The Transmigrator's Cultivation

Chapter 121 - Arc 9: Disciple Recruitment | Chapter 121: Demonic Spy

Chapter 121 - Arc 9: Disciple Recruitment | Chapter 121: Demonic Spy

Translator: Lynn

Because of the ongoing disciple recruitment event, the front of Wuxin Hall appeared quite empty, save for two rows of warriors standing with an air of pride, exuding an air of majesty. As the morning began, a substantial shadow drifted down from the sky, casting itself before Wuxin Hall. A gentle spiritual light radiated, accompanied by hints of fresh air, lending an air of serenity and refinement to the scene.

As it turned out, more than a dozen prominent figures from the outer sect had arrived, one by one stowing away their magic artifacts and letting them rest on the ground.

The two rows of warriors displayed no signs of surprise at this peculiar sight. Their gaze remained unwavering and composed.

Yet, the puppet black eagle continued to hover above without descending, maintaining its tranquil flight, occasionally flapping its wings in an unruffled manner.

Seated atop the black vulture, Xu Ziqing observed from his elevated position and let out an intrigued “Hmm.” He immediately inquired, “Brother Yun, are those warriors from the outer sect?”

Yun Lie confirmed, “Indeed.”

Growing more curious, Xu Ziqing couldn’t help but sneak more glances.

The information about the outer sect was also meticulously detailed in the original jade slips. Beyond the inner sect matters, it also provided insight into the significant role of the outer sect, likely to emphasize the distinction between the two. After all, the outer sect, though separate, remained an integral part of the Wuling Immortal Sect.

Functioning as a hub for the sect’s miscellaneous affairs, the outer sect held the responsibility of overseeing outer sect disciples. Yet, the core aspect was Baigong Ridge.

Occupying Baigong Ridge were craftsmen adept at their trades. There were tailors skilled in weaving robes, agriculturists tending to spiritual fields, artisans refining basic magical implements, and craftsmen crafting intricate tools. Each worker focused on their specific task, contributing valuable resources to the inner sect, benefiting the dedicated cultivators there.

However, not all outer sect disciples could transition to the inner sect. Despite their dedicated efforts, some lacked the requisite apt.i.tude. Baigong Ridge became a common destination for such individuals, allowing them to contribute meaningfully even if they didn’t proceed to the inner sect.

Frequently, even inner sect disciples wish to acquire servants, also recruit from this category.

For those barred from entry to the inner sect, being inner disciples’ attendants is a preferable option than languishing in the outer sect. Among those who toiled diligently, there were also those who sought luck by entering Baigong Ridge first and then endeavored to catch the attention of inner sect disciples. The path to immortality is arduous, and the disciples of the inner sect, both left and right, require individuals to manage their affairs. The sect doesn’t shy away from such arrangements. As long as the person proves sufficiently loyal and endures the test, this opportunity is granted.

Yet, many disciples are disinclined to curry favor, prompting skilled craftsmen to collaborate in creating a unique kind of servant known as “Lishi.”

This type of warrior lacks self-awareness, exhibiting extreme obedience akin to a mechanical puppet, meticulously crafted. They even have grades, comprising yellow-scarved warriors, silver-armored warriors, and gold-armored warriors. The higher the tier, the longer the lifespan and the more astonishing the power. If a yellow-scarved warrior corresponds to the cultivation level of an innate warrior, a silver-armored warrior is on par with the foundation establishment cultivator, and a gold-armored warrior inches closer to a golden core stage!

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This remarkable creation garnered the attention of the Sect Master at its inception, breaking conventional norms and elevating the creator’s status. It was transferred to the inner sect and became part of the Refining Peak’s domain, exclusively crafted for inner sect disciples who achieved notable feats—specifically, silver and gold-armored warriors. As for the craftsmen and artisans confined to the outer sect, due to material and heat restrictions and sect regulations, they could only create yellow-scarved fighters.

The two rows of warriors standing before Wuxin Hall are adorned with yellow scarves, marking them as yellow-scarved warriors.

This isn’t Jia Yangping’s first time overseeing the disciple recruitment process, and he understands that those supervising won’t descend to join them but will offer support from above.

Having completed the necessary courtesies, he now proceeds to orchestrate the subsequent proceedings. Familiarity has bred efficiency, and after issuing a few instructions, he positions himself at the forefront of Wuxin Hall.

