The Trial; Or, More Links of the Daisy Chain

Chapter 11

"Stupid little thing," said Aubrey; "just like an undersized lady"s toy."

"It knows its friends. These little things have twice the sense of overgrown dogs as big and as stupid as"

A retort from Leonard was welcome in Ethel"s ears, and she quite developed his conversational powers, in an argument on the sagacity of all canine varieties. It was too late to send the little animal home; and he fondled and played with it till bed-time, when he lodged it in his own room; and the attachment was so strong, that it was with a deep sigh, that at breakfast he accepted Aubrey"s offer of conveying it home.

"There she is! he exclaimed in the midst, gazing from the window.

"And see the perfection of the animal!" added Aubrey, pointing to a broad-backed waddling caricature of the little black fairy.

"Rest.i.tution must be made, little as she deserves you, you little jewel," said Leonard, picking up the object of his admiration. "I"ll take you out."

"No, no; I am not so infectious," said Ethel, tying on her hat; "I had better do it."

And after Leonard"s parting embrace to his favourite, she received it; and quickly overtaking the pensive steps of the lady, arrested her progress with, "I beg your pardon, but I think this is your dog."

"Poor little Mab! as the dog struggled to get to her, and danced gladly round her. "I missed her last night, and was coming to look for her."

"She joined one of our party," said Ethel; "and he was not strong enough to follow you. Indeed, he has had scarlet fever, so perhaps it was better not. But he has taken great care of the little dog, and hopes it is not the worse."

"Thank you. I wish poor Mab may always meet such kind friends," said the lady, sadly.

"She secured her welcome," said Ethel. "We were very grateful to her, for it was the first thing that has seemed to interest him since his illness; and he has just lost both his parents."

"Ah! Thank you."

Ethel wondered at herself for having been so communicative; but the sweet sad face and look of interest had drawn her words out; and on her return she made such a touching history of the adventure, that Leonard listened earnestly, and Aubrey looked subdued.

When they went out Leonard refused to spread his rug in that only bed of pulverized shingle; and Ethel respected his avoidance of it as delicacy to her whose husband had no doubt often occupied that spot.

"He is a thorough gentleman," said she, as she walked away with Aubrey.

"He might be an Eton fellow," was the significant reply.

"I wonder what made him so!" said Ethel, musingly.

"Looking at Tom," returned Aubrey, not in jest.

"Even with that advantage, I don"t quite see where he learnt that refined consideration."

"Pshaw, Ethel! The light of nature would show that to any one but a stupex."

Ethel was not sorry that such were Aubrey"s views of courtesy, but all thought of that subject was soon lost in the pursuit of ammonites.

"I wonder what Leonard will have picked up now?" they speculated, as they turned homewards with their weighty baskets, but what was their amazement, when Leonard waved his hand, pointing to the little black dog again at his feet!

"She is mine!" he exclaimed, "my own! Mrs. Gisborne has given her to me; and she is to be the happiest little mite going!"


"Yes. She came as soon as you were gone, and sat by me, and talked for an hour, but she goes to-morrow to live with an old hag of an aunt."

"Really, you seem to have been on confidential terms."

"I mean that she must be a nuisance, because she doesn"t like dogs; so that Mrs. Gisborne can only take the old one, which she could never part with. So she wanted to give Mab to some one who would be kind to her; and she has come to the right shop; hasn"t she, my little queen?"

"I thought she almost wished it this morning," said Ethel, "when she heard how you and Mab had taken to each other: but it is a very choice present; the creature looks to me to be of a very fine sort."

"Now, Miss May, how could you know that?"

"Why, by her own deportment! Don"t you know the aristocratic look that all high-bred animals have--even bantams?"

Leonard looked as if this were the most convincing proof of Ethel"s wisdom, and proceeded. "Well, she is descended from a real King Charles, that Charles II. brought from France, and gave to Mrs. Jane Lane; and they have kept up the breed ever since."

"So that Mab will have the longest pedigree in Stoneborough; and we must all respect her!" said Ethel, stroking the black head.

"I am only surprised at Leonard"s forgetting his place," said Aubrey.

"Walking before her majesty, indeed!"

"Oh, attendants do come first sometimes."

"Then it should be backwards! I have a mind to try lying on the beach to-morrow, looking interesting, to see what will descend upon me!"

"A great yellow mongrel," said Ethel, "as always befalls imitators in the path of the hero."

"What? You mean that it was all the work of Leonard"s beaux yeux?"

Leonard gave a sort of growl, intimating that Aubrey was exciting his displeasure; and Ethel was glad to be at home, and break off the conversation; but in a few minutes Aubrey knocked at her door, and edging himself in, mysteriously said, "Such fun! So it was your beaux yeux, not Leonard"s, that made the conquest!"

"I suppose she was touched with what I said of poor Leonard"s circ.u.mstances, and the pleasure the creature gave him."

"That is as prosy as Mary, Ethel. At any rate, the woman told Leonard yours was the most irresistibly attractive countenance she ever saw, short of beauty; and that"s not the best of it, for he is absolutely angry.

"No wonder," laughed Ethel.

"No, but it"s about the beauty! He can"t conceive a face more beautiful than yours."

"Except the gargoyle on the church tower," said Ethel, gaping into as complete a model of that worthy as flesh and blood could perpetrate.

"But he means it," persisted Aubrey, fixing his eyes critically on his sister"s features, but disturbed by the contortions into which she threw them. "Now don"t, don"t. I never saw any fellow with a hundredth part of your gift for making faces," he added, between the unwilling paroxysms of mirth at each fresh grimace; but I want to judge of you; and--oh! that solemn one is worse than all; it is like Julius Caesar, if he had ever been photographed!--but really, when one comes to think about it, you are not so very ugly after all; and are much better looking than Flora, whom we were taught to believe in."

"Poor Flora! You were no judge in her blooming days, before wear and tear came."

"And made her like our Scotch grandfather."

"But Blanche! your own Blanche, Aubrey? She might have extended Leonard"s ideas of beauty."

"Blanche has a pretty little visage of her own; but it"s not so well worth looking at as yours," said Aubrey. "One has seen to the end of it at once; and it won"t light up. Hers is just the May blossom; and yours the--the--I know--the orchis! I have read of a woman with an orchidaceous face!"