The Trial; Or, More Links of the Daisy Chain

Chapter 23

Did this intolerable person know that there was an "illuminator"s guide" at home, and a great deal of red, blue, and gold paint, with grand designs for the ornamentation of Bankside chapel? Whether he knew it or not, she could not help answering, "Illumination is desecrated by being used on such subjects."

"And is not that better than the subjects being desecrated by illumination?"

Mrs. Pugh came to insist on that "sweet thing of Mendelssohn"s" from her dear Miss Ward; and Averil obeyed, not so glad to escape as inflamed by vexation at being prevented from fighting it out, and learning what he really meant; though she was so far used to the slippery nature of his arguments as to know that it was highly improbable that she should get at anything in earnest.

"If his sisters were silly, I should not mind," said she to Leonard; "then he might hold all women cheap from knowing no better; but when they like sensible things, why is every one else to be treated like an ape?"

"Never mind," said Leonard, "he sneers at everybody all alike! I can"t think how Dr. May came to have such a son, or how Aubrey can run after him so."

"I should like to know whether they really think it irreverent to do illuminations."

"Nonsense, Ave; why should you trouble yourself about what he says to tease you? bad luck to him!"

Nevertheless, Averil was not at ease till she had asked Mary"s opinion of illumination, and Mary had referred to Ethel, and brought back word that all depended on the spirit of the work; that it was a dangerous thing, for mere fashion, to make playthings of texts of Scripture; but that no one could tell the blessing there might be in dwelling on them with loving decoration, or having them placed where the eye and thought might be won by them. In fact, Ethel always hated fashion, but feared prejudice.

The crown of the whole carnival was to be the Abbotstoke entertainment on the enrolment of the volunteers. Preparations went on with great spirit, and the drill sergeant had unremitting work, the target little peace, and Aubrey and Leonard were justly accused of making fetishes of their rifles. The town was frantic, no clothes but uniforms could be had, and the tradesmen forgot their customers in the excitement of electing officers.

Averil thought it very officious of Mrs. Pugh to collect a romantic party of banner-working young ladies before the member"s wife or the mayor"s family had authorized it; and she refused to join, both on the plea of want of time, and because she heard that Mr. Elvers, a real dragoon, declared colours to be inappropriate to riflemen. And so he did; but his wife said the point was not martial correctness, but popular feeling; so Mary gratified the party by bringing her needle, Dr. Spencer took care the blazonry of the arms of the old abbey was correct, and Flora asked the great lady of the county to present the banner, and gave the invitation to Mrs. Pugh, who sighed, shook her head, dried her eyes, and said something about goodness and spirits; and Mrs. Rivers professed to understand, and hope Mrs. Pugh would do exactly as best suited her.

Was this manoeuvring, or only living in the present?

Mary accompanied Harry for a long day of shopping in London when he went to report himself, starting and returning in the clouds of night, and transacting a prodigious amount of business with intense delight and no fatigue; and she was considered to have fitted out the mayor"s daughters suitably with his dignity, of which Ethel piqued herself on being proud.

The entertainment was not easy to arrange at such a season, and Blanche"s "experience," being of early autumn, was at fault; but Flora sent for all that could embellish her conservatories, and by one of the charities by which she loved to kill two birds with one stone, imported a young lady who gained her livelihood by singing at private concerts, and with her for a star, supported by the Minster and Cathedral choirs, hoped to get up sufficient music to occupy people till it should be late enough to dance. She still had some diplomacy to exercise, for Mrs. Ledwich suggested asking dear Ave Ward to sing, her own dearest Matilda would not object on such an occasion to a.s.sist the sweet girl; and Mrs. Rivers, after her usual prudent fashion, giving neither denial nor a.s.sent, Mrs. Ledwich trotted off, and put Averil into an agony that raised a needless storm in the Bankside house; Leonard declaring the request an insult, and Henry insisting that Ave ought to have no scruples in doing anything Mrs. Pugh thought proper to be done. And finally, when Ave rushed with her despair to Mary May, it was to be relieved at finding that Mrs. Rivers had never dreamt of exposing her to such an ordeal.

Though it was the year 1860, the sun shone on the great day, and there were exhilarating tokens of spring, singing birds, opening buds, sparkling drops, and a general sense of festivity; as the gray and green began to flit about the streets, and while Mr. Mayor repaired to the Town Hall to administer the oaths to the corps, his unmartial sons and his daughters started for the Grange to a.s.sist Flora in the reception of her guests.

The Lord Lieutenant"s wife and daughters, as well as the Ernescliffes, had slept there, and Ethel found them all with Flora in the great hall, which looked like a winter garden, interspersed with tables covered with plate and gla.s.s, where eating and drinking might go on all day long. But Ethel"s heart sank within her at the sight of Flora"s haggard face and sunken eyes. "What is the matter?" she asked Blanche, an image of contented beauty.

"Matter? Oh, they have been stupid in marking the ground, and Hector is gone to see about it. That"s all. He is not at all tired."

"I never supposed he was," said Ethel, "but what makes Flora look so ill?"

"Oh, that tiresome child has got another cold, and fretted half the night. It is all their fault for giving way to her; and she has done nothing but whine this whole morning because she is not well enough to go out and see the practice! I am sure it is no misfortune that she is not to come down and be looked at."

Ethel crossed over to Flora, and asked whether she should go up and see little Margaret.

