Fleet getting ready to receive the attack, prepare for the worst possibility. The soldier drew their sword and bow. The cannon prepared. Directed perfectly at the Yang Zhuyi Pirates. The soldier"s eyes gaze sharply, their hands began to sweat, their hearts beating fast. The expected-from-the-night battle finally started.

But not the close battle that happens-

For a moment, Admiral Ramirez"s armies dumbfounded. The battle occurred unexpectedly. Really strange and absurd.

Yang Zhuyi Pirates fleet didn"t advance with their hundred warships, instead, send down a thousand small canoe with two-three people.

Their mobilization is very fast. Skillfully throw a canoe to the water, the pirate comes down with a rope. And instantly, the sea between two-faced fleets, two miles area which filled by shout and trumpet sound, full of thousand small canoes that moved fast into 40 ships fleet.

The Eagle Eyes furiously command his gun crew to shot. The cannon attack trumpet sounded loud from thirty warships. Dozens of cannonball viciously raining at that small canoe.

Useless! Like marinating the ocean.

That was a brilliant strategy from Yang Zhuyi Pirates. Send a thousand canoe. Even there"s a canoe hit by the cannon, the amount could be counted by fingers. Still leaving most of the canoe that approached faster. it will be a different story if the pirates fleet sends their middle-sized warships, it will be an easy target for enemies cannon.

The Sky Sword"s soldier and the other"s ship stunned. They didn"t expect he thousand canoes will survive and moved that fast. Just one-tenth in a mess destroyed by the cannonb.a.l.l.s. The rest, in the seconds only hundreds of meters away from the ship"s walls.

The army leader in the Floating City Fleet shouted. Arrows! Arrow attack trumpet sounded. In an instant, thousand arrows released from 40 ship"s armada. The pirates in the canoe hurriedly raise a big shield, take a cover! Not decreasing their speed even a bit.

The situation in the Floating City Fleet began to panic. The pirates have been reached the ship"s walls. Thousands. Now they starting to throw the ropes to the deck. Then fiercely climbs the ship"s wall. The other pirate in the canoe releases the arrow to protect their friend that climbed. The attack occurs really fast. And before Admiral Ramirez armies realized whats happened, thousand Yang Zhuyi Pirates with freely infiltrate the 40 ship"s fleet.

The sword battle was unavoidable. It"s not a big deal for Admiral Ramirez trained soldiers to fight in close combat, they swiftly guard their deck, as hard as they can defend the ship"s wheel and all of the ship. The problem is, behind the thousand canoes that approach and successfully climb up to the 40 ship"s fleet, there is another wave of thousand canoes.

The Sword Sky immediately surrounded by a thousand pirates. The Eagle Eyes shouted frantically command the helmsman to get closer to the Sky Sword, he must immediately help that biggest ship. Dozens of pirates have been jumped with a drawn curved sword to The Sword Sky, and the other warships. Admiral Ramirez armies waiting with a long sword.

Close combat started.

Pate jumps up from behind the barrel, grab a sword from the dying soldier by the pirate"s arrow in front of them. Jim trembled can"t move his leg. From this morning, they indeed peeking from behind the barrel the same as yesterday. And they didn"t expect the situation will change this fast.

What he must do? What? Jim trembled gripped the end of his cloth. his teeth chattered. Shrinking.

The pirates fiercely attacking, they go through to the Sky Sword"s deck with increasing numbers, one die two appears, attacking like a wounded bull, reckless without thinking. Admiral Ramirez the other hundred soldiers gallantly intercept thousand Yang Zhuyi Pirates" curved sword.

The Eagle Eyes that successfully get closer to The Sky Sword shout loudly, immediately join the battle, followed by his thousand soldiers who are not afraid to die. Pate has slashed the sword to the two-three pirates nearby.

Jim was shivering with fear. When the first time war trumpet sounded, He, like the other sailor, should be run away to the nearest stairs, running into his small cabin. The problem is Jim didn"t know if that trumpet sound is a sign of the battle has begun. And now, he too scared to get out from behind the big barrel to save himself.

Jim trapped in the battle. One of pirate found the tip of his clothes, approached ferociously. Jim stunned. Cornered squeaked. The pirate quickly jumps towards, without words slash the curved sword to Jim"s neck.

Jim has no time to think about his life and death. He nearly fainted. Scared squeaked. His eyes closed. This event lasts a split second. The fresh blood spurt wet his chest. Jim stunned. Trembled touch at the blood. Is his chest wounded? Is he will die?

Actually, the one that falls is not Jim, but that pirate. Pate stands bravely in front of him. Hold a sword covered by blood with a sharp gaze. Jim touch again his chest, gulping, it was the pirate blood. Pate successfully slashes his neck.

