The Tylingariea Epic

Chapter 77

While the Six were heading to the Realm of Nilgar The Red Lady had just woken up from being drugged by one of the The one carrying The Red Lady said " hey Bishop she is awake!" Bishop had dark blue hair and dark red eyes she turned around The Red Lady looked up at Bishop and saw that she wore a long sword and had viles of poision on her belt.

Bishop looked at The Red Lady and said coldly "Make sure that she is still breathing Rook. I want to make sure that Master Kit gets her alive." Rook was eight feet tall had a hevey build he had dark red hair his eyes were dark black and he wore a dark green cloak.

Rook looked at The Red Lady and he said " yeah she is fine." The Red Lady knew it would be foolish to run away the Bleeding heart members are trained to be heartless and merciless killers

The Red Lady turned her head to Bishop and said " So you still doing Kits dirty work? How is it being the second in commend to my father?" As they entered a series of tunnels and Bishop said " I enjoy it very much and I think I should be part of the Elite but it seems that your father thinks otherwise."

She left it at that as they reached a wall that had a rock jetting out of it Bishop pulled the rock down and then the floor began to lower down into the earth.

The Red Lady was put down by Rook and The Red Lady then asked Bishop " Why am is my father summing me back to the order?" Bishop replied " Master Kit has been watching you and he has a special task for you."

The Red Lady replied " Is this a ploy to get me to come back so that I can be charged by the Supreme Council?" Bishop replied " No it is not." The Red Lady eyed her Bishop said " Honest to the Masters Truth. I am not bluffing your father really does want to see you."

The Red Lady thought about this her father had not wanted to see her in a long time so this must be something important. The floor stopped and Bishop lead her into a large room were there was a beating heart in the center of the room this was the life core of the Bleeding heart members.

All of the Bleeding Heart members looked at The Red Lady as she walked past them.

The Legendy Red Lady had returned daughter of Kit leader of the Bleeding Hearts. She is a legend all her own, Killer of thousands of creatures,

The slayer of The Knights of Dra"ghoul, legendery warriors said to be unkillable but The Red Lady was able to kill all Seven of them expect for one a knight by the name of Zorack, whom she has never found to this day.

A tall thin man walked up to her as he did they all bowed to him he wore a dark purple rob he had dark black hair and steely grey eyes he spoke in a icy voice " ah Karein or should I say The Red Lady." The Red Lady looked at him and said " what do you want dad? Are you finely going to send me to trial and have me sent to Enders Island to rot in a cell for the rest of my life?

"That is the only reason that you." She motioned with her hand " the All powerful Kit the Supreme Leader of the Bleeding Hearts would ever want a traitor back here." The man shook his head and said " No why would I do that?" he hugged her and said " I would never want to put you on trial for letting the Giant of the West live. He is of no importance to me"

Kit smiled at her and said " The reason that I have sent for you is because I know that you are working for Zargorwarth the Demon Lord and are hunting down the Six of Legend." K

it paused and The Red Lady asked him " what are you asking me to do?" Kit replied " well what we are asking you to do is very important and it requires all of your trust and I would advise that you stop working for Zargorwarth the Demon Lord and work for me."

The Red Lady confused asked Kit " why should I do that?" Kit smiled and motioned for a tall man wearing a silver rob to come down he was carrying a orb that had a long needle. The man set the orb down by Kit and Kit thanked the man. The Red Lady looked at the orb and asked Kit

" What the Under-h.e.l.l is this?" Kit replied "this is the Blood Orb and with a single drop of your blood this...o...b..will tell you what will happen if you stay with Zargorwarth." The Red Lady walked up to the Blood Orb and p.r.i.c.ked her finger on the needle once she did The Red Lady saw her blood swirl around in the orb like a ocean until a picture formed it was a picure of the world clocked in darkness and evil spread though out the universe. The earth was covered in blood and she saw her dead body laying on the ground her skull was crushed and her body was ripped in two. The Red Lady was furrieries at the sight of this.

That Zargorwarth would betray her. she looked at Kit and asked him " What do you need me to do?" Kit smiled and said " I want you to return to your task of killing the Six of Legend. I have seen the future and at some point you will do battle with one of the six with or not you will win I am not sure."

The Red Lady smicked and said " so I will finaly do battle with The Warrior of Light." Kit looked at her and said " At some point you will do battle with him. now that you know what to do go, find him and end his worthless life "

The Red Lady bowed to Kit and then left the room and headed towards The Six"s location. " Do you think we can trust her?" Bishop asked Kit "no I don"t. she is nothing more then a p.a.w.n for me to use to help Zargorwarth the Demon Lord kill the Six of Legend and once he recreates reality we will rise from the ashes of the renewed Tylingariea and paint the streets red with the blood of those who oppose us! Furthermore I don"t trust her she thinks that she is the greatest when all she is just a lucky little girl who got her powers from a demon general and has cybernetic implants. I am the best, strongest ruthless and evilest in all of Tylingariea!"

once Kit finished his rant he said calmly " I do have confidence that my daughter will kill Adam and then Zargorwarth the Demon Lord will be one step closer to recreating reality in his own image.