The Transmigrator's Cultivation

Chapter 273: Twin Lotuses

Arc 15: Heavenly Secret Realm | Chapter 273: Twin Lotuses

After an unknown amount of time climbing, Xu Ziqing went from feeling relatively relaxed to gradually fatigued, until eventually, his legs went numb and his entire body weakened. Despite this, he clung to the word “persevere,” turning it into a steadfast belief. Even when his mind grew hazy, his steps never faltered.

Yun Lie, having endured years of rigorous training, including striking his sword thirty thousand times and tempering it for a decade with a mortal body and youthful determination, found the climb far less taxing. Noticing Xu Ziqing’s growing discomfort, he offered his support without hesitation.

With this mutual a.s.sistance, the two of them were able to endure the climb with a composure and resilience that surpa.s.sed many others.

After a full day and night, the seemingly endless heavenly ladder finally reached its end.

As Xu Ziqing stepped onto the final step, he stumbled, but Yun Lie caught him, preventing him from falling. Xu Ziqing glanced at his own hands, finding them drenched in sweat, almost soaking through his sleeves. Even Yun Lie’s grip felt slightly damp.

Xu Ziqing’s legs felt as if they weighed a thousand pounds, and he struggled to catch his breath. He released Yun Lie’s hand, but before he could fully let go, his senior brother firmly grasped his arm and held him upright.

Yun Lie said calmly, “Don’t sit down.”

Xu Ziqing nodded, still panting heavily. “Yes, Shixiong.”

He understood the importance of regaining their strength before facing whatever challenges awaited them next. Accepting Yun Lie’s support, he slowly regulated his breathing.

Upon stepping onto the white jade floor, Xu Ziqing felt a noticeable release of pressure from his body, signaling that his true essence had been unsealed. However, due to his extreme physical exhaustion, even though his essence flowed again, it was slow to gather, as if nearly depleted.

He speculated that his true essence might have unconsciously replenished his physical energy during the climb. Otherwise, after a full day and night of relentless ascent, his body should have been on the verge of collapse rather than just sore and numb.

Xu Ziqing didn’t dwell on these thoughts. As he quickly gathered his true essence and circulated it through his dantian, he looked ahead. Three others had already reached the white jade floor before them—Golden Core stage cultivators who appeared unbothered by the long ascent.

The master and servant pair appeared unaffected by the climb; their expressions remained unchanged—one looking lazy, the other stern—as if the journey had taken no toll on them. If not for their prolonged stillness, their rising aura might have escaped Xu Ziqing’s notice.

Another Golden Core cultivator, however, was in poor condition. With cultivation only at the early stage of the Golden Core, and having traveled alone without support, he had expended much of his energy from the start. Though he had finally made it to the top, he now sat slumped on the ground, his face flushed and on the verge of bleeding.

He was gasping heavily, his throat convulsing, and bulging veins stood out like blue worms on his muscles, creating a frightening sight. His entire body trembled as he pushed his technique to the limit. Shakily, he pulled a pill from his pouch, shoved it into his mouth, and let out a long sigh of relief.

After consuming the pill, the cultivator struggled to his feet and, ignoring everything else, staggered towards the grand hall.

Xu Ziqing watched his retreating figure with a slight frown before turning his attention back to the master and servant, who seemed in no hurry. They were likely also recovering their strength. Xu Ziqing understood the cultivator’s eagerness, but rushing into the hall wouldn’t guarantee easy access to the inheritance. Even being first inside didn’t mean the treasures would be easily obtained.

Still, Xu Ziqing felt no need to intervene. Cultivators of a certain level are often stubborn, adhering to their own will, and not easily swayed by others’ advice. It wasn’t his place to offer reminders.

As Xu Ziqing gradually regained his strength, more cultivators who had lagged behind finally made it to the top. He counted about eleven who had reached the summit, with nine unaccounted for. It was unclear whether they had turned back in despair or had fallen into the abyss from exhaustion.

Geng Zheng and Shen Yinglan ascended smoothly, supporting each other, which impressed Xu Ziqing and highlighted their determination as fellow disciples.

With most Golden Core cultivators still recovering, only three or four hastily swallowed pills and rushed into the grand hall. The rest remained seated, meditating to restore their energy.

Soon, the master and servant duo appeared fully recovered. Without calling out to the others, they calmly entered the hall. A few more followed closely behind. Noticing that his senior brother still had his eyes closed, Xu Ziqing chose to remain silent and waited patiently.

After a moment, Yun Lie opened his eyes and said, “Let’s go.”

Xu Ziqing smiled and responded, “Yes, we should. Otherwise, if we fall too far behind, this whole journey will be in vain.”

Yun Lie understood Xu Ziqing’s lighthearted remark but replied calmly, “If fate dictates it, there’s no need for regret.”

The two brothers shared a brief exchange and proceeded toward the hall. Xu Ziqing noticed that Geng Zheng and Shen Yinglan had not rushed in ahead but seemed to be waiting to follow them. As fellow disciples, it was only natural to look out for one another.

Together, the four of them ascended the final few jade steps and entered the grand hall.