Jia Yangping channeled his true energy, and in a swift motion, a silver bridge unfurled from his sleeves, propelled by the wind. It rapidly expanded, transforming into a celestial bridge that spanned the distance, instantly connecting the outer portion of the immortal gate to the front of Wuxin Hall.

The silver bridge, though not particularly wide, could accommodate two people walking side by side. However, it soared to great heights and lengths, bearing a risk of plummeting if not traversed with caution.

And underneath the silver bridge, at a certain point, a vast sea materialized, remarkably lifelike.

Xu Ziqing’s astonishment was evident; even with his current vision, the simulated seawater appeared remarkably authentic. Curiously, he inquired, “Senior Brother Yun, is this an illusion?”

“People below the golden core stage cannot penetrate this illusion. Once they step onto the bridge, they’ll be ensnared, leaving only their mortal bodies behind.”

Xu Ziqing grasped the concept a bit, recognizing that Yun Lie’s “asking the heart” approach likely involved a form of mental torment. Considering the situation, if he were to traverse the silver bridge, he couldn’t employ his true energy to shield himself, which meant proceeding with extreme caution. It was indeed a clever and rigorous testing method.

When the time turns to chen shi17-9 am , the silver bridge shimmered with radiant light, while the sea below stirred, generating cascading waves that appeared extraordinarily tumultuous.

The gates of the Wuling Immortal Sect were ajar, and after a brief interval, figures began to emerge.

Suddenly, a mult.i.tude of men and women materialized at the bridge’s entrance, eagerly surging onto the bridge one after another.

In no time, a few individuals had already sprinted onto the bridge, and those following closely were equally determined to secure the lead. The jostling intensified as they competed, refusing to yield to one another.

Yet, on such a narrow bridge, how could such reckless behavior be sustained? Swiftly, the rearward individuals pressed upon those at the front, resulting in five or six losing their footing and tumbling off the bridge!

The surging sea waters proved relentless, sweeping away the fallen like leaves, spooking those behind them. Nevertheless, those further back, unable to discern the cause of the turmoil ahead, pressed on regardless, resulting in collisions and chaos. “Hulala,” and several more were cast into the depths!

Finally, a sense of trepidation gripped those in the rear. Despite the continued influx of people at the bridgehead, none were eager to step onto the bridge. They halted and observed with caution, unwilling to act recklessly.

Observing from a distance, Xu Ziqing couldn’t help but furrow his brows, remarking, “The impulsive become timid, lacking determination. This situation is…”

Yun Lie’s tone turned cold, stating, “Those who can’t overcome such a trial are unfit to enter Wuling Immortal Sect.”

A soft sigh escaped Xu Ziqing’s lips, though he refrained from voicing any objections.

Indeed, the seawater beneath the bridge exuded a heightened intensity, while the silver bridge soared to a lofty alt.i.tude, its breadth almost negligible. Merely traversing this bridge marked the initial trial.

“If one stumbles at such a simple hurdle, how can they surmount the forthcoming challenges? Wuling Immortal Sect, as a grand sect, maintains thresholds even for outer disciples.”

After a brief pause, the first individual finally stepped forward and set foot upon the silver bridge.

This individual appeared rather slender, exuding an aura of timidity. Nonetheless, they progressed with careful, steady steps, their cautious demeanor evoking empathy.

Time elapsed, over half an hour, and the young man, though progressing somewhat precariously, managed to traverse halfway across the Silver Bridge unscathed. With each step, he inched closer to the Wuxin Hall.

The slim youth continued his journey, prompting those observing behind him to cautiously follow suit.

This time, a sense of prudence prevailed, and the recklessness displayed earlier had dissipated.

A queue gradually formed on the silver bridge, albeit not without minor skirmishes amid the procession. For various reasons, a number of partic.i.p.ants slipped off the bridge. However, the majority successfully maintained their positions on the bridge.

Witnessing this, a slight furrow etched across Xu Ziqing’s brow.

Out of the blue, a potent surge of murderous intent radiated from Yun Lie’s figure.

Startled, Xu Ziqing’s gaze swiftly shifted toward Yun Lie.

Yun Lie extended a finger and, with a delicate gesture, released a slender stream of sword energy from his fingertip.

This whistling sword energy left a lingering trail as it darted through the air, precisely striking the forehead of an individual on the silver bridge.

