The Tylingariea Epic

Chapter 168

Adam could see the looming prensence of the Crimson Tower from Bloodmoon Mountain the dark red bricks shone brightly in the black and blue sky as blood red lightins lit up the sky Warships from the Hanzo and Vermillion Empire hovered above the ma.s.sive tower

" What are Hanzo and Vermillion Warships doing here?" Adam said then he saw that not only was it the Hanzo empire but all of the Armys of Underh.e.l.l have been unleashed. Demons, Dark Wraiths, The Dark G.o.ds of Naz"ghoul." Adam let out a gasp when he saw Jason Blackheart walking in line his body formed a demonic sh.e.l.l.

" d.a.m.n, what the h.e.l.l is going on!" Adam cried out as Crimsonblood appered " you like it, i am preparing for war, this is much bigger then what you dealt with Adam. i plan on causing a second Multiverse War."

Adam drew Bailfire ready to fight " your mad." Crimsonblood grinned and said " no, i am smart. you see i learned from your idea to destory the Rings of Darkness so i had my children destory them so that your allies can"t get to me unless i want to."

Adam screamed in anger as he lunged at Crimsonblood who with one swift motion sliced Adam in two. Crimsonblood looked up and said " Did you see that Nina and hear that you have lost i destoryed the only way for you to reach me."

Meanwhile in the town of Claygar Nina and the rest of the group had just reached it was midnight " we should be at Az"zar be noon tomorow." Ash"tar said as everyone went to sleep.

at dawn the group was awoken by Nina sreaming "NO! Adam!" this was followed by a shockwave of cosmic engery that destoryed everything in Claymore. the wave of engery engulfed the town in a white glow

A tall figure watched in aw as gla.s.s shaddered into a thousand pieces sparying all over the ground creating a beatul rainbow of multicolor shards surround by broken wood and shaddered brick as well as very confused pepole.

The Group looked at Nina " i will tell you later, right now we need to leave."she said as the tall figure walked in front of them " Yes i would say you do. Na"tara. you need to follow me The Children of the Tower will have seen that and will be here any second"

Ash"tar looked up at the towering figure he wore a torn black cape and had a ma.s.sive warblade on his back " who are you?" Ash"tar said very nevesly

Nina turned to Ash"tar " honstly i don"t care who he is we just need to leave." Nina turned to the figure " Ok scary monster man lets go." Nina said her voice light and childish

" My name is Balgar. please follow me" Balgar lead the group though the forest as they walked he removed his cape to reveal he had ma.s.sive stone skin and on his right side was a engraving Ben.

Nina turned to Balgar " who"s Ben?" there was silence for several minutes " a story for later." he said they reached a ma.s.sive opening were a dark blue s.p.a.cecraft was parked

Ash"gar looked at Bal"gar " we can"t leave we have to get the Cosmic Keys." Ash"tar said

Balgar looked at Nina "we can"t Crimsonblood destoryed them all."

" Then how do we stop him?" Jacky said

Balgar "First Nina must become more trained in using her powers."

Nina nodded and said " also i am going to go and look for my father." Jacky walked up to her " i am going with you." Nina smiled " i know i was going to ask you." Nina said

Ash"tar replied " i still need to find Ki"la she is here somewhere."

Balgar "Very well now that you have that all worked out. you can all meet on Eon in Twenty seven years time. that should be when Crimsonblood will start the Multiverse war