"I should be so thankful," said poor Flora; "but don"t excite her. She is not at all well, and has had very little sleep."

Ethel ran up-stairs, and found herself in the midst of a fight between the governess and Margaret, who wanted to go to the draughty pa.s.sage window, which she fancied had a better view than that of her nursery.

Luckily, Aunt Ethel was almost the only person whom Margaret did not like to see her naughty; and she subsided into a much less objectionable lamentation after Uncle Harry and his anchor b.u.t.tons.

Ethel promised to try whether he could be found, and confident in his good-nature, ran down, and boldly captured him as he was setting out to see Hector"s operations. He came with a ready smile, and the child was happy throughout his stay. Flora presently stole a moment"s visit, intending her sister"s release as well as his; but Ethel, in pity to governess as well as pupil, declared the nursery window to be a prime post of observation, and begged to be there left.

Margaret began to believe that they were very snug there, and by the time the bugles were heard, had forgotten her troubles in watching the arrivals.

Up came the gray files, and Ethel"s heart throbbed and her eye glistened at their regular tread and military bearing. Quickly Margaret made out papa; but he was too real a soldier to evince consciousness of being at his own door, before the eyes of his wife and daughter; and Aubrey"s young face was made up in imitation of his impa.s.siveness. Other eyes were less under control, and of these were a brown pair that wandered restlessly, till they were raised to the nursery window, and there found satisfaction.

The aunt and niece were too immediately above the terrace to see what pa.s.sed upon it, nor could they hear the words; so they only beheld the approach of the Ensign, and after a brief interval, his return with the tall green silk colours, with the arms of the old abbey embroidered in the corner, and heard the enthusiastic cheer that rang out from all the corps.

Then the colours led the way to the ground for practice, for manoeuvres were as yet not ready for exhibition. Almost all the gentlemen followed; and such ladies as did not object to gunpowder or damp gra.s.s, thither betook themselves, guided by the ardent Mrs. Ernescliffe.

Having disposed of the others in the drawing-rooms and gardens, Flora and her father came to the nursery, and Ethel was set at liberty to witness the prowess of her young champions, being a.s.sured by Flora that she would be of more use there in keeping the youthful population out of danger than in entertaining the more timid in the house.

She slipped out and hurried down a narrow path towards the scene of action, presently becoming aware of four figures before her, which her gla.s.s resolved into Harry and Tom, a lady in black, and a child.

Evidently the devoted Tom was keeping guard over one of the enchantresses, for the figure was that of Averil Ward, though, as Ethel said, shaking hands, she was hardly to be known with only one sister.

"We have been delayed," said Averil; "poor little Ella was in an agony about the firing, and we could not leave her till your brother"--indicating Harry--"was so kind as to take her to Gertrude."

"True to the Englishwoman"s boast of never having seen the smoke of an engagement," said Tom.

"A practising is not an engagement," said Ethel.

"There may be quite as many casualties," quoth Tom, indulging in some of the current ready-made wit on the dangers of volunteering, for the pure purpose of teasing; but he was vigorously fallen upon by Harry and Ethel, and Averil brightened as she heard him put to the rout. The shots were already heard, when two more black figures were seen in the distance, going towards the gate.

"Is that Richard?" exclaimed Tom.

"Ay, and I do believe, the widow!" rejoined Harry.

"Oh, yes," said Averil. "I heard her talking about Abbotstoke Church, and saying how much she wished to see it. She must have got Mr. May to show it to her."

Ethel, who had no real fears for Richard herself, looked on amused to watch how the guardian spirit was going to act. He exclaimed, "By the bye, Miss Ward, would you not like to see it? They have a very nice bra.s.s to old Mr. Rivers, and have been doing up the chancel."

"Thank you, said Ave, "I should prefer going to see how Leonard is getting on."

"Right, Miss Ward," said Harry; "the church won"t run away."

"Well, then," said Tom, after a moment"s hesitation, "I think I shall just run down, as the church is open, and see what sort of work they have made of the chancel."

Ethel had the strongest fancy to try what he would do if she were to be seized with a desire to inspect the chancel; but she did not wish to let Harry and Averil appear on the ground under no escort but Minna"s, and so permitted Tom to leave them to her keeping, and watched him hasten to break up the tete-a-tete.

Coming among the spectators, who, chiefly drawn up on the carriage drive, were watching from a safe distance the gray figures in turn take aim and emit from their rifles the flash and cotton-wool-like tuft of smoke, Ethel"s interest was somewhat diminished by hearing that all the other marksmen had been distanced by the head keepers of Abbotstoke and Drydale, between whom the contest really lay.

"The rest is a study of character," said Dr. Spencer, taking a turn up and down the road with her. "I have been watching the various pairs of brothers; and I doubt if any stand the test as well as the house of May."

"There"s only one in the field to-day."

"Yes, but I"ve seen them together before now, and I will say for even Tom that he has no black looks when his junior shoots better than he does."

"Oh, yes! But then it is Aubrey."

Dr. Spencer laughed. "Lucky household where that "it is" accounts for all favours to the youngest, instead of for the countenance falling at his successes."

"I am afraid I know whom you mean. But he has no generosity in him."

"And his sister helps to make him jealous."

"I am afraid she does; but though it is very sad, one can"t wonder at her preference of the great to the small."

"Poor girl, I wonder how she will get on when there is a new inmate in the happy family."