In an instant, a b.l.o.o.d.y hole appeared on the struck person’s brow, propelling them off the bridge. Almost immediately, two more torrents of sword energy followed suit, each impaling another individual between the eyebrows, causing them to plummet into the abyss below the bridge!

The pa.s.sage of these three sword energies unleashed a wave of panic.

Even though the prospective apprentices had some level of preparedness, who could have foreseen the emergence of a lethal attacker? An abrupt terror gripped them. Amid the panicked scramble, more than half ended up inadvertently trampling one another in their fear, resulting in their tumbling off the bridge. The remaining few dozen, though managing to regain composure, found themselves halted in the midst of the bridge, unwilling to take another step forward.

Observing this, even Xu Ziqing was taken aback. Why had Senior Brother Yun chosen this moment to commit such an act?

At that juncture, Yun Lie refrained from addressing him verbally. However, his visage turned frosty, his mental presence extending, as though sweeping across the bridge’s occupants once more.

Under the weight of this coercion, the bridge’s occupants experienced a bone-chilling dread emanating from the core of their beings. It felt as though their innermost organs had been laid bare. Consequently, the more resolute among them managed to maintain their positions, while those of weaker resolve found their limbs betraying them, collapsing to the ground.

Yet, this cold intrusion was fleeting, vanishing within two breaths.

It was then that Yun Lie declared, “The devil’s minion harbors malevolent intent; their punishment shall be without leniency.”

Xu Ziqing suddenly inquired, “A follower of the devil path?”

Yun Lie gave a slight nod.

This information left Xu Ziqing at a loss, leading him to pose a soft question, “Senior Brother Yun, can you discern the origin?”

Yun Lie mildly shook his head, stating, “Send the body to the sect.”

Comprehending the implication, Xu Ziqing refrained from further discussion.

In the mortal realm, the realms of immortals and demons were inherently antagonistic, though such dynamics became much more intricate in the greater world.

Demon cultivators could be categorized into righteous and sinister paths. The former embodied unrestrained independence, often opting for a nomadic existence rather than establishing sects. Conversely, the latter was considerably more treacherous, inflicting harm on both individuals and society. While the immortal path maintained a dominant presence, demonic forces were not that far behind. Nevertheless, the immortal path safeguarded the well-being of mortals, whereas demonic forces exploited them as both tools and sustenance. It was only natural that the two factions remained at odds.

Over the course of time, the realms of immortals and demons have seen numerous conflicts. Sinister demons and Taoists employ cunning strategies, often embedding demon agents within various sects to infiltrate and gather intelligence. This incident caused significant harm to the immortals’ ranks, prompting the immortal sect to adopt more stringent criteria when selecting disciples.

Among the duties a.s.signed to Yun Lie’s punishment, overseeing the external sect management was secondary in importance; the paramount task was rooting out the demonic infiltrators.

Xu Ziqing had personally witnessed the bloodthirsty devil cultivator mercilessly slaughter innocent individuals and engage in deceitful and malicious deeds aligned with the demonic path. Observing the punishment inflicted upon these devil cultivators, he harbored no compa.s.sion. Instead, he contemplated the potential harm these infiltrators could inflict on the immortal sect if they were to go unnoticed…

It took a full three days to finalize the selection of the initial tier of disciples. During this period, Yun Lie remained vigilant, perched atop the black vulture, his gaze scanning the surroundings. In the end, he eliminated 28 demon operatives. The fact that the Demon Sect dispatched such a significant number of agents revealed the coveted status of the Wuling Immortal Sect.

After the three-day span, the gates of the immortal domain closed.

The silver bridge was retracted, and Jia Yangping organized the successful foreign candidates.

Following another five days of intensive evaluations, the candidates were a.s.sessed based on factors like age, spiritual root apt.i.tude, cultivation level, comprehension, and character. Out of the pool, 288 individuals remained. Among them, twelve were earmarked as potential inner sect entrants. They were temporarily accommodated within the lookout hall, sharing quarters with those who had successfully pa.s.sed the three trials in the previous small world. These individuals were on the cusp of becoming quasi-inner sect disciples.

The remaining 276 individuals were now deemed quasi-outer sect disciples.

Subsequently, all the outer sect disciples and aspiring disciples, both outer and inner, congregated in the Yingxian Hall. Here, they awaited the selection process for those willing to take on disciples from the inner sect. This marked Yun Lie’s second crucial responsibility during this endeavor.

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