The Tylingariea Epic

Chapter 174

Draco made his way slowly though the dark and huimd vinny forest. as Draco walked deeper he had to constently slice down vines that were blocking his path. Draco felt a engery that surrounded the forest he did not know what this unseen force could be.

Draco stopped after seveal hours of walking looking up he could not tell if it was night or day. " i might as well make camp here." Draco said setting down his pack and taking out a small bag of Nightwolf meat he had Draco made a fire and in seveal minutes created a Nightwolf steak.

placing the dish in front of him on a paper plate Draco clasped his hands together and bowed his head

"I Bless you Kara creater of the worlds may your mercy guide me on my journey."

Draco opened his eyes and ate his food.

it had been several hours since Draco went to sleep when he heard a loud female scream. grabing his sword Draco ran towards the scream " you dummy what if this is a trap?" He thought.

that could always be a possabley but even if it was then why let someone die. the screams got louder and louder as Draco reached a ma.s.sive opening where a male and female El"taree were being grabbed by two of Jai"rens men and were being lead into a ma.s.sive covered waggon with Draco could see from afar had hundreds of El"taree inside. Men, Woman and children

Draco could see on the fear on there face as they were being dragged away, the female stared at Draco her mouth seemed to be forming the words " keep her safe." Draco nodded and turned to see a young El"taree with light blue and red fur beginging to come out from behind a tree.

"d.a.m.n." Draco said quitely as with out even knowing it a pulse of engery projected from his hand pushing her back into the forest.

"Is that all of them?" a tall man wearing a white jacket with black gloves and he had a Az"g areon blade on his side. " yes inqizeter Quill that is all of the El"taree in this sector." the guard said

Inquizter Quill paused and sniffed the air " no, there is one more and oh yes." Inquizter Quill motioned for the guards to leave

" yes sir do you need transport back to Base nine?" the guard asked

Inquizter Quill paused and did not respond for a minute " no, i will be going some where else with these two."

Draco gritted " s.h.i.t, i don"t know who this guy is but he seems to know that i am here and that girl is here. He has a tremendius Kyi i better not get into a fight with him." Draco thought

With only microseconds to react Draco jumped to the side just as the long black katana swipe pa.s.sed his body only just cut into his shoulder.

falling backwards grabbing his shoulder with was gushing blood " i barly had any time to react!" Draco said

Inquizter Quill walked towards Draco " My, My what do we have here," he said knelling down placing his right hand on Dracos shoulder " it seems my hand slipped and i cut your shoulder." Quills voice full of low malice and dark intent

"What do you want!" Draco cried out Inquizter Quill paused his face still stone cold " don"t get so emtional." his gripp tighting on Dracos shoulder

" I just want to know where the Quinn is." Quill said Draco replied " what aren"t they all dead?"

Inquizter Quill paused and released his grip turning his head " hm, gone." Quill said and turned around " you are of no use to me." Quill said and paused " but we will meet again later in the future i can feel it."

Draco watched as Quill teleported away Draco fell back his head light " lost to much blood." he thought

his vision blurring in the distance Draco could hear the voice of the young El"taree "Dragonblood, just hold on a bit longer."