The Torch

Chapter 15

Nicholai"s chuckle left disheartening feelings amongst the members of the surviving group, a negative externality of his very existence that he never considered when he did things. The shock and sight of the glowing man in the infinite darkness was still etched in their minds and with the complimentary horror that surrounded them, it did not do much to alleviate their already rising despair. Nicholai glanced at Emma, the girl with greasy hair who had maintained her curled ball position. The three men stood at a distance, observing the seated Nicholai who wasn"t even irked at all by their darting eyes. The stout man with a Hawaii t-shirt was the one who broke the ice and asked, "What are you?"

Nicholai was surprised that the question had come sooner than he had antic.i.p.ated, but nevertheless he obliged the man and said, "Um a survivor, just like you. My name is Nicholai Vickinder. Before you get your religious hopes high in this situation, just know that I am not an angel, never was, and never will be." Nicholai"s clarification did not help the situation and it caused the security guard to shout out, "Demoni iri, demoni iri!" This random shouting caused the rest of the group to be startled. In an instant Nicholai realised if the security guard went on with the shouting he would cause ma.s.s hysteria in the room and contribute more chaos to the already dire situation. Nicholai aimed his gun at the ceiling, fired a shot and shouted out, "Shut the f.u.c.k up!" Dr. Rondozai was bewildered by the turn of events and noticed the trepid scream of Emma. John began to pour out tears, soaking the bosom of Dr. Rondozai who could tell that the boy was barely keeping it to the together. The nurse became one with the wall as she cringed in fear after the gunshot. The men panted liked overworked beasts, recuperating after a long run. Nicholai went on to say, "You want to know what is going on, sure let me explain your current situation. If you did not know the definition of totally f.u.c.ked, then you"re in it. You"re totally immersed in pure s.h.i.t I tell you. As you can see, the things that are chewing your buddies like sugar cane are Diablo in the dark. However, luckily for you guys, Diablo hates the light thus we are united together to bask in my light."

"You"re not making much sense sir," said Dr. Rondozai who lisped over every word she uttered, "Are you saying that the things are demons Nic-Nicholai?"

"Precisely, you catch on fast doctor. If more of you quickly digest the situation quickly, you won"t be turned into chopped liver. The things outside are demons, ready to consume anyone who steps out of my light."

"Demons? How is that even possible? There is no such thing!" screamed out the young semi athletic boy. His gesticulations showed great disapproval towards what Nicholai had said, grimacing despite the fact that he was still startled by the sight of him. Nicholai then glared at him and said, "I guess a cla.s.s in atheism always skips that part of the spectrum. Demons exist boy, never forget that." Upon hearing this, the 20 year old 5.9feet tall young adult called Hilary Madzima could not help but feel instant rejection of such a truth. He had a lean physique, oblong crisp face, dread-locks, a crooked nose, and lazy eyes. He had the stoner look and a blunt could easily fit him into the prediscribed imagery. Regardless of his personal beliefs, what he had seen could not merely be effaced by his stern beliefs. The sight of the man who was pulled into the darkness, the noises outside and inside the hospital, which told a grave story of death and unprecedented mutilation, staunched his ironclad denial. In the face of death, there was no denial for Hilary. As this reality sinked into his frame, the stout man went onto to ask, "So those things are demons?"

"Yes they are and as long as you"re in the dark, you will be their food."

"How are you glowing?" asked the stout man.

"This light you see here isn"t mine. It"s an extension of my boss Austin, the one who will change everything back to normal once we find him."

"Austin?" they asked, some hissing and others in their thoughts. This puzzled everyone who was still dealing with the fact that there were in a nightmare and to add more fuel to the madness, Austin was supposedly the saviour in their bleak predicament. Nicholai noticed their vexation and went on to say, "My boss Austin is going to set the world in order. This reality you"re currently experiencing is but a phase that will pa.s.s once he has established control. The darkness will go away and everything that comes with pain will cease to exist." Emma averted he hidden gaze and glanced at Nicholai with down casted eyes. She had been lost in her sadness, but the iteration of the end of pain struck a chord in her spirit. Something she longed for more than anyone else, a personal scarcity in her life.

