The Tylingariea Epic

Chapter 24

As Zargorwarth flew towards the next Ring of Darkness he felt the feeling that a Ring of Light has been found but this time it was stronger and he had a jabbing pain in his right side. " dart they have found another Ring of Light. I need to find the rest of the Rings of Darkness or the one that is destined to be the Warrior of Light will surely destroy me!" as Zargorwarth reached the Firebreather Mountains of Dracko with were near the northern border.

The Firebreather Mountains of Dracko had the ruins of what was used to be called The Dragon Empires Kingdom with are surround by the Mountains of Dracko. Zargorwarth stopped and said " Ah the ruins of Dracko the Dragon Empire"s Kingdom. This is were I will find the next Ring of Darkness."

Zargorwarth flew around to look though the more destroyed parts of the ruins to find the Castle. After several minutes of searching Zargorwarth found several fiery peaks and said " there is the Tomb of Dracko Lavadragon." As Zargorwarth flew closer to the Tomb he could see that is was destroyed and that lava had surrounded the tombs entry way.

Thanks to Zargorwarth having Elder Dragon skin once he landed on the ground that was covered in boiling hot lava his skin did not get burned. Unlike mortal men who would die not only from the boiling lava melting there skin off the bone but from the intense 900 thousand degrees heat with would boil any mans brain sending them to brink of madness. But to the few Dragon folk who live here this is the normal life to them.

Zargorwarth walked into the Tomb of Dracko Lavadragon and saw what remained of the great race that once spread though out Tylingariea. Zargorwarth could picture this kingdom having many people in it thousands of happy faces laughing and smiling but all of that is gone all of them destroyed by the hands of Demon Lord.

Zargorwarth reached a door that was crafted from Abyssal Kings Gold placing his hand on the smooth metal surface of the unbreakable metal.

" Abyssal Metals only five precent of this metals exist. Due to destion of Farcry and the Old Bell."

Zargorwarth ran his hand down the doors golden knocker " I can feel the Abyssal matter screaming for release."

Black mold formed around Zargorwarths hand the dark substace rapidly spread all over the door, scerams of souls could be heard as the door melted.

Zargorwarth turned around and said regretfully "it is a pity that the Demon Lord had to destroy this Kingdom." Then his regret turned to darkness " I wanted to do it myself!" Zargorwarth walked under a waterfall of molten lava and opened the door. He then found himself in a room that had two large statues of a gargoyle woman that looked they were wearing skintight clothing.

There were stained gla.s.s windows the windows around the room were shattered and destroyed. Zargorwarth walked closer to the statues gla.s.s crunching beneath his feet. As he got closer he saw that each of the statues were holding a long sword in the center of the room was a long stone coffin. Zargorwarth walked up to the coffin and said " I knew that you hide the entrance to the Underground Tunnels in here Dracko. I never thought it would be this easy."

As he lifted his arms up and with a single blow crushed the stone coffin revealing a secret staircase that lead down into the earth. Zargorwarth smiled a dark and evil smile and said " very clever but not clever enough Dracko." Zargorwarth descended down the stairs as he got deeper down the heat from above faded away. Zargorwarth then entered a long and perfectly curved tunnel. As Zargorwarth walked down the tunnel he began to think " one would think that after all of this years after the Demon Lord destroyed Dracko in the battle that destroyed Castle Dracko and created the Rime of the Firebreather Mountains. The tunnels would be as hot as Under-h.e.l.l. But it is not."

As Zargorwarth continued down the tunnel he said " the engineers that built this tunnel did a great job at making it curved." The Tunnel was made of a stone called The Dragons Eye Gem a gem that repeals heat.

Zargorwarth then entered a large room that had a huge statue of a nine headed dragon that was made out of Dragons Eye Gem Zargorwarth saw that on one of his lower talons was a gold ring that had a symbol of three drops of blood and said " the Ring of the Bloodsword will finally be mine and I will have the power to wield the Legendary Bloodsword.

Zargorwarth reached out to take the Ring of the Bloodsword but just as Zargorwarth was going to steal the Ring the Statue came to life and bellowed" who dares try to steal the Ring of the Bloodsword ?" Dracko took one look at Zargorwarth and screamed " No, No, No! the Demon Lord has returned to kill me for stealing his Immortally!" Zargorwarth saw this a opportunity to take advantage of the paranoid Dragon Empire. " yes it is I the Demon Lord and I have come to destroy you."

The Dragon Empire let out a wail as he cried out " oh please spare me I will do what ever it is you wish!" Zargorwarth replied " I wish for you to give me the Ring of the Bloodsword." Dracko gave Zargorwarth the Demon Lord the Ring once he did the Dragon Empire screamed as his body turned to ash. The ash then lifted up and fly around as it did it took the form a long war blade. The ash was no longer ash but a blade that had the name Bloodsword engraved on its hilt.

Zargorwarth picked up the blade and placed it in his belt. There was loud rumble as lava began to flow into the tomb " It seems that Dracko was the only thing keeping this Tomb as well as the rest of the Ruins afloat." Zargorwarth flew out of the Tomb just as the Ruins of Dracko the Dragon Empire fell into the lava. " now to find the Fifth Ring of Darkness" Zargorwarth said as he flew towards the Northern Kingdoms.