The white jade palace was indeed a masterpiece, constructed entirely of white jade with exquisite carvings and a magnificent beauty unmarred by any chisel marks. The intricate patterns and carvings emanated an ethereal aura of Dao, suggesting that the palace was crafted by a being of immense power and supreme magical ability, perfectly harmonized with the forces of heaven and earth.

As Xu Ziqing surveyed the hall, his gaze fell upon a ma.s.sive cauldron dominating the center, nearly filling half the s.p.a.ce. It gleamed as pure and white as the palace itself, resembling warm jade. Several vents in the cauldron released purple smoke that filled the hall with a delightful fragrance. Inhaling it sent a pleasant sensation from his dantian through his entire body, instantly revitalizing him.

Xu Ziqing noticed that the master and servant duo had vanished, but the Golden Core cultivator who had arrived earlier was still present, sitting to one side with an expression of hesitation as he stared at the cauldron. Nearby, eight or nine Transformation Stage cultivators also gazed at the cauldron, their faces filled with desire and antic.i.p.ation.

What was happening?

Xu Ziqing felt a surge of curiosity. Almost instinctively, he reached out and touched the cauldron.

In the next moment, a faint voice echoed through the hall:

“Qian is heaven, Kun is earth, Li is fire, Kan is water. When the cauldron breaks, the elixir is born, and it becomes an infant… There are thirty Li Chen Pills available. Those with fate may claim them, which can lead to transformation…”

The voice ceased abruptly, but its meaning was unmistakable.

Anyone destined to take a Li Chen Pill could do so immediately, but once taken, they would be barred from re-entering the grand hall, forever severing their chance at the greater inheritance within.

The cultivators present were caught in a dilemma. If it were an ordinary pill, there would be no such hesitation. But why was it the ancient and rare Li Chen Pill? Even Xu Ziqing was stunned.

This Luofu Zhenren… truly had grand ambitions.

The formula for the Li Chen Pill had been lost since ancient times, existing only in alchemical records. It was mentioned frequently, not because it was a mere legend, but because it was a superior divine medicine, far surpa.s.sing the Boshuo Fruit. While the Boshuo Fruit could increase the chance of forming a Nascent Soul to 80%, the Li Chen Pill could enhance the success rate of breaking through any cultivation level to 80% or higher.

In other words, the Li Chen Pill offered about an 80% chance of success for advancing from the Core Formation Stage to the Golden Core, from the Golden Core to the Nascent Soul, and even from the Nascent Soul to the final stages of Transcendence and Tribulation.

With the Li Chen Pill in hand, one could almost guarantee success in future breakthroughs.

Such a miraculous pill left the cultivators deeply conflicted. While the inheritance was undoubtedly valuable, not everyone would obtain it. However, possessing a Li Chen Pill promised immediate and tangible benefits.

No wonder those who had arrived earlier were struggling to make a decision.

Even Geng Zheng and Shen Yinglan showed signs of hesitation.

Xu Ziqing turned to Yun Lie and asked, “Senior Brother, which path should we take?”

There were two side halls, one on each side of the main chamber.

Yun Lie replied, “You seem to have a sense of direction. Trust your instincts.”

Without hesitation, Xu Ziqing pointed to the right. “I feel drawn to something in that direction. Since you have no specific preference, why not accompany me?”

Yun Lie nodded slightly, and the two walked side by side toward the right hall.

The two of them moved swiftly. Geng Zheng and Shen Yinglan, still hesitating, exchanged glances. Seeing Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie about to disappear from view, they gritted their teeth and decided to follow.

Fortune often favors the bold, and opportunities come hand in hand with risk.

Both still had long lifespans ahead of them, and their chances of breaking through were not necessarily slim. But the inheritance of an ancient cultivator was a rare chance, not easily come by.

Inheritances often depended on fate. The elder brother, with his ruthless swordsmanship, likely wasn’t here for the inheritance, and Xu Ziqing didn’t seem too focused on it either. This could be their moment of luck.

Xu Ziqing moved quickly down the side pa.s.sage and soon reached the rear hall. Although it was filled with numerous items radiating spiritual light, none truly drew his attention. He only picked up a few suitable spiritual tools, leaving the rest untouched.

Geng Zheng and Shen Yinglan, however, wasted no time. For them, any treasure from the rear hall was better than none, regardless of its quality. They quickly gathered several items, taking whatever they could use or trade.

After pa.s.sing through the rear hall, they navigated several smaller chambers and a white jade corridor.

Eventually, Xu Ziqing came upon a white jade railing.

Inside the railing was a small courtyard, centered around a tiny white jade pond.

The pond spanned about two or three zhang, with lotus shadows swaying gently and a faint fragrance wafting through the air.

The surrounding spiritual energy was exceptionally pure, making each breath feel refreshing and revitalizing.

Xu Ziqing hurried to the pond, his eyes locked on the center.

There, two lotus flowers rested.

Or rather, a pair of entwined lotus blossoms.

Translator: Lynn

Translations are not 100% correct. Please let me know if there are typos/mistakes in the chapter.

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