"Do you mean it when you say the end of pain?" asked Emma, who resembled a child whose only chance to happiness was an exceptional form of escapism. Her innocence, which was fastened to her frame, showed a great yearning that Nicholai could easily observe despite the greasiness of her hair. Her vulnerability and despair were all exposed to him; they were nothing left but remnants of one"s broken self-esteem. Nicholai looked into her eyes and said, "With Austin as the leader of the new age, the pain will go away little one." Hilary couldn"t believe what was happening and sighed inside, grasping his face with utter stupefaction. The nurse who had had cringed to the point of aligning herself with the wall beckoned a surrender with her body language and slowly sat on the ground. Everyone was dealing with the reality in their own way, some better than others, but for Nicholai this meant that they would devote their hopes towards him. In the graveness of any turbulence, the stable figure is always the pillar of strength.

"Now if anything at all is going to progress, you"re going to have listen to me. I have a mission to see to it that I get someone to Austin and that someone is outside." said Nicholai who feigned fluid speech regardless of the pain of his peeving hip. Though Nicholai had been glowing, something that was still terrifying most of them, the stout man mustered the courage to overcome his fear and asked, "Someone outside?"

"Yes, someone outside in the dark."

"But those things are out there, those things that are killing people in the hospital… are you planning on going back out there?" asked the stout man.

"I guess you and the others don"t understand. There is no safety anyway; every single area in the dark is just death waiting for you people. I am the light here, the reason why you"re alive." said Nicholai as he pointed at the putrid carca.s.s of the demon that had blown up upon trying to pounce on him. Both the stout man and the other men scanned his raised right hand that pointed at the b.l.o.o.d.y remnant of the demon that exploded. This was their first time taking notice if the wretched specimen on the floor and the visage of the broken window, which had no distinguishable features beyond it, reinforced more fear. The darkness, which was as concrete as the depressing reality they were facing, made them instantly look back at Nicholai. Nicholai ignored their mutual display of discomfort and said, "That thing on the floor died because of the light coming from my body. The reason more of them haven"t come through yet is because they can"t stand being in my light. As long you"re within my light nothing will happen to you…" he said, just before he coughed out some blood. Nicholai held his mouth and felt the scarlet liquid moisturise his palm. Dr. Rondozai noticed this and began to worry. John had clenched onto her with a full proof grip as if his life depended on it. The coughing was something that she was familiar with, and the bleeding hip that Nicholai was grasping was evident that he was drawing close towards a critical condition. Dr. Rondozai whispered into John"s ears and told him, "John, I need to help that man. I won"t be gone for long. Be strong and be brave. I will be back shortly."

"Please don"t, stay with me, please don"t let go." said the boy who tightened his grip even more, squinting his eyes as the tears poured down his cheeks.

"It"s okay, you gotta be strong, I will be back." she said, stroking his head gently with great concern for his fleeting stamina.

"No please, I don"t want to be left alone. Please Mrs. Rondozai, don"t leave me alone. Please!" said the boy who tightened his grip as if trying to smother her. Dr. Rondozai knew all too well that the boy was struggling to cope with the situation just as much as the adults were, but she had to do what needed to be done. Dr. Rondozai left John on his own, kissed him on the forehead as she left to tend to Nicholai"s wound. The glowing man who was as luminous as a solar lantern lit up the flames of uncertainty in Dr. Rondozai as she tiptoed to him. Her mind tried to discern the feasibility of the human body glistening like a fluorescent, thinking about all the theories that scientists had and when that didn"t surmise, she went to think of religious alternative possibilities. As she reached his body Nicholai said, "It"s okay, you can come here, um not going to hurt you or anything like that, just take your time. This bruise really needs adequate medical attention." As if making a leap of faith, she quickly dashed to look at his wound. Dr. Rondozai who had expected some sort of unusual feeling or pain upon being in the presence of Nicholai was subtly surprised that nothing within her physiology apart from the receding fear upon contact, had changed. She sighed in relief; quickly removing the cloth which she had been using to clog his wound. The stiches he had tried to place were hardly methodical and were a tad rushed. Dr. Rondozai quickly called out Abby"s name, the nurse who had been so lost in her fear of the known that she had lost track of what was happening all around her. She repeated her name 4 times until Nicholai reciprocated by calling out her name, which immediately restored the nurse"s cognitive senses. Abby, the chubby and panda shaped nurse with dark ebony skin, pulled back her braids as her right hand twitched. Her face revealed an undeniable sullenness and a pout that was similar to that of collapsing crevices in a cave.  Her waning frame showed uncertainty and ambiguity. Dr. Rondozai wasn"t sure whether she was hesitating or whether she had frozen under Medusa"s spell, but one thing for sure, her 5th calling out got her back into reality.