Part 5

"GRAB THAT CURVED SWORD!" Pate shouted loudly at Jim, try to hold two other ferocious pirates that approach the big barrel where Jim hide.

Jim grab the curved sword from the frozen pirate on the deck. No, he never imagined his way of life would be like this. The orphan who grew up by citizen generosity, the poor man who is only good at play violin, the young man who was too coward to face his fate, now must be trapped in this terrible battle.

Jim stands from behind his hiding place limply. One of the pirates slips from Pate"s block, immediately pounced at him. Jim whose his mind on the place, raise the curved sword in reflex. His eyes closed. Nearly fall down. But the curved sword not only fends off the pirate"s slash, but it was also accidentally pierced the pirate"s neck.

When he opened his eyes, Jim trembled looked at the view in front of him... He killed him. He killed him. The hand that only skillfully cook, wash, brush the toilet and pluck the stringed board just killed.

Jim fell down. The sword in his hand falls.

Pate yell at him to stand up immediately "TAKE YOUR SWORD, STUPID!"

Jim didn"t hear. He has fallen to the ground. Crying. He just killed...

Pate grumbled in annoy, trying desperately to protect Jim. The pirates continue to flow as if there is no end.

The battle continues to rages without stop half an hour later. No one cares about Jim that sat down look at his hand, Jim who sighed realized he has killed someone.

Lowered his head, don"t believe what he did.

So far The Sword Sky successfully to withstand, and the 39 other ships of The Floating City Fleet. The flow of Yang Zhuyi pirate"s small canoe began to stall. They have been successfully pushed back into ship walls. One-two started to jump to the ocean to avoid the sword slash.

And after a half-hour pa.s.sed, suddenly a trumpet sound came from the Yang Zhuyi neat-row hundreds ship formation, then the pressed pirates" armies on the 40 ships fleet withdraw in hurry. Quickly jump to the ocean, hurrying back to their canoe. And then quickly back to their barricade formation.

Jim still trembling, gazed blankly around him.

The sprawled human body, full of blood. Half of them were seriously injured, the other half lifeless. The Eagle Eyes in anger command his The Eye Brush (his ship) to pursue the thousand canoe, but Admiral Ramirez wise enough shout at them to stop. There had a lot enough casualty for today. And didn"t know what Yang Zhuyi Pirates have prepared.

It was suicide for an exhausted army to attack at the full-strength ship barricade in front of them. It"s better to consolidate their army.

Part 6

FOR THE SOLDIER in The Sword Sky, that battle is just one of the big battles that they have faced in their lives. They know the risk of this journey. Ready to be wounded, even for death. But for Jim, that battle is not just one of big battle... The battle really means a lot for him. Terrible. Scary. Hit his heart hard.

Jim hugs his leg in his small cabin. Trembled. The remnant of fear he feels all morning. Pate patiently looks at Jim, smirked with a smile.

"What I have told you, after six months the journey in the ocean will begin to not fun, my friend!" Pate sighed with pity. Change his shirt that full of blood marks.

No. All of this not just not fun for Jim. But strike his heart again. Makes all the bad memories flooded attacking his head. When he saw the dying pirates because of the slash wound from a curved sword in his hand, Jim instantly remembers Nayla. Remember the Beduin hunter"s curved sword. How are people"s lives lost so easy? Just with one slash in reflex from his hand, without even a bit of intent. Die-

He killed someone.

In the past, Nayla dies just like that. Didn"t his beloved not realized she will leave someone in misery. Pained when remembering her face. Leave someone that would never forget painful memories on that day.

Jim sobbing. Complaining inside. Is the killed pirate leaves a heartache on his lover, family, or whoever it is? Are the death of that pirate has a meaning? Jim crying. Look! Death is coming just like that... As if there is no more need to be lamented. Look at him, don"t know how long this sorrow will end...

Pate look at him with annoy, disturbed by Jim sob and dry. The Crying Sailor, Pate cursed in heart, leaving, leave Jim alone.

Part 7

SAME AS Pate that didn"t care about Jim"s feeling, The Yang Zhuyi fleet didn"t care about it even a little. They act like a physician who suggested to take a pill twice a day, endlessly send small canoes to attack.

After six hours of battle in the morning, and six hours take a rest until nightfall, precisely at nine in the night, they blew the trumpet again. Beat the drum of battles and chat a battle yell.



Thousands canoe once again moves approach the Admiral Ramirez fleet ship. Faster, more ferocious. The close battle on the top of 40 ships blazes again. The cannon on The Floating City Fleet was really useless. The battle progressed like what Yang Zhuyi wants.

This time, Jim choose to remain in his small cabin.

Sobbing in sorrow reminiscing Nayla"s face that lay down without life.