"Abby, listen to me, open that cupboard and drawer and get the disinfectants and drip. Also get the syringes in the black jar on the top shelf." screamed Dr. Rondozai.

"Okay, okay um getting that done," said Abby who seemed to have swallowed her words as she uttered, tasting the tears that flowed down her cheeks in the process, "the syringes in the black jar!?"

"Yes. Get them quickly or else he will start convulsing. He needs to get a teta.n.u.s shot!" screamed out Dr. Rondozai who was applying pressure on the wound, glancing at Nicholai who was feigning an indifference towards his pain. Emma, the rest of the men and even the petrified John, all darted at Abby who opened the fitted cupboard and drawer, rummaging through the contents and meticulously selecting the right medication. She carried all that she had collated and began to pace towards Nicholai. Nicholai who had been looking at Dr. Rondozai, who was scrutinising his wound, quickly stared at Abby upon hearing her footsteps and inadvertently caused her to drop the medical utilities when he looked into his eyes. She hadn"t gotten used to the fact that he was a glowing man and the luminosity of his body made his eyes shimmer as if they were burning flame, something that recoiled a nasty sensation of inner dread in her spirit. She took a few steps back as if the path beyond entailed death, but was quickly hurled back to the task when Dr. Rondozai said, "It"s okay Abby, his harmless, you see nothing has happened to me. If I am fine, you will be fine as well. Just bring things here and we can move forward." Dr. Rondozai was clearly okay and this resonated with her mind, pushing her beyond the barrier of fear she had self-inflicted. Abby picked up the syringes, the morphine plastic bag, and other items, handing them over to Dr. Rondozai. Her sweat tripled upon being in the same breathing s.p.a.ce as Nicholai. Regardless of the fact that her fear had impeded concise progress with treatment of Nicholai, the Russian however was not at all angered at all by her inadequacy, but was aroused. The fear she had of him gave him a hedonistic pleasure peculiar to him. One that relayed diminutive smug that only the stout man took notice of. Dr. Rondozai asked for towels as she injected Nicholai with teta.n.u.s shots and pain suppressants. She rubbed a medicinal liquid on the wound and bandaged it. The whole process seemed very methodical and the rest of the individuals in the room all looked, equivocal at best at the sight of what happened. The stout man, Hilary and the security guard all looked at each other speechless, their eyes wondering about, reflecting their confusion. Emma peeped through her hair strands in her curled ball position. She remained stationary, observing as Dr. Rondozai went to work. However, when she turned to the side to look at John, her dilated eyes were promptly raised when she saw his empty soulless expression. Only she had noticed the vacancy of his frame and in that moment, the fear that came from the infinite darkness and the demons beyond were second to nothing compared to the dread she felt from the boy"s ghastly appearance.

The howls of the night and the screaming of those who lived in the Avenues went on for a while; sounds of carnage and dismay echoing in the indistinguishable darkness. It was as if a grand choir, which specialised in discord had gathered outside to profane the air. The noise, which did not cease, was interspersed by the sound of wailing demons, sending a chill down all their spines. The ward, which contained the 7 people who survived the gruelling butchery, was the least tainted room in the whole hospital. The upper floors had all been wiped out in a depraved bloodbath, fountains of blood trickling down stairs like a stream. The sounds of screams had disappeared and they were replaced by the sound blood dripping and the occasional disgorged furniture falling apart. This had now become a mental trial for the survivors who could not even hear themselves think. The noise, which had heightened after Nicholai had been patched up, had instilled a silence within the group for an hour"s length. Emma had covered her ears with her hands in the duration of the unsavoury ruckus. It was the same for John, Abby and the rest of the men. Nicholai and Dr. Rondozai did not cover their ears; the noise wasn"t much to Nicholai and Dr. Rondozai had tended to her domestic duties of taking care of John by embracing him in her arms. The howling and winds of the night stirred panic in the security guard who seemed to be chanting prayers whereas Hilary and the stout man had put their backs against the wall, wielding dismantled drip stands as weapons for self-defence. Abby had returned to her prior position with a mangled facial expression as she emulated Emma"s current disposition. Nicholai was also terrified, but he had gotten accustomed to dealing with his fear and soldiered on impeccably as the others waned in mental fort.i.tude. As soon as the high pitched sounds had gone, the gradual volition to ask Nicholai more about what was happening came in the mind of Dr. Rondozai. She broke the silence, which had just returned and asked, "Mr. Nicholai, whatever or whoever you are. Please explain to us everything at least the crux of things."

"Tell us everything, please. Please tell us what the h.e.l.l is going on." Interloped the stout man.

"Wasn"t the explanation of demons good enough?" said Nicholai who seemed clueless of what else they desired.

"No. It"s not good enough. We want understand why this is happening and where you came from and how you"re even glowing." Said Dr. Rondozai.

"Are you like a special agent?" asked Hilary who looked at him dead in the eye.

"Yes I am kid, but not the kind you think… but the information you seek is beyond your scope of understanding. It is utterly useless for me to tell you anything that I know." he said with a hint of apathy.

"Try us then. With what"s already happening I don"t think anything crazy you"d say would surprise us anymore more than what"s already happening."

"Trust me my dear; even a poor wretch like me couldn"t handle the truth when I heard if from my boss the first time, you"d simple collapse upon discovering the truth. Let it be." He said sternly.

"What you"re doing doesn"t make sense, why withhold s.h.i.t from us, like honestly. Is this like some biological weapon or something that the Russians sent to this place? Are you a terrorist?" asked Hilary who was gradually going paranoid.

"Young man watches too many spy movies I see, but to what benefit would Russia get from wiping out this hospital let alone this country. You have an active imagination young man but it"s clearly misplaced." chuckled Nicholai who was astounded by what Hilary had just said.

"That glowing body of yours could be some special military suit. My cousin in the army told me some interesting stories; I think you"re some kinda special agent." Insisted Hilary.

"You took the agnostic stance I see, little boy you saw what you saw and heard what you heard didn"t you? What do you think that was?" asked Nicholai inquisitively.

"I don"t know, but um definitely not going to be mind-f.u.c.ked into your demon bulls.h.i.t. Those things, I don"t know, I think it"s a virus or something."

"And what about the pure black night beyond the window and the dead thing on the floor and the noises, can your logic explain what they are?" teased Nicholai.

"There is no moonlight cuz its midnight or something… " said Hilary before being interjected by Abby.

"Listen kid, shut up. Just shut the f.u.c.k up." screamed Abby whose irritation towards Hilary"s denial had reached its peak. Hilary was surprised by this and was muddled by her sudden cry. Dr. Rondozai caught a glimpse of his eyes and signalled for a "desist" on his part. Her body language conveyed the message and Hilary instantly reclined and left the adults to the task of asking questions. Nicholai was astonished by the breakdown of communication, which had transpired before his eyes. The stout man immediately took this opportunity to ask, "We really need to know. Give us some closure to what"s going in detail. The how, who and what. Please tell us what you know."

"Yes Nicholai, please tell us everything don"t hold back anything at all." said Dr. Rondozai who was now stroking the hair follicles of John who had fallen fast asleep. Nicholai had no intention of telling any of them what was really going on and had preferred the route towards secrecy, however keeping all that information to himself would lead to distrust and insubordination from the group members. The thought of lying came to mind and filling them with nonsense to go by or the possibility of him killing them all and continuing on with his mission, however, the last thing he"d want to do is get into conflict with potential allegiants. As far as he was concerned, these were potential citizens in the era of Austin, killing them would deplete the population of the coming age, and besides, Tanaka Manyika was still in the bonnet of his dishevelled BMW. The last thing on his mind was causing dissention that would prolong his stay. All of the people in the ward were disposable anomalies in terms of combat ability, but with Bob dead, the one who knew Harare inside out, Nicholai would have to rely on the locals for directions. Many things apart from the fact he had to get Tanaka played in his mind. Tanaka"s brother, Collin, who had Austin, as his hostage was the formidable anomaly in his way, one that he wouldn"t reveal to the rest of the group. The dynamics of his mission had become complicated: Bob was dead, he was injured, had possible liabilities or a.s.sets in the room and he had to face the highly trained and deadly Collin Manyika in the world of infinite darkness. This was among the list of his growing problems, but his immediate concerns were getting Tanaka who was supposedly alive because Austin was never wrong. Though this sounded ridiculous considering how the rest of the world was experiencing ma.s.s extermination, Nicholai did not at all doubt the chances of Tanaka"s survival. All he could do was just hope that he was still in the boot, incapacitated, but not gravely harmed. After contemplating in his head how he would carry on his mission and get Tanaka to his boss, an intricate plan was conceived from the depths of the Russian"s mind. Nicholai then glanced at everyone and said, "I think it"s time I told you what is and how the world has gone to s.h.i.t." The stout man, security guard, Hilary, Emma, Abby, and Dr. Rondozai devoted all their attention towards the glowing man. Dr. Rondozai went onto to say, "We"re listening."

 Nicholai straightened his frame and then began to say, "Before I oblige you with a horrific tale, does anyone know where Crowne Plaza? The Mezzanine floor?"

"What?" asked Hilary who seemed disappointed by his question.

"Crowne Plaza is just next to the Harare gardens, it"s not too far from here. Is it important in what you have to tell us?" asked the stout man.

"No, it"s besides what um talking about, but it"s where we will be going after I heal up and retrieve the boy." said Nicholai with a stern look.

"Wait a minute, you want us to f.u.c.ken go outside. I thought you said you wouldn"t. I don"t want to f.u.c.ken go outside. I don"t want to. No, no, no, no. I want stay here where um safe." screamed Emma.

"You have it all wrong little girl; this ward isn"t safe, for now, the monsters in the dark have ignored it. It"s safe because my body is generating light that keeps them away. If I leave you here alone in the dark, you will die." said Nicholai who seemed irritated by her interjection.

Emma immediately absorbed the information given to her and went silent. The corrosive nature of Nicholai"s remark left the girl at a loss of words. Dr. Rondozai, Hilary, Abby, and the stout man were shocked by the acrimonious words that had come out of Nicholai"s mouth. At that moment it became clear that their saviour was not a saint and that anything that they wold do or say would work against them. After hushing the girl, Nicholai went on to say, "After I tell you the truth about what is happening you must take me to Crowne Plaza. Only if you promise me that you will guide me there will I kindly tell you the prospects for the future."

"Okay Nicholai." said Dr. Rondozai who seemed poised as she addressed him.

"Very well. You see the world is as my boss put it, is a construct of innocence and wickedness, pretty much good an evil to put it in simple terms. Humanity is driven to either acts of evil or acts of good, but here is the catch. It"s pretty bad when we do bad things."

"Isn"t it always bad to do evil things?" asked Hilary with a sarcastic tone.

"Hmm the atheist at least confers with what um saying, touché, but when people sin, the thing that taints their body is emitted by the body and is sent to a realm similar to what they call h.e.l.l in the biblical sense."

"So what happens to this emitted stuff?" asked the doctor.

"It"s contained in a vacuum called the cup of wrath, the liquor of poison, death, and hades, and when that cup fills up, the wine of wrath over flows and seeps into the physical realm. Thus, the monsters are a product of our sins. We are in a sense a victim of our own vices and the whole world played a part in this." said Nicholai who seemed hardly phased by what he just told them.

"So this is the end of the world, like the apocalypse? Oh my G.o.d, this is like the end?" asked Emma whose mental stability was gradually waning beyond recovery.

"Yes. This is the end of the world." said Nicholai quaintly.

"So this is not just happening at this hospital? This is world wide scale? The whole of Harare, Gweru, Masvingo, Bulawayo, and the neighbouring countries? Are you kidding me? This is too much to take in." said Dr. Rondozai who felt as if her conscience had been struck by an anvil. Everyone in the room was shattered into pieces by the news. Hopelessness had filled in on the empty seat happiness had left and anymore divulging the horrors of their current predicament was going to lead everyone to a meltdown. Nicholai had antic.i.p.ated this reaction and thus prepared in advance words to sober up the group.

"But you see, as much as this is the order of the day, there is still hope." he said glancing at everyone, waiting to see the change of expression on their faces. 

 "There is hope you say?" asked the stout man.

"Yes, let me explain. The world has had observers of the cup of wrath, a secret society that was monitoring it. An organisation called Zeal. Some would call them the illuminati as popular culture would dictate or free masons, but that"s just fairy tale garbage to mislead the Zeal in essence is the chosen architect of the Paradise construct. They are going to erase the darkness and create the new age. Millennium new."

"So how does that happen?" asked Dr. Rondozai.

"My boss Austin who is one of the hierarchy members of Zeal is going erase the darkness from its source. His like me but much G.o.d like and powerful, but the key to destroying the monsters is to get the boy to Austin."

"What boy?" asked the stout man.

"The key to paradise is that boy and his outside in my car." replied Nicholai.

"What the f.u.c.k man, you left a kid out there all alone with those things screaming and killing people? Are you nuts?" judged Hilary.

"I didn"t leave him, I was attacked by one of those things and managed to survive. The kid isn"t going to die. I know that he will be alive when I go back there." said Nicholai with an air of enthusiasm.

"How could he possibly survive out there? Is he like…, does he have a glowing body?" asked Hilary with an earnest concern for the well-being of Tanaka who he barely knew.

"His different, but all you need to know is that whatever Austin says comes to pa.s.s. He has never been wrong." he said, stroking his hair as he glanced at Hilary.

"And where is this Austin you speak of?" asked the doctor.

"His at the hotel I mentioned, Crowne Plaza, but his under someone"s custody. A soldier like me but he has sided with the monsters in the dark and has betrayed pretty much the whole of mankind. His a well-trained killing machine who"s in the way of the paradise that awaits being created. His name is Collin, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d who"s in the way of Zeal"s great mission." he said, grimacing his face.

"Seems like there is going to be a lot of trouble before paradise comes, so your mission is to get a hold of the boy, get to Austin, kill this Austin fellow and then save the world?" asked Dr. Rondozai who seemed uncertain of what Nicholai had said. She had no reason to doubt him, but the information that they were given seemed carefully picked to support his agenda without question. The stout man felt the same way as the doctor, but in this situation, they had no choice but to believe whatever he had to say.

"Precisely. It"s quite simple; I find the boy, take him to Austin, kill the anomaly, and save the world. The things in the dark can be stopped, we just have to get the boy to Austin, and all will be saved. It"s that simple."

"So what value does the boy have to fulfilling the creation of paradise?" asked Dr. Rondozai.

"He is a valuable specimen that is the key to creating the this paradise." Replied Nicholai.

"So what do you propose we do Nicholai? And how"s it you"re glowing again?" asked the stout man.

"First of all I need to explain why these things can"t stand my glowing light. My body is glowing because of Austin"s essence. His aura of untainted presence is masking my body and it has the power to ward off the evils in the dark. As for the plan. First things first I need to recuperate, 2ndly we have to leave this hospital and get supplies, get the boy and then finally get to Crowne Plaza." he said with his eyes drawn at the doctor.

"So we are really going to leave?" asked Abby.

"We don"t really have a choice." said Hilary who seemed to be subtly glaring at Nicholai.

"You"re right young man, you don"t have a choice. Whether you comply or not, I am going to fulfil my mission. You"re alive because of me. Your compliance would be much appreciated and I would be happy to see you all live to see the new age. Let"s work towards reaching that goal together."

"Are we completely safe with you? Is your light full proof? Are we guaranteed that no harm will come on us if we stay with you?" asked Abby.

"As long you don"t wonder off into the dark, no one will die. Stay within my boundary and you won"t taste death."

"So what"s this paradise going to be like?" asked the stout man.

"It will be the very definition of heaven on earth, the finer things in life will pale in comparison to what Zeal promises the world."

"What about our family members, people who are at our homes. Can we rescue them and bring them along to this paradise you speak of?" asked the security guard who had been silent for a while. Dr. Rondozai already new the depressing answer to his question, but was surprised that the guard had not picked it up quickly. Nicholai took this opportunity to shatter the man and the rest of the people into pieces by saying, "Everyone who isn"t in the room with me, may it be in this city, or neighbouring cities is dead. This is your chance to mourn for your loved ones because they are all dead."

"Everyone?" asked Hilary who seemed to have not realised that world annihilation meant that casualties would also consist of his own blood.

Nicholai then said, "Um going to take a nap now, feel free to explore your emotions. When I wake up, we are going to move along with the mission." The insensitive nature of his remark did not help at all to mitigate the pain and the tears that poured down the security guard"s face. Hilary collapsed as he wept vehemently, thinking about his mother, girlfriend and younger brother. The stout man had pa.s.sed the point of crying and simply sat on the ground with a defeatist look on his face. This surely was h.e.l.l on earth and there was going to be more turbulence for the future that awaited the 7 who were now surviving in the world of infinite darkness.

As Nicholai dozed off, peacefully as if the existence of the demons didn"t matter, the remaining survivors took this time to talk to each other. The whole group except for Emma sat in a circle and began to talk. Dr. Rondozai knew the stout man"s name and began to say, "Mr. Tafadzwa Hokwa, you"re the man who worked on the computer systems for the hospital. It"s funny how people are brought together at the worst of times."

"Yup the worst of times. I barely get to see the whole staff, but at least Abby here is a regular. I would always find her and playing candy crush during her breaks." smirked Tafadzwa.

"Yah you noticed, wow, I wonder what Dr. Rondozai will say after you"ve exposed me." she said with a feisty and yet poignant look.

"Well with the hospital gone, I don"t have jurisdiction to end you, so consider yourself lucky." remarked the doctor with a sombre look.

"It"s still hard to take in, you know, this s.h.i.t and all. What Nicholai has told us and the fact that we survived being eaten by monsters, freaken things you"d see in the movies and yet here we are." said Abby who was grasping her forehead as she stared at the ground. This was unsettling for all of them, but the discussions would soon bring the group into unison.

"Yah, here we are, waiting for that guy who"s glowing by some odd farfetched reason to wake us up and take us to Crowne Plaza. This night only gets better and better only that I never pictured h.e.l.l being like this." said Tafadzwa.

"We"re probably in h.e.l.l, is that what you think?" asked Dr. Rondozai.

"I mean there demons like he said and we"re apparently supposed to follow him to get to the Promised Land. This sounds like the script has been flipped or something. I mean honestly, if this isn"t h.e.l.l, is this like purgatory. Um a Pentecostal and that stuff has no real meaning to me, but Catholic churches have that in their doctrine. This could be like some trial or realm where we get to go through tests and we survive. Then from here on heaven or h.e.l.l." said Tafadzwa who seemed to be fondling his fingers as he pictured his very words.

"Please stop already, can we please talk about something else. Right now, the last thing I want to hear about is theories. Our family members, people we care about are dead. At least talk about the people you lost or something." said Hilary who seemed stricken with pain as he spoke.

"Um sorry, but it"s important that we try to figure out for ourselves what"s happening. What"s your name?" asked Tafadzwa.

"My name is Hilary." he replied.

"Okay Hilary, sorry for your loss." said Tafadzwa as he patted his back.

"Um sorry too and um sorry for everyone here." said Hilary as he darted at everyone around him. Everyone nodded to signal their mutual understanding for his remark and then looked down-casted.

A moment of silence was thus sprung into motion for a few seconds until Dr. Rondozai asked, "Let"s get to know each a bit more before. I think that would help the situation right now. Security guard, what"s your name?"

"My name is Tawana Madziwire. You can just call me baba Tawana."

"Nice to finally know your name. This child in my hands is John. His an asthmatic 8 year old kid with dreams of being a pilot. Pretty much every boy"s dream when they are in their primary school days," she said, turning her body and facing Emma, "That"s Emma over there. She was diagnosed with bipolar and clinical depression. She has had a hard time growing up and isn"t that open to human communication. She"s a good kid, but she still needs time to get used to people."

"Is that why she won"t join us and prefers to sit close to that guy?" asked Hilary.

"In a way she is just someone who takes her time when it comes to making a connection." she replied, now averting her body towards the group.

"Um Abby, by the way, one of the nurses of this hospital slash clinic. Pleasure to know you all." said Abby as she glanced at everyone as well.

"As much as it was scary at first, I have to admit that it"s kinda fascinating to see a glowing man, like how he is emitting light and all. This really is a spectacle." said Tafadzwa.

"Yah it is, so if this is going to go down the way it"s going down then, all of us will end up in heaven." said Dr. Rondozai.

"Apparently so, since he stated that finding this Austin guy would lead to the paradise construct being made. So, Austin must be an angel or something. Hmm, this really is confusing." said Tafadzwa as he scratched his head.

"Hopefully we will all make it to the finishing line with this guy. We must be strong and survive. John and Emma are our weakest links in the group. We need to take care of them because they are in no position to take care of themselves. So I know this news is as shocking to me is it is to all of you, but I think we should look forward to getting to where that guy wants to lead us. To Austin." said Dr. Rondozai with a fixed and determined frame.

"Yah, but that Collin guy is holding the future hostage as he said and works for the monsters. How are we supposed to face these things or even a.s.sist?" asked Hilary.

"I don"t think we have to. The monsters out there are not coming in here because Nicholai is here so we are safe as long as we are with him. That"s what he said and so far it checks out." replied Dr. Rondozai.

"So we settle for his plan and survive, okay at least we have got that all covered but now the question is are there more people like Nicholai? Like we can"t be the only ones. I know he said everyone is dead, but I can"t just accept that. This isn"t how I imagined the end of the world or the rapture. There have got to be more people like him who are being helped." said Tafadzwa.

"I think you"re looking too deep into this. Let"s call a spade a spade accept what Nicholai has said." refuted Dr. Rondozai.

"But think about it, why us, like how are we the only ones alive, is the rest of the world really dead?" asked Hilary.

"Does it really f.u.c.ken matter, why can"t you be just grateful and appreciate that you"re not monster food. Why all these questions. Why do you people waste your time over such convoluted bulls.h.i.t? Just be happy that you"re alive. Don"t over think it please." said Emma who surprised them all. It was presumed that she was asleep, but apparently, she had been wide awake, eavesdropping on their conversation. Hilary then took this opportunity to say, "I don"t get your problem kid, is there anything wrong with having a little bit of hope? Why don"t you come here and sit with us."

"I want to be close to the light and I don"t wanna join you guys." reciprocated Emma.

"Okay. Sure you can stay there." replied Hilary who seemed irked by her arrogance. Emma eventually reclined in her corner, chanting words silently to herself. The process was at first startling to the group, but they later ignored it when Dr. Rondozai stated that it was her way of coping with stress.

As the group discussed, they went on to talk about personal things in their lives. Dr. Rondozai was a divorced doctor with a child who died in a car accident, the product of teenage party escapades and drunken driving. She had joined the Baines Clinic in 2013 and had enjoyed and squabbled over the ups and downs of her work life and personal life respectively. She had devoted her time to paediatrician work and personal fulfilment by digesting self-help books and being involved in the community. She was a woman who had evolved, and rose from the ashes of her turbulent existence. The doctor lived in Helens vile and tonight she had planned on going through some paper work, which had been distorted by one of the staff at the hospital, but the infinite darkness came along and shattered everything.

Tafadzwa Hokwa was the IT specialist who went to Monash University, studied a degree in CISCO computing, and finally returned back to Zimbabwe after completing his education. He was a cosmopolitan individual who had been exposed to various cultures and life styles. During upbringing, he fit the "salala" ( in Zimbabwean slang) stereotype. His interests spanned from anime, manga, movies, video games, technology, and liberal thinking.